Li Zhirui's words made Li Shilian, who was obsessed with it, look up instantly and said hurriedly: Come with me quickly!

After everything was taken care of, he said goodbye.

Do you want to take some more tribesmen to Efengzhou? Li Shilian was fascinated by the large number of third-level elixirs, and said with some greed: It would be better to collect more elixirs and bring them back.

Li Zhirui shook his head and refused, saying: I have to rush to Efengzhou as soon as possible to avoid being discovered by Shenlei Mountain that I sneaked back secretly. It is inconvenient to take people with me on the way.

Although the war is over now, him sneaking back is not considered an escape, but it does not sound good, and it will arouse suspicion, and people will speculate whether the Li family has obtained some precious treasure!

Public opinion makes gold, but accumulation destroys bones!

Sometimes even if it is fake, it will bring disaster.

You said so. Li Shilian finally regained consciousness and asked Li Zhirui to take some spiritual objects with him before sending him away.

It's over now, but I'm afraid it will be less than a few years before the next war breaks out. Li Shiqing looked to the northwest, where there was the Snow Mountain and the Xuanbing Sect!

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

But it was said that Li Shiqing and his party became more cautious after Li Zhirui left. After all, they only have one Golden Elixir monk now. If they accidentally encounter any danger, something will really happen!

And it's not good for them to be too far away from Huo Jialing Mountain, otherwise they won't be able to find them when Li Zhirui comes back.

I thought that the mountain gates of demonic cultivators were full of smoke and evil spirits, but I didn't expect that they were no different from the family. Li Chenghao muttered in a low voice.

The reason why demon cultivators are called demon cultivators is because of their methods and methods. If they want to improve their cultivation, just like us, they need to breathe in spiritual energy and increase their mana.

Of course, the main reason why Li Chenghao had that impression was because of the storybooks and other things circulating on the market, the contents of which described the demon cultivator in an extremely unflattering light.

Li Zhirui clearly saw this kind of public opinion war in the cultivation world. Not surprisingly, the description of monks by the demon cultivators was also very poor.

Since there are no spiritual objects in this Xiaoling Mountain, let's go. Li Shiqing didn't say much, let alone dwell on the matter. He immediately called all the clan members to leave and search for the next Xiaoling Mountain.

As these days passed, more and more monks entered the Eclipse State, and there were many teams led by several Jindan. Fortunately, they seemed to have a goal and did not stop halfway.

Li Zhirui, who was flying, now had time to look at the various scenes in Efeng Feng State.

desolate! Loneliness!

This was the biggest feeling that Erosion Wind State gave him, and it also made Li Zhirui very unhappy. He didn't want to stay in such a place any longer.

The mana flowed and turned into rainbow light. He left this place in the blink of an eye and soon returned to the Huo family. He activated Li Shiqing's communication talisman to see if he was within the distance.

Fortunately, in order to wait for Li Shiqing, they did not leave too far. After finding him, the two parties gathered together.

What's the situation with those elixirs?

Li Zhirui sighed and said, I'm not sure. I think that under Grandpa Lian's careful care, there should be no problem.

Hearing that Li Shilian was taking care of it personally, Li Shiqing immediately relaxed and stopped worrying about the matter, because if he couldn't take care of those elixirs, it would be even more impossible for other clan members.

So he suppressed the matter and asked instead: Zhi Rui, what are you thinking now?

Let's go look for other demon cultivators and see if we can get any more treasures.

Li Shiqing nodded. He had the same idea. The monks had only entered Efeng State for a few days, and it was impossible to get all the spiritual objects.

Maybe they ran out of luck from the beginning. For the next few days, the Li family didn't find anything useful, so they had to return to Wanlei State.

Huh!? That man looks familiar! As the spirit ship flew over the junction area, Li Zhirui suddenly saw a familiar-looking Foundation Establishment monk, This man seems to be a monk from the Zheng family.

Zheng family? Li Shiqing frowned and thought for a moment before saying, Is it the Zheng family who moved their entire family on Sequoia Island?

Yes, I didn't expect to meet them here. It seems that their situation is not bad. Li Zhirui's eyes flashed with a cold look.

It was his consistent principle to eradicate the root cause. He did not want to cause a big trouble in the future and affect his relatives and friends just because he was soft-hearted.

Li Shiqing thought the same way, but when he thought of the rules, he frowned again.

The Zheng family is nothing at all in the eyes of the Li family. Even if they have had some opportunities in recent years, not only have they not declined, but they have become stronger, that's all.

But the problem is that the Zheng family is now a vassal of Shenlei Mountain. If he takes action rashly, it will be like slapping Shenlei Mountain in the face.

It would be great if traces of the Zheng family were discovered during the war! We could take advantage of the chaos and take action to avoid future troubles!

Unfortunately, the time was not right now. Li Shiqing shook his head helplessly, and this action also meant that he gave up the idea of ​​killing the Zheng family now.

Second Grandpa, I want to take a trip! Li Zhirui said firmly.

No! Li Shiqing refused without hesitation, saying: We don't have to worry about this hatred for a while. We can find opportunities in the future.

Don't worry, I will never let anyone find out that I did it.

But no matter what Li Zhirui promised, Li Shiqing would not allow him to destroy the Zheng family now.

Soon, the Xuan Bing Sect will come to invite Shen Lei Mountain to offer sacrifices to monsters. That's a good time. It won't be too late for us to take action then. Li Shiqing persuaded Li Zhirui and finally managed to hold Li Zhirui back.

Li Zhirui frowned and stood there. He didn't want to continue to deal with the Zheng family, but he was thinking about why he fell into anger just now.

You know, with his previous character, even if he wanted revenge, he wouldn't be so impulsive!

Is there something wrong with my xinxing?! Li Zhirui closed his eyes and searched for a while, but he still couldn't find the problem. As for the reason, he could guess it. It was probably because he had been on the battlefield for a long time and the evil spirit accidentally invaded his body.

This cannot be solved in a short time. We can only press the matter and wait until we return to Ten Thousand Immortals Island to slowly treat it.

About half a month later, the Li family and others returned to Wanlei State. Although they did not gain anything during this period, the things they obtained were really ordinary. The only thing worth mentioning was probably the third-level top-grade spiritual fruit tree—— Yuli.

When they returned, Shenleishan finally calculated the contribution value this time.

Two hundred and eighty thousand!

This is a very huge number, mainly because a golden elixir demon cultivator and a fake elixir demon cultivator died in the hands of Li Zhirui.

And when they saw the spiritual objects that Divine Thunder Mountain had brought out for them to exchange, they couldn't help but be surprised.

It’s not that the things presented are too perfunctory, but these things are so good!

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