Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 102 It’s over

Because of the matter involving that family, Li Zhirui and his party were delayed in Baishan County for a while. By the time they arrived at Fang City, it was already noon.

Originally, Li Zhirui wanted to go shopping in Baishan County to see if he could get more zombie heads, but when he came on the road, he didn't see any of them.

At this time, Li Zhirui realized that the thousands of heads in the county were not looked down upon by Jiang Tianming, but were given as rewards to low-level monks like them.

Why are you coming back now? Have the zombies been cleared out in Baishan County? When the resident monk saw Li Zhirui and Li Shilian coming in, his face darkened and he asked.

A weird smile appeared on Li Zhirui's face and he said: It's cleaned up.

How is this possible?! There are tens of thousands of zombies in Baishan County. How can you eliminate so many zombies overnight? A cold light flashed in the man's eyes, If zombies are discovered again afterwards, don't blame Zong. Punish the Li family!

Li Zhirui lowered his head slightly, took out a few storage bags, and said, Senior, please see, there are more than 4,800 zombie heads in these storage bags.

This is only four thousand... As soon as he said the words, he realized something was wrong. This number was not something that the twenty or so monks in Baishan County could achieve. And why didn't he see any monks from the sect?

Li Zhirui's face showed a trace of excitement and gratitude, and he said: Master Mingxuan went to Baishan County last night. If it weren't for the master's intervention, we would not have such a rich harvest.


After hearing these words, the man's left hand trembled, and a teacup made of spiritual jade fell.

It turns out that it was Master Mingxuan who took action. It was also the luck of the two fellow Taoists that they were able to receive the reward from Master Mingxuan.

After saying this with a smile, Qiang hurriedly said to see the guest off, The places to exchange contribution points and receive rewards are in the outer hall. I have some trivial matters to deal with, so I can only ask two Taoists to go by themselves.

Senior, you are busy. Li Zhirui bowed and withdrew with Li Shilian.

When redeeming the contribution points, I didn't encounter any problems, and I quickly got 25,630 contribution points.

After leaving Yuan Mingzong's residence, the two went to the grocery store. When Li Shiren heard that they were coming, he rushed out immediately and asked anxiously: Uncle Shilian, Zhirui, why are you two here? Is everyone okay? Bar?

He had heard that the Li family was sent to Baishan County, where there were the most zombies. If he hadn't been stationed in Fang City, he would have rushed over to help.

It's okay, everyone is fine. Those eight tribesmen are just guarding a family of mortals on the boat.

Li Shiren breathed a sigh of relief and became interested in those mortals again, Mortals?

Li Zhirui and Li Shiren carefully introduced the identity of the female cultivator and why he wanted to bring this family with him.

That's it! Li Shiren suddenly realized and said with a smile: I never thought that I would have such an opportunity to go out this time.

Li Zhirui also smiled, It's not just that! We made a lot of money this time out!

Then Li Zhirui told them about the more than 20,000 contribution points they had received, as well as the spirit earthworms in the valley.

This is a triple blessing! Li Shiren was overjoyed and extremely excited.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then Li Zhirui got up and left. He had to take the family and the eight tribesmen back to Darong Island, and then go to the valley to catch those spirit earthworms.

There was no talking all the way. After returning to Darong Island, the eight tribesmen went back to their homes to have a good rest.

As for that family, Li Zhirui personally took them to a town in the south and asked the mayor to arrange a small uninhabited courtyard for them.

Fellow Taoist, you must also know my identity. You and your family can live peacefully on the island.

Thank you for taking so much trouble, fellow Taoist. The woman paused and used her spiritual consciousness to speak: I have one more thing to ask for. I hope that fellow Taoist will not tell Hu Lang and the others my identity.

Li Zhirui nodded, and then asked: If your children have spiritual roots, do you want to introduce them to the path of cultivation?

They have no spiritual roots.

Li Zhirui glanced at the woman, said nothing, nodded and turned around to leave, letting their family spend the few moments together.

Before leaving, he asked the mayor to take good care of their family.

Because he still had to go to the valley with the spirit earthworms, Li Zhirui did not stay on Darong Island for long. He reported to Li Shiting that he was safe, and then controlled the spirit ship and Li Shilian to fly away from Darong Island.

The sky gradually darkened, the crescent moon replaced the sun, and thousands of stars were dotted on the black curtain, dazzling and charming.

In the silent valley, Li Zhirui and Li Shilian gathered their breath and stood aside, waiting for the spirit earthworms to appear.

Don't rush to take action later. Let's see how many spirit earthworms there are here first. Li Shilian said in a message.

Li Zhirui nodded and asked curiously: Why do you think these spiritual earthworms stay here? Is it possible that there is a spiritual vein underground?

Although spirit earthworms are the easiest to feed and have the lowest environmental requirements, they still need to rely on spiritual energy to grow and reproduce.

Even if you get the opportunity to swallow a spiritual creature and turn into a monster, after transforming into a monster, it will migrate to a place with strong spiritual energy. It is impossible to stay in this small valley and nourish the soil here so well. Fertile.

There should be a spiritual vein, but there is no trace of spiritual energy leaking on the ground. The spiritual vein is probably deep underground. Li Shilian guessed.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Li Zhirui's eyes. There was obviously a spiritual vein in front of him, but he couldn't get it.

Here it comes! Li Shilian's sudden message interrupted Li Zhirui's confusion.

The ground trembled slightly. After a while, a spirit earthworm that was more than ten feet long emerged from the ground. It seemed to be breathing while lying on the ground. At the same time, a bunch of earth-colored balls were discharged from the back end of their bodies.

They should have all come out, let's do it! The two waited for a while, and when they saw that no spirit earthworms appeared again, they decisively took action to capture them.

I saw Li Zhirui making a secret with his hands and scattering a handful of seeds. The vines grew rapidly, like flexible snakes, wrapping around the bodies of the spirit earthworms, preventing them from drilling back into the ground.

Bang bang!

The strength of these spirit earthworms is too low. The highest level of cultivation is only in the middle stage of Qi training, and the spells they cast are fist-sized stones or a line of dirty mud. They have no lethality at all. Li Shilian casually Then he blocked all these attacks.

There are seven spirit earthworms in total. Although the number is a bit small, as long as sufficient food is used, the spirit earthworms reproduce at an astonishing speed, and it will not take long to form a huge group. Li Shilian said with satisfaction.

Maybe there is indeed a spiritual vein underground, but this can only satisfy their survival, and it is difficult to expand the group because there are not a lot of spiritual things for them to eat.

Moreover, spirit earthworms have a gentle temperament. Even if they don't make a contract with them, they can still be driven by using spiritual objects to seduce them.

The so-called spiritual objects can be leaves with spiritual energy, broken spiritual fruits, or the feces of spiritual beasts...

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