We're leaving. Next, Shi Lian, you will have to work hard to guard the family and continue to refine various spiritual objects. Even if we don't use them, they can be sold to other monks. Li Shiqing finally warned.

Now that the war has not officially broken out, the prices of various spiritual items have nearly tripled. I believe that when the war breaks out, the prices will continue to increase, which is a good opportunity to earn spiritual stones.

Be careful and come back safely!

But everyone knows in their hearts that this is impossible!

In order to protect the young descendants, the tribesmen who participated in the war were all older. For this reason, the family gave a lot of contribution points, which were said to be mission rewards, but in fact they were no different than buying life money.

Neither Li Shiqing nor Li Zhirui could agree to these words, and said to the tribesmen who were watching everyone leave: Let's go, you all go back!

After saying that, the huge spiritual ship was activated, quickly climbed up into the blue sky, and soon disappeared.

Perhaps because of the catalyst of this war, the younger generations of the family no longer indulged in the glory of the family. They began to become more diligent and hardworking, and became more and more dedicated to cultivation.

And their efforts have also received feedback in their cultivation. In a short period of time, the connection between these clansmen has been broken through, and the family is prosperous.


Li Zhirui and others, who were rushing to Wanleizhou, naturally did not expect that the family would undergo such a big change after they left.

Although there were nearly a hundred tribesmen on the spirit boat, it was not noisy at all, because everyone was recharging their energy and preparing to face this battle in their best condition.

Especially Li Zhirui, his crazy alchemy in the past few days had reached the limit of his spirit, so as soon as he got on the spirit ship, he walked straight into the cabin and started to rest.

The spirit boat was very fast, and it arrived at the gate of Shenlei Mountain in just half a day.

As soon as they stopped, a foundation-building monk flew his spirit sword to the front of the spirit ship and said, I have seen Senior Li and fellow Taoists. There are various restrictions inside the mountain gate. Please follow me closely!

He did not check the number of people in the Li family. He just saw the big flag with the word Li and the emblem of the Li family, so he stepped forward to greet them.

The family emblem of the Li family is very easy to recognize. It is taken from parts of the five sacred beast races such as dragon, phoenix, and unicorn, and is composed around the word Li on the Taoist altar.

Okay, you can lead the way. Li Shiqing nodded.

Under his leadership, everyone in the Li family arrived in front of a third-level spiritual mountain. He only heard him say: Senior, this is a place for you to rest temporarily. If you need anything, you can contact the Blue Stone Peak management. Don't go around alone. Move around so you don’t trigger the ban.”

Then Hou Jishou said: This junior has to go to pick up other forces, so I'll take my leave first!

Seeing Li Shiqing nod, he dared to turn around and leave. After all, he was just a disciple of the Yuanying Sect and had to maintain due respect for the Jindan monks.

As expected of the Divine Thunder Mountain, it can easily give up a third-order spiritual peak for other forces to rest.

Of course, this is not just a place for the Li family to rest. There are also teams from several Jindan forces on the mountain, but even so, they are very wealthy!

As for those foundation building and even Qi training vassals, they are not on this spiritual peak.

Take a good rest before the war starts, so as not to have no time to rest in the future. Li Zhirui walked out of the cabin at this time and warned.

The arrival of the Li family immediately attracted the attention of several other families in the mountain.

The new family outside is the Li family on Ten Thousand Immortals Island? A white-haired old man curled his lips and said disdainfully: It's just a family with some luck. After this battle, it will inevitably decline. There is no need to visit, which is a waste of time.

Ancestor, this... A middle-aged man below said with some embarrassment: The Li family is now in great prosperity, and there is a third-level alchemist here. Maybe we will beg the Li family at some time. ”

Besides, it's just a visit to make a deal first, so it doesn't take much time at all.

Hmph! How can I, the Zhou family, beg them?! I was immediately furious and scolded: Stop talking! Go back and reflect!

The middle-aged man could only bow and say yes, but felt helpless in his heart. Although the Zhou family was known as the first family under the Divine Thunder Mountain, there were nearly ten golden elixir monks in the family, one of whom was a third-level alchemist.

But the Li family's strength is not bad, they are barely in the same echelon. It would be shameful for him to pay a visit.

It's a pity that this time the team was led by the fifth elder who had a very high self-esteem. Except for members of his own family and the monks of the Divine Thunder Mountain, he didn't look down on anyone else at all.

In addition to the Zhou family, several other Jindan forces on the mountain came to the Li family's courtyard.

I wonder if you have a third-level healing elixir in your hands? After some small talk, a certain golden elixir monk suddenly asked.

Yes, but not many. The main reason is that the elixirs have skyrocketed. My Li family can't get many spiritual stones, so the rejuvenation pills refined are relatively small.

I wonder if you, my friend, would like to give up your love? Give me a few rejuvenation pills for me to wait for? Another Golden Pill monk also interjected, wanting to use his power to overwhelm others.

Although they have a lot of third-level elixirs in their hands, the more of this kind of good stuff, the better.

Sorry, we really have no choice. Li Shiqing refused without hesitation. After all, sometimes, a rejuvenation pill may save the life of a tribesman!

But if you can gather together the elixir, my Li family can help refine it.

Everyone secretly cursed in their hearts, but you had a good idea, but you actually wanted to defeat the wolf with nothing!

If the elixir is handed over to the Li family, he will have the final say whether the refining succeeds or fails. In the end, they will most likely not get the elixir at all.

Seeing that everyone was no longer entangled in this matter, Li Shiqing felt relieved. He didn't want to offend so many forces, but it was impossible to sell the Rejuvenation Pill.

He immediately changed the subject and asked: You guys arrived before me. I wonder what you know about this war?

I have heard some news. A certain Jindan whispered: It is said that Shenlei Mountain is preparing to organize an army of monks to unite the major forces in Qingshan State and sweep directly from the border area.

This approach not only makes it easier to remove the weeds, but also saves time. The most important thing is that you don’t have to worry about the demon cultivators getting around and attacking from both sides.

But the biggest disadvantage is that the casualties will be very heavy!

But for Shenlei Mountain, this is not a shortcoming at all. After all, most of the losses are monks and casual cultivators from vassal forces.

Everyone gasped when they heard this. If the news was true, their situation would become more dangerous.

For a moment, everyone lost the idea of ​​communicating, and soon someone stood up and left, perhaps to verify the authenticity of the news, or perhaps to adjust their strategy.

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