Early the next morning, the first thing Li Zhirui did after being resurrected after a night's rest was to summon the elders to announce a major event.

In response to Yuan Mingzong's call this time, in addition to the most basic rewards, I also received an unexpected contribution of more than 20,000 yuan.

Li Zhirui said: I plan to add the 50,000 spiritual stones that the family has to participate in the auction held in a few days and buy a Foundation Establishment Pill.

And this foundation-building pill will be handed over to Li Zhizhun for refining to help him achieve foundation-building!

Hearing this, Li Zhizhun's breathing stopped for a moment, and he clenched his fists to suppress his inner excitement.

As for the other elders, their reaction to this was not very big. Although no one said it clearly, they had already guessed it.

Li Zhizhun, who was trained by the clan leader, could not be a Qi training monk, otherwise he would not be able to suppress the rest of the family.

The auction in a few days will be attended by Elder Shi Lian and Li Zhizhun.

After thinking about it, Li Zhirui added, Other forces must have made a lot of contributions to this zombie disaster, so the price of the Foundation Establishment Pill may be on the high side this time.

It doesn't matter if you really can't get it, you can wait for the next auction.

Anyway, the contribution value is valid for a long time, and the family's spiritual stones will accumulate more and more, and they can win a foundation-building pill at the next auction.

Moreover, Li Zhizhun has not yet completed his Qi training and is only forty years old, so there is no harm in waiting another year.

Yes! Li Zhizhun knew that these words were mainly addressed to him, hoping that he would not be dissatisfied because the price was too high and Li Shilian was unwilling to bid.

After the most important things are said, the next step is some trivial matters.

Li Zhirui first handed the spirit earthworms to Elder Li Shiyu, who was responsible for raising spiritual beasts, hoping that he could cultivate more spirit earthworms. After all, the family had opened up many spiritual fields now, and these seven spirit earthworms were simply not enough.

Then the rewards given by Yuan Mingzong, three bottles of Yuan Ning Dan and ten bottles of Jade Spirit Pill, were placed in the warehouse and exchanged by the tribesmen.

I also got an opportunity during this trip. Li Zhirui told the Alchemy Sutra, but he did not say how it was obtained, let alone that it came from Yaowang Valley.

In order to prevent others from noticing that the Alchemy Book was related to Yaowang Valley, Li Zhirui gave the family a jade slip that only had the elixir prescription specially engraved, and he did not write down the special Baicao Dan.

Everything that needed to be said had been said. After Li Zhirui handed the jade plaque recording Yuan Mingzong's contribution to Li Shilian, he stood up and left the main hall.

He planned to look at the other jade slips in the female cultivator's storage bag, and then retreat to meditate on the original jade slip of the Alchemy Sutra.

Those jade slips recorded her insights and experiences in alchemy, as well as some advice from her elders.

What Li Zhirui lacks in this kind of systematic knowledge is not that he doesn't want to learn it, but that there is no place to learn it. Although her records are very scattered, it is still of great benefit to Li Zhirui.

As for the flaws, it is that these contents are all based on the fire refining method, rather than the water method of alchemy learned by Li Zhirui.

But this is normal, after all, fire refining is the most common and common alchemy method.

If I don't want to buy any more elixir recipes, I have to deduce the water-refined elixir recipe based on the elixir recipe in my hand. Li Zhirui knew that this was not easy, but decided to give it a try.

It's not to save some spiritual stones, but for Li Zhirui, this is a kind of exercise, a practice of alchemy, which will definitely be beneficial to his future alchemy.

For example, the Qingshen Pill recorded in the All Spirits Sutra is a method of refining by fire, and Li Zhirui is now determined to contract a second monster. If there is no Qingshen Pill to dispel the evil spirit, how can he dare to make a contract?

Time passed bit by bit, and the day for the auction soon came. Li Shilian took Li Zhizhun to Fangshi to participate, and Li Shiren also took the time to come and watch.

Maybe they got a lot of good things in the ruins, so the auction was very lively, and many precious spiritual objects appeared, but these were not related to the Li family.

Everyone must know what is going to be auctioned next! The auctioneer shouted excitedly: That's right! That's the Foundation Establishment Pill that can increase the probability of Foundation Establishment!

In order to thank you all for your efforts during this time, Yuan Mingzong has put out five Foundation Establishment Pills for auction this time!

Li Zhizhun's eyes lit up. There were a lot of Foundation Establishment Pills this time, and the family was very likely to get one!

The auctioneer walked behind the display table, took out five jade bottles from the storage bag, and shouted: The auction starts now!

Everyone's emotions were aroused by him, and the scene became very heated, even a little crazy.

Sixty thousand spirit stones!

Seventy thousand spiritual stones!

As soon as he finished speaking, two voices sounded one after another, and the Foundation Establishment Pill was instantly raised to a high price.

Li Zhizhun's originally bright eyes suddenly dimmed. He knew that the current situation meant that the family would not be able to get the Foundation Establishment Pill in this auction.

How could other families get so much contribution value? Li Shiren asked with a puzzled look on his face.

They were rewarded by Jiang Tianming to have 20,000 contribution points. Could other families also have this opportunity?

But if it weren't for the contribution value, how could these families get so many spiritual stones?

Did you forget that there was no Foundation Establishment Pill in last year's auction? Of course they had enough spiritual stones saved. Li Shilian said helplessly.

It's a pity that the family only bought a Foundation Establishment Pill two years ago. Even though they now have a lot of extra spiritual stones, they are still not as good as those families who have accumulated it for several years.

Alas! Li Shiren sighed heavily and consoled him dryly: It's okay, I'm sure. I'll just wait another year. You're still young, so don't worry.

Yeah. Li Zhizhun cheered up and nodded.

Seventy-five thousand!

The Li family hadn't even finished bidding yet, and the price had already reached their upper limit.

In the end, this Foundation Establishment Pill was captured by a certain family with 78,000 spirit stones.

The prices of the other four Foundation Establishment Pills all exceeded 75,000. It was not that Li Shiren had not bid for them, but they were quickly suppressed.

In the end, the three of them could only return empty-handed.

When Li Zhirui heard the news afterwards, he only patted Li Zhizhun on the shoulder to express comfort.

But now, Li Zhirui is still busy studying the elixir recipe and doesn't know about Li Shilian and the others.

Li Zhirui used a rather clumsy method to modify the prescriptions, which was to compare two different prescriptions and try to find some pattern.

The family had previously purchased a lot of first-level water magic pill prescriptions for him, and now they had enough fire magic pill prescriptions. The base number was not large, but it was barely enough.

But after Li Zhirui's efforts, he really saw some patterns! For example, in water method elixirs, some of the elixirs used to neutralize the properties of the medicine will have less content.

However, this comparison is just on paper. If you don't put it into practice, you won't be able to get an accurate answer.

Therefore, after Li Zhirui made certain gains, he began to modify the Qi-nourishing elixir recipe.

But the first thing to do is to ripen enough elixir.

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