Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1417: Niucha's boyfriend

After listening to Lorraine's order, Melo couldn't help but glance at him. M

In order to help Melun control the Caribbean Division, his guards are all composed of guards under the rule of Caribbean City. It can be said that it is the private army of the Caribbean City Lord.

Although those puppies often start a small business and engage in smuggling and other things. But there is absolutely no problem in loyalty.

Acting together by them and Melo's guards is not only to increase strength, but also to supervise each other in the chapters of the novel.

As the saying goes, ‘Military orders are like mountains, and soldiers will turn around. ’

Except for the perverted murderer, most of the soldiers did not want to go to the battlefield. But because of the supervision of officers and strict military regulations, they had to set foot on the ground to kill the enemy, or be killed by the enemy.

Even so, many soldiers would escape and disintegrate.

The action this time was more dangerous than the battlefield.

Although Merlot guaranteed the loyalty of the soldiers, after all, the high priest controlled the Semites for a thousand years and brainwashed the soldiers for a thousand years. The awe and fear of the high priest have been deeply rooted in their minds.

Those soldiers may not be afraid to draw their swords with their colleagues, but when they discover that they are going to oppose the high priest, there is no guarantee that people will be timid.

And now there are two forces monitoring each other. Even if some of the soldiers are reluctant to do it, as long as there is a supervisor next to them, they dare not act rashly. Can only act in accordance with military orders.

Melo sighed secretly: This Lord Luo is not only courageous and strategic, but also cautious enough. It's not because of the guarantee that I patted my chest. Trust your soldiers unconditionally.

but. This is for Merlot. It is also a good thing. Because if a soldier is really unwilling to revolt and something goes wrong, his responsibility will be much less.

But at the same time, a kind of doubt arose in his heart secretly. Now that the two troops are supervising each other again, the strength of the troops will become more insufficient.

Once the plan is revealed, causing riots among the soldiers, what method does Lorraine plan to use to control the whole situation?

not to mention. There are also those powerful liches who are in Ryder City. They will never let the situation develop. Once they take action, what should they do then?

Therefore, this time there is absolutely no room for a single mistake~!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing: "The dice has already been thrown. As for death or alive, it can only be resigned."


Hearing Kalmar's question, Fiona couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and looked at him strangely since he became Lorraine's girlfriend, no one dared to grow hairy. Came over to chat with her.

For a while, I was quite uncomfortable.

She lifted her finger. Pointing to his nose, he asked in confusion: "Are you talking about me?"

Kalma looked at her slender fingers like spring onions, almost drunk. Secretly said in his heart: beauty, absolutely beauty. But since it can be mixed in the army, obviously the background is extraordinary. I don't know which general brought her here?

Therefore, I nodded vigorously, and said, "Of course, besides Miss, you beauty, are there anyone else here?"

Fiona couldn't help being angry and funny: there are real people who don't know how to live and die, and they dare to make their own ideas.

She couldn't help gritting her teeth bitterly: It seems that the Semitic army really needs to be reorganized. Now that the army outside is under pressure, these officers are still thinking about picking up girls.

She turned her head for a moment, and then flatly refused: "No need."

Kalmar froze for a moment, and then smiled: "Beauty, don't you want to be like this? Have a drink and make friends."

Fiona thought for a while, then said: "No. I'm just waiting for my boyfriend here."

The boyfriend said three words while gritting his teeth. I just hope that the stupid pig on the opposite side can get away from it.

A light flashed in Kalmar's eyes: Sure enough, it's no wonder that all the good cabbage was let by the pig. The beautiful beauties are all given away in advance.

Don't know who her boyfriend is?

Which colleague in the army?

If it is not too powerful, try to hit him with a black gun, and then **** this beautiful chick into your own hands.

Thinking of this, he immediately pretended to be indifferent and asked: "Oh, do you have a boyfriend? What does he do?"

Fiona didn't expect that he would be so entangled, and her stomach hurt immediately. He wanted to get angry, but looking at Kalmar, he immediately changed his mind.

She smiled, her beautiful eyes rolled, and she said softly: "Are you asking my boyfriend?"

Kalmar nodded immediately and said: "Yes. Is there any good general? Or, if you kick him, what about me? I promise you will be delicious for the rest of your life, wearing gold and silver, and you will enjoy it endlessly. ."

Fiona looked down at the diamond ring in her hand.

Although it was a sneak action, as a woman, she would never be willing to give up these jewellery with a 50% charm value. Therefore, I just turned one side and turned the diamond inside.

