Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 785 Alternation

As the words fell, everyone's meridians were sealed by the big spiritual energy palm, and they could no longer move. They were tied up with vines by Li Zhirui and took the spiritual boat away.

On the way, passing another of their campsites, Li Zhirui looked down and found that there were only low-level monks on the island, but with the intention of eradicating the roots, he took them all away.

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Zhirui returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Jiang Fengwu and others, who had already known that he had returned, arranged for people to wait at the door at all times, so as soon as Li Zhirui landed, a large number of tribesmen came to greet him.

Welcome Ruizu home!

There is no need to be so solemn. Li Zhirui shook his head, searched the crowd, found Li Wenli, and said: These monks are all people who are dissatisfied with the Li family. I will leave them to you.

Ruizu, I have resigned as the clan leader, and Li Mingzi is now the clan leader. Li Wenli explained, while pulling out the new clan leader to introduce him.

Li Mingzi has met Ruizu!

Li Zhirui thought about it carefully and found that Li Wenli had indeed been the patriarch for more than fifty years, and the new patriarch he chose was an indifferent-looking female cultivator.

Although he still doesn't know what Li Mingzi's abilities are, his ability to break through the tight encirclement and obtain the position of clan leader cannot be underestimated.

Speaking of which, Li Zhirui has achieved a breakthrough in becoming a god, but the Li family still uses Jin Dan as the patriarch, which is somewhat unmatched by the current status of the Li family.

But there is no way!

There are currently only three Nascent Soul cultivators in the Li family. We can't let Jiang Fengwu, Li Chengsheng or Li Chengshuo serve as the clan leader, right?

It’s not like their future is hopeless and they have no chance to break through to the gods, so how could they waste their precious time on dealing with trivial matters!

No need to be polite, I'll leave these monks to you. Li Zhirui handed the person to Li Mingzi, and the gentle tribesmen said, Everyone, please go back quickly. I have something else to do, so I will leave first.

After saying that, he walked away.

Dad, you are finally back!

Li Chengshuo, who had been waiting in the cave for a long time, shouted excitedly when he saw the person: Now that I have broken through the Nascent Soul, where is the reward I promised back then?

I've been keeping it for you. Li Zhirui smiled and took out the jade box that had been sealed for many years.

At this time, he turned his attention to Jiang Fengwu, Daqing and others behind him.

We haven't seen each other for so many years. Everyone's cultivation has improved very quickly!

Although Jiang Fengwu has not yet broken through to the late stage of Nascent Soul, he is already on the verge of breaking through. Daqing and Xiaoqing have already broken through to the late stage of the fourth level, and Xiao Cang has broken through to the middle stage of the fourth level.

By the way, I have contracted another spiritual beast over the years. He is Shen Ling. I just took this opportunity to make Ashen public and introduce it to everyone.

If compared with the speed of cultivation, he is the fastest and can break through the third level in no time.

Daqing and the others had known about Ashen's existence for a long time, but this was the first time Jiang Fengwu and the others had heard of it, and they looked at the fat, white baby, which was no more than three feet tall.

Brother Jiu, what have you done in the void these years? Not only Xiaoqing, but also everyone else looked over with curiosity when they heard the question.

I am refining elixirs in the back. I have never been to the battlefield. It is very boring. I have been refining elixirs every day for decades.

Li Zhirui smiled and said: But it's a great harvest!

Not only has his alchemy cultivation been greatly improved, but he has also created the Rong Qi Yuan Dan. Even in the realm of transformation, there is no need to worry about running out of cultivation resources.

We won this war between the two worlds, right? Li Chengsheng said with a puzzled face: Then why don't we feel anything?

Even if they are just Nascent Soul cultivators and not as sharp as Transformation God, they cannot be unaware of the changes in the world.

How can it be so fast! How long has it been since the war ended? It takes several days to refine a treasure pill, let alone a world. Li Chengshuo looked at Li Chengsheng with disgust.

Li Zhirui sighed softly and said helplessly: What Shuo'er said is correct, but this time the situation is quite special. The creatures of the Yuanhao Realm made the whole world wither and almost be destroyed in an extremely tragic and tragic way. Even if the Yuanhao Realm is digested, , Xuanyuan Realm will not change much.

As for what was said before, the Xuanyuan Realm can be promoted in advance, it is just like the moon in the mirror, and it is far away.

In just a few words, everyone was stunned.

Exploding spiritual veins, massacring each other, self-destruction attacks... Just listening to it makes people shudder.

The world war was so cruel. Daqing couldn't help sighing.

Xiao Qing said: Brother Jiu, haven't you been wasting your efforts for more than 20 years?

How can you say it was in vain? I gained a lot from this trip, which not only created a smooth path for me in the future, but also laid the foundation for the rise of my family!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised.

They knew Li Zhirui very well, and with his temperament, he had never told lies! What kind of gain could make him say such a thing?

Brother Ninth, if you are refining elixirs in the back, what other treasures can you get? Xiao Qing asked with confusion.

I once told everyone that I wanted to create a treasure pill that speeds up the cultivation of gods. During the war between the two worlds, I met a fifth-level alchemist. He and I worked together to perfect the pill formula!

Li Zhirui smiled and said: I handed in the elixir recipe and received a very generous reward!

This is the Shengxu Grand Formation. Together with the method, Feng Wu, you can understand it and set up the formation. In the future, I can go to the void to find spiritual objects.

Jiang Fengwu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't wait to take the jade slips and arrange the flags.

Is this a fifth-level formation?

Li Zhirui nodded, Lian Jiang Fengwu looked obsessed and couldn't help but persuade: With your current cultivation level, you are still unable to comprehend the Shengxu Formation. Just set up the formation. Don't indulge in it! It will delay your practice!

I know, I know. Jiang Fengwu responded perfunctorily.

Li Zhirui shook his head helplessly, and continued: I also exchanged the method for drawing the fourth-level earth escape talisman. After Li Mingyao breaks through the Nascent Soul, I will give it to him to learn.

Ming Yao? He is currently in retreat in the spiritual cave, and he will be able to break through in a few years!

Speaking of this, Li Chengsheng couldn't help but feel a touch of envy on his face.

Although Li Zhirui concealed Li Mingyao's qualifications and few people in the entire family knew about it, it was not difficult to guess that his qualifications were Tianlinggen because of his cultivation speed that was far beyond ordinary people, especially his ability to break through without bottlenecks.

You know, the reason why Tianlinggen is sought after by all monks is because there is no bottleneck before breaking through the Nascent Soul!

Like Li Chengsheng and others, even if their spiritual roots are extremely pure, they still have dual spiritual roots after all. If they want to break through the Nascent Soul, they must find opportunities on their own, but Li Mingyao has no such trouble at all.

As long as you complete the accumulation, you will be able to break through the Nascent Soul naturally.

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