Unfortunately, there are still too few Nascent Souls of the Li family. If they are scattered throughout the vast Wanxian State, they will be too far apart from each other. If there is a fight, they may not be able to arrive in time.

And Li Zhirui, who was missed by everyone, was rushing to Ten Thousand Immortals Island with all his strength.

When he first entered Wanxian State, he noticed a violent fluctuation of spiritual energy not far away.

If I remember correctly, that direction should be the fairy city built by the family, right?

Li Zhirui assured that he remembered correctly, his face instantly darkened, and he flew towards the fairy city as fast as he could.

Far away, he saw a masked Nascent Soul monk destroying the defensive formation of the fairy city, and he could break the formation immediately!


Li Zhirui shouted violently, and the purification laws between heaven and earth moved accordingly, binding the person as if they had materialized.

Li Zhirui! Why are you back! The masked Yuanying recognized Li Zhirui's identity at the first sight, and his pupils shrank suddenly. Knowing that his death was coming, he wanted to commit suicide to avoid falling into his hands.

If this man really succeeded in committing suicide in front of Li Zhirui, then he wouldn't be worthy of being called a god!

He turned his spiritual energy into his palm and slapped the masked Nascent Soul's chest. All the meridians in his body were blocked and he could no longer control his physical body.

Ruizu! You are finally back!

The Jindan clan members stationed here flew up excitedly and said, If you had come a moment later, the entire clan of the Immortal City would have been massacred by him.

Li Zhirui's face darkened when he heard this, and he hurriedly asked: Are many clan members killed now?

Yes, in the past year, more than 300 tribesmen have died in their hands, and several cities and fairy cities have been destroyed because of them. Speaking of this, his face was filled with sadness.

If Li Zhirui hadn't appeared in time today, I'm afraid he would have been on this casualty list.

What are Feng Wu and Da Qing doing? Why haven't they caught this person?

Ruizu, you don't know something. These people are an organization, composed of monks who have been harmed by their families. They have nine Nascent Souls, dozens of golden elixirs, and hundreds of low-level monks. The ancestors of the family and others We have tried every means to eliminate many people.”

But these Nascent Souls are unpredictable and extremely cautious. Two months ago, Shengzu and Shuozu used themselves as bait to lure out four Nascent Souls and kill them.

The deaths of these four people did shock the remaining five people for a while, but it didn't take long for them to take action again.

Due to a series of actions of this organization, the casual cultivators from Wanxian Prefecture fled one after another. The Li family's business plummeted and their income dropped sharply.

If it weren't for the fact that it could be sold directly to Xuanfa Pavilion and Nanya Chamber of Commerce, the Li family might not even be able to earn spiritual stones.

It turns out they are a group of remnants! Li Zhirui understood their origins and looked at the person who fell in front of him with murderous intent in his eyes.

You go back first, I will find a way to solve this matter!

Yes! The tribesman responded high-spirited, his eyes filled with fanatical confidence.

Ever since Li Zhirui broke through to become a god, he has been like a divine needle in the hearts of his tribe. No matter what happens, as long as he is here, there is nothing that cannot be solved!

The spirit of the Li family has returned! Wanxianzhou can finally calm down!

We don't have to be as worried as before and can practice with peace of mind!

Most of the casual cultivators in the Immortal City breathed a sigh of relief, but a few people were so frightened that they took advantage of the chaos and slipped out.


On a barren mountain.

Tell me, where is your organization's headquarters? Li Zhirui looked indifferently at Nascent Soul, who was sweating profusely in pain.

As a master of alchemy, although Li Zhirui rarely refines poisons, it does not mean that he cannot! Not only does he know it, he is also quite powerful.

It is easy to refine a poison that makes people feel severe pain all the time but does not cause death!

You're still tough, but I believe you will eventually say it. Li Zhirui was unimpressed with his persistence and started to stuff in a magic pill.

This elixir is not poisonous, it can just amplify people's perception ten times!

At the same time, it can protect the soul from being harmed. This is a very precious elixir. Giving it to this person is really a benefit to him.


Although there was no injury to his body, the sharp pain still swept through his body, as if it was seeping from his bones.

In the face of this kind of pain, death is nothing.

Li Zhirui turned a deaf ear to the screams, slowly closed his eyes, stopped pressing, and waited patiently for him to speak on his own initiative.

I said, I said! I'll tell you everything! Please let me go! The man only lasted five breaths before he couldn't bear the pain and screamed crazily, begging for mercy.

Our station is located in the boundary river between Qingshan Prefecture and Yuanming Prefecture, in the waters below the three sandbars in the middle reaches.

I have said everything, please kill me. I would rather die like this than suffer such pain again.

Accompanied by a burst of painful wails, Li Zhirui finally opened his eyes and said, You are still of some use, so I will keep you alive for now.

After giving him the antidote, knock him out, then take a sleeping pill to seal his dantian, and then put him into space.

The reason why Li Zhirui didn't kill him was naturally because he was worried about alerting others and letting them discover the man's death in advance and escape from the water.

After confirming their location, Li Zhirui disappeared and flew towards the boundary river.

What should we do now? Ye Si was caught by Li Zhirui. If he reveals where we are hiding, it will be terrible! All of us will die!

Cunning Rabbit Three Acupoints, their organization's official location is another place, and the only people who know about this secret location under the water are Yuanying and some important and trustworthy Jindan monks.

And as long as nothing happens to them, it doesn't matter no matter how many other monks die. Anyway, there are plenty of low-level monks to consume at will.

That shouldn't happen, right? It's not like you don't know how tough Ye Si's mouth is.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. If he really says it...


Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise from the outside world.

This sound made everyone present tremble with disbelief!

Do it, let me see what you are capable of, how dare you attack my Li family! I will ask you to repay the lives of more than 300 people one by one!

Li Zhirui didn't pay attention to these people at all. A group of homeless dogs and a few white-eyed wolves wanted to kill them, just like picking something out of a bag.

I'll fight you!


He had just taken three steps when he was knocked away by the wind from Li Zhirui's palm.

Forget it, I won't waste time on you anymore, come back with me!

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