Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 101 Alchemy Sutra

Grandpa Shilian, just wait for me outside the city. In order not to attract the attention of those mortals, Li Zhirui parked the spirit boat two miles outside the city and prepared to enter the city alone.

Li Shilian nodded. There is no danger of harming Li Zhirui in Baishan County now, so it doesn't matter if he goes alone.

Li Zhirui flew Orion into the city from an uninhabited corner. Under his leadership, the two of them walked into an old courtyard in the north of the city.

Who are you trying to save?

Orion quickly replied: My wife.

Dad! A tough-headed boy ran out and looked at Li Zhirui with curious eyes, Dad, is this big brother the doctor you were looking for? Can he save my mother?

This is Master Immortal!

Those immortal masters in the storybook who slay demons and eliminate demons and are omnipotent? The child's eyes lit up, and his little face was full of expectation as he asked: Sir, you are so powerful, you can definitely kill my mother. Is it cured?

Li Zhirui glanced at the boy with interest, smiled lightly and said, You have to take me to see your mother first.

As soon as he stepped into the door, he smelled a strong smell of medicine. In addition to the young woman lying on the hospital bed, there was also a little girl of about ten years old who was feeding the medicine by the spoonful.

The first time Li Zhirui saw the woman, he felt something was wrong. When he used his spiritual sense to detect it, he realized that she was actually a monk!

It's just that she had very little spiritual energy in her body, so Li Zhirui didn't notice her true identity at the first time.

Fellow Taoist, there is no need to waste your efforts. The meridians in my body are broken, and there is no medicine or stone to cure it. My life is not long.

I am willing to give up all my wealth, just to ask fellow Taoists to take them out of Baishan County and let them live out their lives without disaster.

Li Zhirui was a little hesitant. It would be okay if an ordinary mortal took him back to Darong Island, but the existence of this female cultivator made him a little undecided.

There is a volume of alchemy scriptures in my storage bag, as well as the origin of my identity. Fellow Taoists can read it before considering whether to take them away. After the woman said these words, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength and could not breathe. Became urgent.

Mom, stop talking...

Master Immortal, please save my mother.

The Orion didn't speak, but just knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing.

Li Zhirui used magic power to lift Orion up, but did not respond to the boy's plea. He used his spiritual consciousness to find the storage bag, and after looking inside, he found the two jade slips she mentioned.

After a moment, Li Zhirui suddenly raised his head to look at the woman and said through a message: Fellow Taoist turns out to be a disciple of Yaowang Valley?

Yaowang Valley, a Jindan force famous for its alchemy, has its gate in the south of Qingshan Prefecture, thousands of miles away from Yunping Prefecture.

And the identity of this woman is even more exaggerated. She is actually the daughter of a real Jin Dan!

It's just that the golden elixir seemed to have taken away a treasure and betrayed Yaowang Valley. His whereabouts are still unknown, but his wife and daughter were tortured. In the end, only she escaped with the help of a golden elixir.

After going through many hardships, he fled to Yunping Prefecture, but fell into a coma in the mountains and was rescued by the hunter.

Because the injury was too serious and she did not receive timely treatment, even if she survived in the end, her meridians would be broken and her foundation would be damaged. Her cultivation would be unable to go any further, and she would have no chance of avenging her mother.

While recovering from her injuries, she was gradually moved by Orion's clumsiness and simplicity, and eventually married him and gave birth to a pair of children.

She originally thought she could live a peaceful life, but unexpectedly a violent earthquake broke out. She is now on the verge of death because her children were resting in the room when the earth dragon turned over. In order to protect them, she forcibly used a spell, which damaged her meridians. The consequences of rupture.

Unless there is a third-grade spiritual pill, the Pulse Renewal Pill, there is no way to save her.

As for the volume of the Alchemy Sutra she was talking about, more accurately, it should be called the fragment of The Medicine King's Alchemy Sutra: Volume 1.

This is the fundamental inheritance of Yaowang Valley that she recreated after escaping to Yunping Prefecture, so it is not complete and lacks a lot of content.

But think about it, after all, she was just a foundation-building monk at that time. Even if she was the descendant of Master Jindan, it was impossible for her to learn everything.

But even so, this is a supreme treasure for Li Zhirui!

There were a large number of first-level elixir prescriptions recorded in the jade slips. Li Zhirui just scanned them briefly and discovered that there were many elixir recipes that his family did not have.

But what pleased Li Zhirui the most was that it recorded several second-level elixirs, including the Ning Yuan Dan, Shenyang Dan, Wen Shen Dan, etc. that he had seen in Xuanfa Pavilion, as well as a Baicao Dan. of Danfang.

This Hundred Herbs Pill, like the Ning Yuan Pill, is also used to assist monks in their cultivation, but this pill is very unique, with three levels of pill prescriptions that come from the same origin.

If you use ten first-level elixirs to refine it, it will be a first-level elixir, but if you use fifty first-level elixirs to refine it, the result will be a second-level elixir!

And if you refine it with ninety-nine first-level elixirs and one third-level elixir, you can get a third-level elixir. However, she doesn’t know the specific third-level elixir recipe, and only mentioned it later.

As for the second volume, given her status in Medicine King Valley, she was not qualified to receive the inheritance because her alchemy talent was average.

However, even if it is obtained, it will be sealed and cannot be reproduced.

She only heard her Jindan father mention it, saying that the first volume is just the art of alchemy, and the second volume is the way of alchemy!

Li Zhirui had some vague understanding of this. The meaning of this sentence was probably: the first volume is just a prescription for people to follow the script, while the second volume is to teach people how to learn alchemy fundamentally.

Now I can only bring out some warm first-level elixirs to extend your life a little longer. Your family can follow me to Darong Island. For the sake of this jade slip, Li Zhirui agreed. The woman's request.

Since she has been able to stay safe and sound in Yunping Prefecture for so many years, and her whereabouts have not been found in Yaowang Valley, taking the family to Darong Island should not cause any trouble.

I will take you to the spirit ship first and pick them up later. The woman's body was like a jade vessel that was full of cracks and about to be broken. For the sake of safety, Li Zhirui could only take her alone, but the remaining three people could take her at once. Sex takes away.

Thank you, fellow Taoist! The woman smiled gratefully and said to the hunter beside her, who was exuding despair and sadness: Hu Lang, please take Wan'er and Hao'er and wait at home for a while.

Seeing this, Li Zhirui used his magical power to lift the woman up and slowly walked out of the city.

About a quarter of an hour later, they took her aboard the spirit boat and put her into an empty room in the cabin.

Zhirui, what are you doing? Li Shilian was stunned and asked without knowing why.

I'll explain to you later. After saying that, Li Zhirui jumped off the spirit boat and sped towards Baishan County.

This time the speed was much faster. It only took half a quarter of an hour to take the father and son onto the spirit ship.

Your wife is in the cabin. You go in and take care of her. Li Zhirui paused and added: If you have any needs, you can talk to the people on the ship.

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