Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 253 Gu Insect

What the hell is this?! A certain Jindan cultivator couldn't hide his horror and shouted.

Li Zhirui was also filled with surprise and fear. This formation was too evil!

Thousands of monks, even if they were all low-level monks, were completely wiped out in an instant!

Fortunately, they were temporarily stopped due to the large-scale influx of monks. Otherwise, no one knows how many of them would have survived.

When the dozen golden elixir monks who had been eroded by the blood mist saw this scene, their faces turned very pale, and one of them asked tremblingly: Fellow Taoist Zangshan, will we also end up like this?

Zangshan, the golden elixir monk who warned everyone at the beginning, reassured: Don't worry, fellow Taoists, the amount of blood-turbid demonic energy absorbed at the beginning is not large. Although it will cause some effects, you can take the spirit that has the effect of removing turbidity. Remove things.

When everyone heard this, their hanging hearts finally returned to their original place, and then they began to beg to buy this kind of spiritual object, eager to expel the blood from the body.

Dare to ask fellow Taoist Zangshan, can you tell us what the use of this formation is? a certain Jindan asked.

Zangshan said in a heavy tone: It can be used to enhance the power of magic spells, and it can continuously absorb the blood of the battlefield to strengthen itself. It is difficult to completely destroy it in a short period of time.


Suddenly a burst of laughter resounded through the sky, and the previously missing Golden Core Demonic Cultivators suddenly appeared behind the blood pool. Their number was not much less than that of the cultivators.

As for those low-level demon cultivators, the number is even greater, and there are at least tens of thousands of people in the dark area!

‘Are there so many golden elixir demon cultivators in Yinfeng Cave? ’ Li Zhirui was shocked.

You must know that the monks are divided into two groups. In addition to their side, there are also major forces in Qingshan State. Now that the demon cultivators have sent so many people to stop them, even if the number of people on the other side is smaller, the strength is still amazing. !

But then I thought about it, if Yinfeng Cave was really so powerful, then the Divine Thunder Mountain should have been destroyed long before True Lord Yunlei was born.

Hahahahaha, Feng Yin, it seems that you are really desperate, and you actually asked the disciples in the late stage of foundation building to temporarily take fake elixirs!

Leader Wen was also shocked at first. He thought that the Yinfeng Cave had hidden its strength, so so many golden elixir demon cultivators suddenly appeared. However, after hearing the voice transmission from Zhenjun Yunlei, he immediately burst into laughter. .

The so-called fake elixir, also known as the outer elixir, is a third-level demon elixir that is forcibly condensed into a 'golden elixir' in the dantian.

This kind of 'golden elixir' has so many impurities that it cannot display the strength of the golden elixir realm at all. Even Shouyuan does not have a real golden elixir for five hundred years, only more than three hundred years.

And there is no spiritual light, just like a death elixir. In other words, once the outer elixir is formed, there will be no improvement in cultivation from then on!

Under normal circumstances, various forces would not do this kind of thing to their disciples or clansmen, not even the demonic ones. After all, this kind of hatred that can ruin a person's path will not be worn away even after thousands of years.

After hearing these words, Li Zhirui suddenly realized that no wonder, it turned out to be a group of fake alchemy monks who broke through on the battlefield.

But he did not relax because of this. He did not forget what Zangshan said just now. This blood pool can enhance the power of magic cultivation spells!

In this way, the gap between the two sides will be further narrowed, and as time goes by, the number of deaths will definitely increase, and the blood pool will take the opportunity to strengthen itself.

It's useless to talk anymore, just take action! The demon cultivator said coldly.

If he hadn't been able to control the demonic seeds in all the monks, he would have been torn to pieces after arranging the disciples to form fake elixirs.

Following his order, all the demonic cultivators rushed forward. Their key targets were the dozen or so Golden Core cultivators who had escaped from the transformation formation. The demonic cultivators seemed unwilling to let them go!

When he came to Li Zhirui, he was a real golden elixir demon cultivator. With his wave of his hand, he released all kinds of grotesque Gu insects, flying toward him overwhelmingly.

It's actually a Gu cultivator? Li Zhirui was a little surprised. Gu cultivators were very rare no matter where they were.

To deal with Gu cultivators, the best thing is to use large-scale fire spells to directly burn those Gu insects to death. However, for fire spells, it can be said that he knows nine out of ten and knows nothing!

After thinking about it, he could only find another way, summon the surrounding water vapor, and transform the rich water vapor into hard black ice, freezing a large number of Gu insects, and even frost appeared around him.


Some of the Gu worms were directly frozen to death, but more of them survived tenaciously and were thinking of ways to break through the black ice.

Hmph! The demon cultivator did not stand idly by and took out a small red gourd and released a red gold centipede. When it opened its mouth and spit it out, a ball of spiritual fire completely melted the black ice.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhirui no longer hid, and summoned Daqing to let him defend against the opponent's attack, while he himself attacked with all his strength.

The water and wood spiritual light emerged and turned into a huge millstone, covering a large number of Gu insects. The rich spiritual light prevented them from escaping. When the upper and lower forces combined, they instantly wiped out countless Gu insects.

Ahhh! You deserve to die! This huge loss made the demon cultivator instantly furious, staring at Li Zhirui with red eyes.

You must know that these Gu worms have been cultivated by him with hard work. Every qualified Gu worm has been carefully selected, and no one knows how much manpower, material and financial resources have been spent during this process.

As a result, hundreds or even thousands of Gu insects were lost all at once, and the number continued to skyrocket. How could the demon cultivator take it calmly? ?

A flash of light flashed in Li Zhirui's eyes, and he immediately injected more mana into his magical power to increase the power of the millstone.

The millstone suddenly swelled to a size of one foot, and contained a large number of Gu insects. As soon as it was closed, all the Gu insects would turn into ashes within a moment!

When the demon cultivator saw this scene, his eyes were about to burst, and he launched an attack on the millstone without hesitation. A large amount of mana gathered, and a powerful magical power slowly formed. If he really used it, Li Zhirui's magical power would be directly shattered. Thereby rescuing his Gu worm.

But he didn't notice that there was a thorny vine hidden less than a few feet away from him!


The two magical powers collided together, and a terrifying shock wave erupted. Suddenly dust flew up and yellow sand filled the sky.

Just when the demon cultivator breathed a sigh of relief and sensed that the Gu insect was in danger, Li Zhirui's hidden killing move was launched!

The vine was like a silent killer in the dark night. An undetectable spiritual light flashed and appeared behind the demon cultivator.


As the faint sound of a poisonous sting sinking into his body rang out, Li Zhirui knew that his plan had worked!

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