Senior brother, there is a violent spiritual energy fluctuation not far away. Should we go over and take a look?

If you want to go and die, you can do it yourself. You don't have to call me.

In this situation, it looks like Yuanying is fighting. If the two golden elixirs pass by, there will be no second ending except death.

After that, he left in a hurry to avoid affecting himself.

Brother, wait for me!

A battlefield of fierce fighting.

Brother and sister Li Chengsheng and Li Chengshuo teamed up to repel the black-clothed Nascent Soul and asked: Who are you!? Why are you attacking the Li family's various locations!

The Li family ruined our family. Now that I have been able to break through the Nascent Soul, I will naturally come to you for revenge! The black-clothed monk's voice revealed deep hatred.

Li Chengshuo couldn't help but frown. Over the years of expansion of the Li family, many families and sects have been destroyed. Some took the initiative, some counterattacked, and some were accidentally involved.

To this day, the Li family can't remember how many families and sects they destroyed, and Li Chengshuo naturally can't tell the identity of this person.

But these are not important. As long as you capture the person, you will know everything you want to know!

You are not the only one who wants to take revenge on the Li family!

Li Chengsheng thought to himself and said: Xuanbing Prefecture, Qingshan Prefecture and Wanxian Prefecture are tens of thousands of miles apart in the west. With your strength, it is impossible to travel to three places in one day.

So, you people must have secretly established an organization? Destroying the various branches of the family will not only make everyone in the casual cultivators and vassal forces feel in danger and panic, but also want to draw us out, weaken the family's strength, and Taking advantage of my father's absence in Ten Thousand Immortals Island to achieve the purpose of revenge?

If I guess correctly, an ambush has been prepared nearby, waiting for us to fall into the trap, right?

After the secret was revealed, a flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the black-clothed Nascent Soul.

So what if you guess it now? It's too late!

Accompanied by a loud shout, in an instant, three Nascent Souls suddenly appeared not far away, and at the same time, the formation buried underground was quickly activated.

Just accept your death!

A Nascent Soul, who could clearly be seen as a female cultivator, attacked the two of them with a sharp sword. The others were not idle either. Even the one who was injured before also participated in the battle.

Facing the siege of the four Nascent Souls, Li Chengsheng and Li Chengshuo showed no signs of panic and looked confident.

Are there only four Nascent Souls?

Li Chengsheng sighed with regret and said: It seems that we still can't completely wipe out you in a short time.

Brother, hurry up and do it. Li Chengshuo acted impatiently and urged.

Li Chengsheng no longer hesitated and immediately sacrificed the fifth-level puppet. A puppet with combat power comparable to that of a god, it was easy to kill these four monks.

The formation that originally trapped the brother and sister was shattered into pieces in just three moves.

No! Run away!

The four people sensed the danger immediately and wanted to escape, but unfortunately, they couldn't escape at all.

The puppet immediately killed the female Nascent Soul, and Li Chengsheng and Li Chengshuo entangled the two of them again. The injured monk was left with only death waiting for him!

The four Nascent Soul cultivators, who were very famous in the outside world, turned into corpses in just a moment.

In fact, before leaving Ten Thousand Immortals Island, they had guessed the strategies of these rebel forces and wanted to lure the snakes out of their holes and defeat them one by one.

Therefore, Li Chengsheng brought along the fifth-level puppets who suppressed the family, trying to wipe out this group of monks who endangered the safety of the family.

Unfortunately, they only came with four people, and according to the family's inference, there should be nine Nascent Souls in this organization!

Among them, of course, are not only the monks who were destroyed by the Li family, but also the forces that vassalized the Li family, but have always been dissatisfied and tried to become independent.

The Li family has also been secretly investigating. Shuilingmen and Wuyashan are the most likely, because they are the only ones with Nascent Soul cultivators!

Go back quickly.

Li Chengsheng did not check the identities of the four people, but put the bodies away. Someone would naturally do this after returning to Wanxian Island.

The remaining Nascent Souls, are they attacking Ten Thousand Immortals Island?

I also thought they could throw themselves into a trap, but they shouldn't be that stupid.

Li Chengcheng shook his head and said: Not to mention the mother, Uncle Daqing and the others on the island, the island-protecting formation alone cannot be broken by just five Nascent Souls in a short time.

In the years since Jiang Fengwu broke through Nascent Soul, in addition to daily practice, a large part of his energy has been devoted to perfecting and strengthening the island protection formation.

Now it is no longer the hastily arranged formation. I dare not say it can compare with the mountain-protecting formations of other veteran Nascent Soul forces. After all, it has hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, but it must not be underestimated.

In about half an hour, the two returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

came back?

Jiang Fengwu finally felt relieved after seeing his children back safely.

Even though he knew that they had fifth-level puppets in their hands, and even if those Nascent Souls arrived together, they would not be able to do anything to them, as a mother, Jiang Fengwu still couldn't help but feel worried.

Only four Nascent Souls came, and the remaining five disappeared.

It doesn't matter. Their deaths should serve as a warning to these five people. They should not dare to act without permission in a short time.

Mom, the matter has not been resolved yet! They will attack again one day. Li Chengshuo said anxiously.

I know, so I'm trying to figure out how to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

Li Chengsheng sighed and said, If father comes back, they will definitely not dare to be so presumptuous.

To put it bluntly, didn’t those monks dare to take action while Li Zhirui was away from Ten Thousand Immortals Island?

If he were here, Xiaoxiao's followers would definitely not dare to plot against the Li family.

After all, although the fifth-level puppet's combat power is comparable to that of a transformed god, it is not a true transformed monk after all.

My father has been away from home for more than 20 years, and I don't know when he will come back. Li Chengshuo sighed with a sad look on his face.

It should be soon.

Jiang Fengwu suppressed his thoughts and asked: Sheng'er, Shuo'er, how are your spiritual beasts? How long will it take to break through?

Li Chengcheng's first contracted spirit beast, Chaoyangwu, had successfully broken through to the fourth level not long ago, but the other spirit beasts had not yet.

Li Chengshuo, who later broke through to the Nascent Soul, now has no spiritual beast to break through to the fourth level.

And the three spiritual beasts contracted by Jiang Fengwu have now all reached the fourth level!

It's fast. They will be able to break through in less than ten years.

Mine may be a little later.

Jiang Fengwu sighed in her heart. If she could break through myopia, then what she just thought of could be implemented.

Break all laws with one force!

Directly send out all the Nascent Souls in the family and arrange them in various places in Wanxian State.

Once those Nascent Soul cultivators were discovered, the people nearby rushed over and surrounded them as best they could!

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