But fortunately, with this vitality fruit tree, this trip is not without success. Li Zhirui turned to look at the tall spiritual plant with lush branches and leaves.

But this object is too big and there is no way to bring it back to the family. Li Shiqing said helplessly. It was for this reason that the Huo family had to keep it.

Second Grandpa, don't worry, I have a spiritual plant jade tablet in my hand, which can barely accommodate it.

The Li family once received a spiritual plant jade plaque, which is now placed in a spiritual cave with rich spiritual energy to speed up the cultivation of some precious spiritual plants, such as foundation-building elixir, golden zhi, etc.

Although the spiritual energy of this method is not as strong as planting it directly in the spiritual cave, it is easy to move. If the family encounters any crisis, the jade tablet can be put away directly without worrying about the elixir being damaged.

The Lingzhi Jade Tablet that Li Zhirui mentioned was actually his space, but he couldn't just say it directly.

That's good! Li Shiqing didn't ask too much. After all, Li Zhirui practiced outside all day long, so it was normal for him to have some good things in his hands.

I'll leave this place to you. I'll take the other tribesmen to continue searching for spiritual objects. After saying that, Li Shiqing hurriedly left with the tribesmen.

The appearance of the two golden elixir monks just now told them that there were already monks nearby. If they didn't move quickly, they didn't know how many monks they would encounter next.

After everyone left, Li Zhirui used his spiritual consciousness to explore the ground and took out a spiritual sword to dig.

Because the root system was so huge, it took a full quarter of an hour to dig the vitality fruit tree into the space.

I don't know what the harvest of Second Grandpa and the others was like? Before he finished speaking, Li Zhirui's figure turned into a ray of residual light and disappeared.

He searched all the way, and wherever he saw, it could be said that he dug three feet into the ground, and not a single spiritual thing was left.

Of course, these marks are not all caused by the Li family, a large part are caused by the low-level monks of the Huo family.

When he saw the joyful expressions on the faces of Li Shiqing and other tribesmen, Li Zhirui knew that their goods should be good.

Zhirui, we just discovered a medicine garden with a large number of elixirs growing in it! Li Shiqing couldn't hide his excitement and said, There are many third-level elixirs among them!

Really?! Li Zhirui didn't expect such a big surprise at all, and couldn't wait to ask: What kind of magic medicine are they?

Li Shiqing shook his head and said: It has just sprouted. I can't tell what kind of elixir it is.

Hearing this, Li Zhirui immediately understood why they had obtained the third-level elixir, because the newly sprouted elixir was very fragile and not suitable for transplantation. If it had to be transplanted, the survival rate would be less than 30%!

In that critical moment, the Huo family naturally wouldn't waste too much time on this, and hurriedly collected some of the grown-up elixirs and left.

But now, this problem falls on Li Zhirui and others.

Dig out the nearby soil together, then water it with Qinghua Spiritual Water, temporarily move it into my spiritual plant jade tablet, and then go straight to Ten Thousand Immortals Island. How many plants can survive? Li Zhirui said pretending to be helpless. .

But in fact, with space at his disposal, none of these elixir seedlings will wither!

But when the time comes, he still has to put on a show. He can't possibly take out all the elixirs intact. That would be too exaggerated.

And taking this opportunity, he can also collect some third-level elixirs for himself and plan to refine other third-level elixirs in the future.

That's all. Li Shiqing couldn't think of a better way, so he had to do what Li Zhirui said.

There were not many spiritual objects left in the mountain. After a search, everyone carefully dug out the third-level elixirs and watched Li Zhirui put them away.

I'm going back to my family first. Be careful, I'll be back as soon as possible! After saying that, Li Zhirui called out Xiao Qing and took him away from here.

His speed is faster than Xiao Qing, but Ten Thousand Immortals Island is nearly ten thousand miles away from Erosion Wind State. Even if he has achieved pill formation, he does not have such huge mana to support him to fly back.

The best way is to let Xiaoqing fly a certain distance, and when they reach the east of Wanlei State, Li Zhirui will explode with all his strength. In this way, it will only take more than a day to return to the family.

It's just that this method is too tiring and cannot be used frequently.

The journey back was very peaceful, and no one dared to block the way of a golden elixir monk.

When Li Zhirui returned to his family, he had already divided the elixir seedlings. He intercepted one of each third-level elixir and tore out part of it halfway, letting them slowly lose their vitality.

However, with his care, there was no problem in refining the two elixirs of Zeng Yuan Dan and Rejuvenation Pill as well as the higher value elixirs. If they are carefully cultivated, they should be able to grow.

Zhirui, why did you come back alone? Li Shilian looked at the panting Li Zhirui and asked unclearly.

There was no worry in his eyes, because after defeating Yinfeng Cave, Shenleishan immediately asked his disciples to spread the word about this place to show its power.

Of course, what is more important is that the life cards of Li Shiqing and other clan members are intact and they are still alive and well.

Grandpa Lian, it's a long story. You'd better plant these elixir seedlings as soon as possible!

With a thought in Li Zhirui's mind, hundreds of third-level elixir seedlings were suspended in the air, leaving Li Shilian stunned.

These are all third-level elixirs!? As Jin Dan, whose family practices both spiritual farming and animal breeding, he could tell the levels of these elixirs at a glance.

Although the two cultivation skills of spiritual farming and beast breeding are far inferior to alchemy and weapon refining, the former is the foundation of a power and must be developed.

The method of raising beasts may not be very important to ordinary forces. It is enough to cultivate some spiritual beasts that can be ridden and eaten.

But in the Li family, where practicing skills must be bound to spiritual beasts, beast control or beast breeding is the most important skill. It is also a skill that has not been abandoned over the years, even if it has not seen much profit!

Li Shilian didn't wait for Li Zhirui's answer, he hurriedly put away these elixirs and walked towards a certain spiritual acupoint.

When Li Zhirui saw this, he did not follow him, but returned to his cave. He flew back to his family at such a fast speed that he only had one to two percent of the mana left in his body.

Moreover, he won't be able to stay in the family for long, he will have to return to Efeng State soon, so he will naturally have to seize the time to restore his mana.

A few hours later, with the help of the spiritual pill, Li Zhirui's originally empty Dantian was filled with mana again.

When he got up to look for Li Shilian, he found that he was concentrating on observing the newly transplanted spiritual plant seedlings.

Grandpa Lian, I still have a tall vitality fruit tree on my hands. Where do you think it would be better to plant it?

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