Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 252 Blood and Water

However, it was said that many of Li Zhirui's monks followed Master Wen to the edge of Erosion Wind State. They were hundreds of miles apart before they started arranging their troops, but the teams were quickly assigned.

Because it was very simple and rude, a team of no more than fifty people was formed, led by Jindan monks from each family, and rushed into the Yinfeng Cave. When they saw the demon cultivators, they just started to kill them.

I will take the lead, Shi Ren and Shi Ting, you will guard the two sides, Zhi Rui and you and Zhi Xuan will be at the rear. After assigning the team, Li Shiqing said immediately, and left the most dangerous position to himself.

Second Grandpa, let me do it. Li Zhirui shook his head and stepped forward and said, Don't forget, I still have Daqing.

And even if Da Qing is not included, he is still stronger than Li Shiqing, so he should take the lead.

Okay. Under Li Zhirui's firm gaze, Li Shiqing could only nod and changed places with him.

Teams like the Li family that join forces are very common. After all, they are all trustworthy members of the family. Only by joining forces in this dangerous battlefield can they have a greater chance of survival.

And Shen Lei Mountain did not come forward to stop it. No matter what method you use, as long as you can destroy Yinfeng Cave.

As for why they formed a formation? Mainly for the convenience of inserting some casual cultivators into the teams of each family.

In this way, Shenlei Mountain can reduce some of its expenses. After all, even if they are wealthy, they will still find it difficult, and in this long war, there may also be shortages and shortages of spiritual items. It is better to save a little.

Li Zhirui looked at the twenty or so casual cultivators beside him who were submissive and did not dare to speak. He thought for a while and said, Don't worry, you guys will be treated the same as everyone else every day. We won't deliberately deduct them.

Of course, they need to pay a certain price. For example, when detecting intelligence, they have to be at the forefront. For example, when gathering to advance, they have to stand on the dangerous periphery.

And Li Zhirui's approach, among all the forces, not only did not appear cruel, but actually seemed a bit gentle.

Other forces will not waste elixirs on casual cultivators at all. They will only oppress them desperately and let them die and explore dangerous places.

But even so, they didn't feel very happy, because no matter what, it was asking them to die.

Well, if any one of you saves the life of a member of my Li family, we will subsidize it privately. We can give spiritual objects, protect your descendants, and even foundation-building pills! Li Zhirui saw everyone cheering. With a cold expression, he opened his mouth and added some rewards.

At this point, everyone's expressions became lively, because the temptation of the Foundation Establishment Pill was too great for them!

Although the conditions are a bit harsh and very dangerous, at least it is a way to obtain the foundation-building pill. Even if it is not good enough, you can protect your descendants or get spiritual rewards.

The casual cultivators immediately cheered up and changed their previous lack of care. Some even stepped forward and said that they wanted to explore the front first.

Li Zhirui naturally would not refuse this, so those few people left the team and entered the Erosion Wind State first.

The last few hundred miles were not far away, but because they were worried about being ambushed by demonic cultivators, everyone walked very carefully.

Until the last ten miles or so, those few cultivators were not seen back. Li Zhirui mourned for them for a moment and said via message: We are about to enter the Erosion Wind State, everyone, be careful!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw several black figures rushing towards him in the distance. Because he could not identify their specific identities, he could only shout and remind: Be prepared, someone is coming!

But when they got closer, he realized that it was those casual cultivators who he thought had fallen, so he asked, What are you doing?

Senior Li, we have just penetrated nearly a hundred miles into Efeng State and found no trace of a demon cultivator. A casual cultivator said first.

Huh? Li Zhirui raised his eyebrows. Is the demon cultivator retreating without a fight, or is it trying to lure the enemy deeper and ambush them?

Of course, it is also possible that the demon cultivators were too well hidden, and these casual cultivators did not discover their existence due to their cultivation.

In that case, let's go slow and don't be in a hurry. Let other monks test it for them.

There were many monks who had the same idea as Li Zhirui, and the large army stopped immediately.

But there are always some mavericks who are either eager for quick success or very confident in their own strength. They walk out of the crowd and enter the Eclipse Wind State with the monks behind them.

It seems that the demonic cultivators have really retreated! Li Zhirui said softly when he saw that they walked hundreds of miles without being ambushed by the demonic cultivators.

As a result, more monks entered. Seeing the crowd, Li Zhirui had no choice but to ask everyone to stand still and go in later.

But they didn't expect that it was because of this that they escaped!

When a large number of monks entered the Erosion Wind State, the demonic cultivators hiding deep underground took off their camouflage and suddenly appeared.

Immediately, auras of light arose, and a huge formation was formed in an instant, encompassing all the monks.

This is……

A certain formation master from Shenlei Mountain shouted anxiously: No! This is the blood sea transformation formation! Everyone uses all their strength to crush the formation before the formation can operate!

Li Zhirui and others did not know what formation this was, but they could hear the urgency and fear in this man's words.

In an instant, a series of magical powers and various magic weapons emerged, forming a colorful torrent and smashing towards the formation.

But their actions were still a step too slow!

The moment before the torrent came into contact with the formation, the formation had already begun to operate. The ground suddenly collapsed, and a dense blood mist appeared in the center, which spread in the blink of an eye.


What is this! Why can it penetrate magic weapons?!

Waves of shrill screams resounded in the formation, as if there were hundreds of millions of ants crawling inside the body, and they couldn't help but scratch. However, this not only did not stop the itching pain, but intensified the feeling.

Even the Golden Core cultivators were unable to avoid it, but their willpower was relatively firm and they were able to control their bodies. They were not overwhelmed by the pain, so after the formation was broken, they hurriedly escaped from the blood mist.

Not long after, the monks were scratched with bloody marks, and the blood mist was like cats that smelled the fishy smell, swarming over and entering the body through the wounds.

Then a horrifying scene appeared!

The monks were like burned-out candles, melting into a mass of red and white flesh and falling into the pit below.

In just a few breaths, the thousands of Qi Practitioners and Foundation Establishment cultivators were melted by 60 to 70%!

The originally empty pit was now filled with nearly half of the blood!

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