"Haha." She smiled lightly, and said: "He actually doesn't have much abilities. In the beginning, he will make money, but fortunately he knows that he hurts others.

No, the diamond ring I just bought a few days ago is said to be not worth a lot of money. Only tens of millions. "

As he spoke, he pretended to casually turn the diamond ring on his finger.

The sun shining on the huge diamond suddenly flashed a dazzling light, like a huge electric welding machine, the eyes of the stinging people could not be opened, and they had to block their faces with their hands.

After a while, Kalmar let go of her hand when she adjusted to the glare.

Although he is a general, he is not very sensitive to things like jewelry, but he still feels dizzy when he looks at the huge diamond ring.

Tens of millions~!

Since entering the human continent, Kalmar has not lost money and things. But the distance is ten million, which is still an order of magnitude away.

He couldn't help swallowing hard.

at this time. Just listen to Fiona continue: "And when it's okay. I always buy us some perfume. Cosmetics, clothes, Maserati's sports car, Riva's yacht... or something."

Kalmar stared at Fiona in a daze for a long time.

He had also heard of Maserati's sports car. It was still in the Semitic, and the lady from the chief of the military's house was traveling, and someone pointed to him from a distance.

As for Lina's yacht or something. He hadn't even heard of it. But I know that yachts are more expensive than sports cars.

At this time, Fiona looked happy and distressed: "How many times have I told him to stop buying and not buying again, but he just doesn't listen.

It's really annoying. If our yard was not big enough, those things would really not fit. "

At this moment, someone next to me suddenly interjected: "Miss, are you bragging? Don't think that our stubborn people are ignorant. The yacht is in the sea. How can it be put in the yard?"

There was another person beside him, and said, "Yes. Yeah. I know that the yacht can only be used in the sea. At least it must be leaning against the beach trestle."

Kalmar was stunned for a moment, and when she looked back, she discovered that before she knew it, many colleagues had gathered around her.

Obviously, the two attracted attention during the conversation. They also saw Fiona's identity, so they rushed over.

And someone glared at Kalmar disdainfully: *, there are pretty girls, and they don't say a word. It's too unjustified to run over to talk up alone.

But at this time, Kalmar couldn't take care of that much. Just look at Fiona and see how she answers.

Fiona glanced in the direction of the voice, snorted coldly, and said, "Could it be that there is a beach in my yard? I need to tell you all these little things?"

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help feeling bitter.


Is there a beach in the yard? ? ? ~~! ! !

For them, this is completely unimaginable. But the woman said it for granted.

Just this domineering, enough to make them all kneel.

Kalmar was stunned for a long time. At this time, she was no longer just picking up girls, but was about to compete with her boyfriend. As long as it is a man, he will not retreat at this time.

He gritted his teeth, then slapped the long sword on his waist heavily, and said loudly, "This lady. A good man, riches and honors should be taken from the sword.

What counts for money. It's all imaginary. You haven't seen how many wealthy and wealthy families were destroyed during this war. Jinshan Yinshan also all disappeared.

In the end, it was the sword in the hand and the gun in the palm that he could live on. "

The generals next to him also came back to their senses one after another, echoing one after another, saying: "Yes, that's right. Kalmar is right."

"In this era, money alone is unreliable."

"If you want to be safe, you have to rely on the guy in your hand."


At this time, everyone was aroused to win. Everyone was arrogant and domineering. No matter what, it can't be compared to a dead upstart.

This is a serious issue concerning their dignity.

Fiona glanced at everyone and said strangely: "Who told my boyfriend that only money is made?"

Kalmar froze for a moment, and said: "He will fight again?"

Fiona said naturally: "Of course. Speaking of which, this has been a few years ago.

When someone quarreled with him for our eldest sister, he fought with them and killed tens of thousands of people.

Later, because someone was arguing with him for our fifth child, he ran over and stole the person from the wedding scene.

Because of this incident, I don't know how many thousands of people died. Even so, it still hasn't ended yet. "

Having said this, she couldn't help sighing faintly: Sure enough, as the vixen of Adele said, this woman is a disaster, and the worse the disaster, the more people die, the more it shows the value of a woman.

Up to now, when it comes to it, no one knows Hillmelia outside of Putian. The name with Adeling?

But then again. The pressure of this reputation. It's not so big.

Although everyone is constantly exhorting, Adling is still busy every day, working hard, just to end the war as soon as possible and to minimize the dead.

Everyone listened and couldn't help looking at each other.

Someone whispered in private.

"This is too powerful, right?"

"who is this?"

"I haven't heard that our Semitic has ever produced such a number one person."

