There are all kinds of third-level elixirs, elixirs, magic weapons, and even exercises and magical powers, not to mention low-level spiritual objects. They are all filled with a whole jade slip. Even the foundation-building elixirs are among them. They don't seem so precious anymore.

How did Shenlei Mountain become so generous?

After everyone saw the contents in the jade slips, they all came up with such an idea.

Could it be that they felt that they had done a lot in destroying Yinfeng Cave and wanted to reward them?

But in any case, the current situation is conducive to these affiliated forces. Although they are surprised and curious, no one is too busy, and they all start to select the spiritual objects they need.

Zhirui, what do you think we should exchange for? Li Shiqing thought everything was good and wanted everything, so he couldn't make up his mind and had to ask Li Zhirui.

The Vitality Pill recipe must be redeemed. The family has now obtained a full-grown Vitality Fruit Tree, which can harvest dozens of spiritual fruits every ten years. Now that the pill recipe is available, it is natural not to miss it.

You must know that the effect of Vitality Pill on increasing cultivation is much higher than that of Zengyuan Pill, and it is also cheaper.

However, the price of this elixir is not cheap, it is worth 80,000 merit points!

But for the remaining two hundred thousand, Li Zhirui was a little undecided because he was also greedy and wanted more spiritual objects.

Well, let's redeem the vitality elixir recipe first. Li Shiqing nodded, and immediately asked the disciples of Shenlei Mountain in front of him to get the elixir recipe, and then asked: What about the rest?

I want to exchange it for the fourth-level Three-Yang Fire Black Egg, or the Smallpox Qingqi Spiritual Tree. Li Zhirui did not choose magical powers or other methods, but chose two spiritual objects.

Needless to say about the former, after the fourth-level Sanyang Fire Crows mate and breed with the family's group of second-level fire crows, they can obtain a large number of fire crows that can break through to the third level. After spending time, optimizing the bloodline step by step, finally Maybe we can get a fourth-order Sanyanghuowu tribe.

Although Li Zhirui does not have fire spiritual roots, he can give contracts to other tribesmen, such as Li Chenghao, a genius with both gold and fire spiritual roots.

As for the Smallpox Qingqi Spiritual Tree, although it is only a third-level spiritual plant, the Qingqi Fruit can increase the monk's chance of forming an elixir by 10%!

Moreover, it has different medicinal properties from Jinzhi, so there is no conflict and can be taken at the same time.

If these two elixirs are taken at the same time, the chance of forming a golden elixir will increase by 20 to 30%. In this way, the probability of the Li family giving birth to a golden elixir will be much higher!

But both require 200,000 merit points, so they can only choose one of the two.

Skypox Qingqi Spiritual Tree, choose this spiritual plant. After some hesitation, Li Shiqing gave the answer.

Although I don’t know how many years it will take to grow and bear fruit, those treasures that can increase the chance of forming a core are very rare treasures. If you have the chance to get it now, you definitely can’t miss it.

As for why the Divine Thunder Mountain released this spiritual plant? Because this is a seedling that is no more than a foot tall, and they already have several similar spiritual trees, which can already meet the needs of the sect disciples.

In addition, there are other pill-forming spiritual objects in Shenlei Mountain, and even gold-forming pills can be refined, so there is no need to plant another smallpox Qingqi spirit tree.

What Li Zhirui and others didn't know was that not long after they got the smallpox Qingqi tree, a Jindan sect also wanted to exchange it.

The moment they discovered the spiritual plant, they decided to exchange it. However, because the merit value was not enough, they spent some money to trade part of it from other forces, which delayed the time.

But they never expected that they had finally collected the merit points, and when they were about to exchange them, the spiritual tree had already been taken away!


A tall and rough-looking Jindan monk heard about this incident and was so angry that he swept all the cups and cups in his hand to the ground.

May I ask, little friend, which family got this treasure? There was also a white-haired old woman in the room. She was calm and asked patiently, but her turbid eyes flashed with a dangerous darkness. Light.

At first, the foundation-building disciple was reluctant to talk about it, but after receiving enough benefits, he relaxed without hesitation. The sect did not prohibit the matter anyway, so he took the benefits to ask his brothers.

After a while, the two of them knew the ownership of the Tianhua Qingqi Spirit Tree. The strong man Jin Dan sent a message in a gloomy voice: Senior sister, the Li family sent only two early stages of Jin Dan. With our strength, we must You can capture it at your fingertips and take back the spiritual tree!

Although he is also in the early stage of the Golden Core, his senior sister is actually a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core. If it weren't for the serious injury he suffered when he was young, which damaged his foundation and prevented him from improving his cultivation, he would have already broken through to the late stage of the Golden Core.

Then let's go! The old woman stood up from the couch, a stern look flashed in her eyes. This thing is related to whether the Green Bamboo Sect can move forward, and it must not fall into the hands of others!

At the same time, after Li Zhirui and others obtained the Smallpox Spirit Tree, they flew non-stop towards Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Although it is not like those magic medicines with fragile roots, it is still a seedling. If it is not transplanted as soon as possible, problems are likely to occur.

The spirit ship flew across the sky, like a rainbow light breaking through the sky, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Less than half a quarter of an hour after they left, the old woman and the strong man arrived at the city gate.

Senior sister, they should have just left not long ago. Do you want to catch up?

They were only half an hour late, which was already very fast. After all, they had time to investigate the whereabouts of Li Zhirui and others.

How can it be so easy to catch up? The old woman shook her head and said coldly: You can escape the monk, but you can't escape the temple! Go directly to the vicinity of Ten Thousand Immortals Island!

As soon as these words came out, the strong man hesitated and said hesitantly: Senior sister, I heard that the Li family has three golden elixirs. If we get too close, I'm afraid we will lure that person out.

Although the old woman's cultivation in the middle stage of the Golden Core can suppress the two early stages of the Golden Core, it is not that easy to defeat them.

Not to mention that Li Zhirui still has a third-level spirit turtle in his hand. If he really wants to go near Ten Thousand Immortals Island, they will probably run away in confusion, and he might even be injured.

Senior sister, there will be a big battle in the near future, why don't we take action before then? the strong man suggested quickly.

The old woman frowned, but thinking that what the strong man said was indeed reasonable, she nodded slightly and said: Then, as my junior brother said, go back to the sect first and discuss this matter with the other senior brothers.

This matter is of great importance and involves another Jindan family. It is impossible not to let the sect know about it.

Then the two of them turned into rainbow light and disappeared.

As for Li Zhirui and his party, because the spirit ship was extremely fast and there were two golden elixirs and a third-level spirit beast stationed there, no monks dared to intercept them halfway, so they returned to the family safely.

He handed the Smallpox Spirit Tree to Li Shilian and asked him to plant it first. Li Zhirui and others went back to rest first and wait to discuss anything else tomorrow.

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