Zhirui, do you think Shenleishan is really planning to do this? After Li Shiqing finished chatting with everyone, he approached Li Zhirui and asked worriedly.

It's not impossible. Li Zhirui said with a wry smile: After all, Shen Lei Shan is not a soft-hearted person.

From Shenleishan's point of view, as long as Yinfeng Cave can be solved as soon as possible, no matter what method he uses, it doesn't matter how many monks die, since they are not his own disciples anyway.

Even if it is, it doesn't matter. As long as the high-level monks are still there, those disciples will be able to train a large number of disciples in a few years.

This battle, which was already full of dangers, may now be a narrow escape for most of the monks!

Li Zhirui took a deep breath and said, Second Grandpa, the matter has come to this, so just do your best.

Yes! After a long time, Li Shiqing slowly said these two words, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and his energy and energy were suddenly weakened.

Li Zhirui felt uncomfortable inside. After all, what he just said meant that they had to voluntarily abandon some of their clansmen and focus on protecting some of them since the war began.

Dang Dang Dang——

On the third day after the Li family arrived at Blue Stone Peak, the bell at Divine Thunder Mountain finally rang to summon everyone.

A stream of spiritual light followed the bells to a square. Li Zhirui took a cursory glance and found that there were nearly a hundred Jindan monks present!

And this amount is only one-third less than the golden elixirs of all the vassal families in Shenlei Mountain counted by the Li family.

In other words, these forces, like the Li family, only have one golden elixir left to guard them, or even none at all.

‘I don’t know how many forces in Shenlei Mountain will decline after this war! ’ Li Zhirui thought to himself, he just hoped that the Li family was not among them.

Even with the compensation and protection of the Divine Thunder Mountain, it can only block the overt methods of other forces. They secretly want to destroy a force that has greatly lost its strength. I don't know how many tricks there are.

For example, if you secretly pay for a murder, post a reward on the black market, how many spiritual stones will you get if you kill a member of a certain family, etc.

As long as you are concealed enough, you won't be afraid of being discovered by Shen Lei Mountain.

When Li Zhirui's thoughts were lost, a group of senior officials from Shenlei Mountain appeared.

Thank you all for coming. Demon cultivators have always been a great harm to the Xuanyuan world. They only know how to steal spiritual objects and massacre mortals unscrupulously...

Leader Wen was talking on the stage and his words were flying, and the expression on his face became more and more excited, as if the extinction of the Dark Wind Cave was about to happen!

Everyone is bravely slaying the demon cultivators on the front lines. I am here to promise in front of everyone that if something unfortunate happens, I, the God of Thunder Mountain, will definitely compensate them fully and protect them for a hundred years!

Li Zhirui couldn't help curling his lips, but the others didn't show much enthusiasm. Obviously they also knew that relying on the Divine Thunder Mountain was unreliable.

Everyone, follow me to kill the demonic cultivators! Several elders of Shenlei Mountain took a step forward, thunder rolling.

As Li Zhirui walked around, he glanced at the sky as if unintentionally, 'Is Zhenjun Yunlei not planning to take action, or does he want to take it by surprise? ’

He actually didn't know where True Lord Yunlei was, but he had a vague feeling in his heart that he should hide among the clouds.

Soon, one after another spiritual ships rose into the sky and flew towards the west.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

However, they said that in Yinfeng Cave, they had received news that Shenlei Mountain would take action in the near future, so they had been watching the movement of Shenlei Mountain very vigilantly.

In fact, with the virtue of the demon cultivators, many of them were ready to escape after seeing the monks fighting, especially the golden elixir demon cultivators, who did not know how many escape routes they had prepared.

The reason why they are still staying in Efeng State is firstly because they still have some luck, maybe Shenlei Mountain is bluffing, and secondly because they are greedy in their hearts, coveting a large amount of flesh and blood filled with spiritual energy after the war breaks out.

Besides, if Yinfeng Cave is destroyed, they will have no choice but to hide incognito and run around. They have been domineering for many years and do not want to live this kind of life.

As for those low-level magic cultivators? They have no choice at all. Once a war breaks out, they will be sent directly to the battlefield.

As soon as the Divine Thunder Mountain moves, the demon cultivators will know the news coming back from the front.

The Divine Thunder Mountain is here, bringing with it a large number of monks. It can be said that they all came out in full force! A certain elder said solemnly.

The leader raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, Aren't the monks in Qingshan Prefecture taking any action?

If there is only Divine Thunder Mountain, even if there is a Nascent Soul Lord, they cannot be easily destroyed.

At this moment, a ray of spiritual light flew into the hall and fell into the hands of the elder, The Wood Spirit Sect, Lingyun Sect and Xuanhuo Fan Family in Qingshan Prefecture have all taken action!

Haha, it seems that Shenlei Mountain has spent a lot of money and actually invited these three companies. The leader did not have any sense of urgency, but laughed softly.

Get ready to take action. People are knocking on your door. What if you don't treat them well?

The leader's expression changed and he warned the elders: Don't think about leaving directly. You must know that your Dantian is also controlled!

All demon cultivators in Yinfeng Cave will have demon seeds planted in their Dantian as soon as they enter cultivation, and only the masters of the past generations know what controls the demon seeds.

After breaking through the golden elixir, part of the demon seed will be refined by the demon cultivator himself. Although his life and death will no longer be controlled by others like low-level monks, it is still a hidden danger.

Moreover, this secret technique can only be learned by demon cultivators in Yinfeng Cave, and other golden elixirs have no chance at all.

Only by breaking through the Nascent Soul can the demon species be completely eliminated and turned into nourishment for improving oneself.

As for Yinfeng Cave, there is no Nascent Soul cultivator now!

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present became very ugly, and some people even looked fiercely, as if they were ready to arrest the leader, torture them, and force the controller to come out.

Haha, what did the leader say? The great elder stood up, immediately dispelling the tense atmosphere in the hall, and said with a smile: The building is about to collapse, and we are just trying to survive. Is it difficult for the leader to do so? Do you want to accompany the sect to perdition?

The last sentence contained a hint of ridicule. In the eyes of almost all demon cultivators, it was a joke that a sect would have feelings for someone in a demon sect.

It's your duty! The leader shook his head and said without too much explanation: If you brothers want to leave, it's not impossible, but you have to kill at least one Golden Core monk or a hundred Foundation Establishment monks.

When many people heard the word responsibility, a trace of curiosity appeared on their faces. What on earth could enable a demon cultivator to persist even when his own life was in danger?

It's a pity that the time is not right now, otherwise they would have to investigate carefully.

But then again, they wouldn’t have known that if not for this crisis.


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