"Yes, it was the prince of Thunder Flash who was snatched by someone and wore a green hat."


Fiona listened to them. I can't help but hate in my heart: These guys are not good things, they don't follow the top posts well, they tend to crook the building~!

And it's so nasty, it really needs a good meal to go back.

At this time, Kalmar was stunned for a long time, and then said with difficulty: "Miss, why do I hear you a little confused? Who is this eldest sister, and who is Xiao Wu? Are they relatives of your boyfriend?"

Fiona immediately said: "What nonsense are you talking about? What kind of relatives, if they are relatives, then it won't be enough."

Everyone couldn't help but was stunned: What does this mean? It sounds weird. Although every word can be understood. But when they all add up, it makes people confused.

Kalmar also made a gesture of mercy. Said: "Miss, miss. I'm a little confused. Can you tell me more carefully?"

Fiona hesitated for a while, and then rather shyly said: "They... They are actually my boyfriend's girlfriends."

The generals looked at Fiona's young daughter's gesture, and suddenly felt as if ten thousand grass mud horses were running back and forth in their hearts.


What kind of world is this~!

Kalmar felt dizzy for a while and said, "You mean, your boyfriend has five girlfriends who are as beautiful as you."

Although he hadn't seen it before, but through Fiona, he can conclude that the other women are also very beautiful. Because of her long ugliness, no one would be jealous for her, and fight to death.

Fiona shook her head immediately and said, "No."

Everyone immediately let out a long sigh of relief: it's not just fine. From this point of view, that person only had a girlfriend at a time. It's just that the girlfriend may be a little bit more diligent.

Otherwise, it would hurt your self-esteem too much.

You know, even the most carefree guy in this group has at most two mistresses, and never dared to let them meet.

In everyone's mind, outline the appearance of a social scum, an emotional liar. Although he was so greasy, no matter how hard he knelt on the ground, the woman still woke up and abandoned him resolutely.

At the same time, everyone’s hearts were filled with pleasure: it should~! Deserve it~!

At this time, Fiona continued to say: "He has nine girlfriends."

Everyone's jaws were about to fall in shock, and they looked at Fiona in a daze, like a group of chickens struck by lightning.

Kalmar stammered: "Then are all together...huh?"

When Fiona heard it, she couldn't help but sighed faintly, and said: "No way, who makes us all like him? Probably we can only blame our lives..."

After speaking, she frowned and sighed faintly.

Everyone at the scene felt 10,000 grass mud horses running back and forth in their chests, trampling all their internal organs into mud, and finally formed a huge and incomparable "grass" character.

If they could, they would all kneel on the ground, crying bitterly and accusing the world of injustice to them.

I really knelt down~!

Everyone has an impulse to worship such an awesome character.

After a long time, Kalmar said with difficulty: "Miss, are you bragging? We are all honest people with fragile hearts, don't lie to us."

Fiona raised her eyebrows slightly, and groaned: "How do you speak? Am I the kind of person who can deceive?"

Someone next to me said immediately: "That's not necessarily true. I heard people say that the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely it is to lie. A person like you must be a lie to the dead."

After hearing this flattery, Fiona immediately smiled in anger, and then pointed to Murren's command and said: "My boyfriend is here now, wait a while, he comes out, I will introduce you to you."

The generals couldn't help but glanced at each other, and then there was a smirk from the corners of their mouths.

Although Fiona praised her boyfriend as a flower, no one had ever heard of such a number one in the Semi, let alone in the current army.

This means that the other party may be new from somewhere.

As the saying goes: A strong dragon does not crush a snake.

Now that he is on his own one-third acre of land, he can naturally change his way to clean up him. If you can't, you have to kill him directly.

It's a capital crime just to make so many girls by himself~!

Not to mention As long as he is there, it will be a serious threat to everyone. If the girls in the future let him get rid of them, why are you still alive?

Kalmar also said loudly immediately: "Well, in that case, wait a minute, we must have a good experience."

"Okay..." Fiona said, looked back, then laughed, and said, "Look, he's out."

Everyone immediately raised their heads and looked not far away.

Only three people came out of the command post one by one and stood in front of everyone.

Seeing the first General Merlot, everyone immediately shook their heads. Everyone knew that Merlot was a clean official and his family was clean. It would be good if he could scrape out five hundred gold coins, and he was terribly afraid of his wife.

The second one was Melun. Everyone immediately shook their heads again. That fellow Melun was a Ruixiang. Even a dog is inferior to a war.

And the third, the third is a young man. It seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't remember his name. Could it be that that person is him? (To be continued...)

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