Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 200 Midnight Red Clothes (Part 2)...Fifth update


Sai Jinhua muttered and drank tea in a low voice.

She thought that her cousin would return to her arms after being kicked by that little coquettish hoof, but she didn't expect that he would be entangled by two female ghosts again.

That Wei Xiaodie is okay, Xiaohua is even more fierce than the ghost. Not to mention her ability, even if the master comes, she will be in danger.

That was not the only thing that bothered her that night.

After a while, Ami came!

"Old K, you have to help me!"

The first words she said made people frown. Just a few days after kicking old K, she actually came to ask for help.

Old K held a toothpick in his mouth and asked leisurely: "Aren't you going to immigrate to Australia with the wealthy locals? Why, you didn't buy a plane ticket?"

"He was just playing with me. He just left without any intention of taking me with him! I'm really desperate now and that's why I want to ask you for help!"

Seeing that Old K didn't talk to her, especially when there were two women sitting next to her who were several levels more beautiful than her, Ami felt even more unbalanced: "I'm pregnant!"

She thought this was a bombshell, but she didn't expect Old K to laugh: "Do you want to tell me that the child in your belly is mine?"

"I didn't say it was yours! But I won't be able to come out and do it after a while. I need someone to take care of me."

Amei was anxious and wanted to scold Old K with the arrogance she had at that time, but she suddenly thought that she was asking for help today, and her attitude suddenly softened: "Old K, the doctor said that I have had too many abortions. If this If I have an abortion this time, I won’t be able to get pregnant in the future... The child’s birth certificate also needs to have the father’s name on it, aren’t you willing to help me?”

"I'm sorry, I can't help you with this matter. You should know that I live happily with my girlfriend now, and she is very accommodating to me."

The cigarette butts were stubbed out in the ashtray.

Sai Jinhua couldn't stand listening anymore. She had just abandoned Old K, and then turned around and came back to ask for help. She was really shameless.

"You deserve it, you bitch, you were dumped, and now you come to beg my cousin. How shameless are you? If I were you, just go to the market and buy a piece of tofu, and just kill me!"

Ami has never been pointed at the nose and scolded.

"I'm not talking to you old witch!"

She stood up and asked with a straight face: "Old K, are you loyal or not?"

"Speak! I will certainly speak of my loyalty, but I don't need to do it to you!"

Old K lit another cigarette, and the white smoke coming out of his mouth covered most of his face. Only his firm eyes were accurately conveyed to Ami's eyes.

Traitors will never be forgiven.


Sai Jinhua liked to see her angry look and deliberately made her angry: "Go commit suicide, stupid! Come back as a ghost and strangle him to death!"

"Do you really think I don't dare?"

Ami tossed her sleeves and left.

"She is just a crazy woman, don't worry about it, come on, come on, the fruit plate is here and ready to eat!"

Back at her apartment, Ami sat in front of the dressing table and put on lipstick. She was wearing a red dress and the red shoes she had just bought.

The cigarette butt fell into the ashtray on the corner of the table and a dazzling smoke floated up.


The black cat lay on the bed and looked at his mistress, licking his paws incomprehensively.

The red rope is hung from the beam, swinging from side to side like a pendulum clock.

A Mei put her head in and made a few gestures. When she felt satisfied, she jumped off the stool, sat by the bed and picked up the phone.


"Hello?" Old K's voice was on the other end of the phone.

"Do you still want me or not?"

"I made it very clear." Old K's voice was vague and he sounded very impatient.

"I'll give you fifteen minutes. If you can't come over, I'll hang myself. Don't think it's easy. I've asked people before. If you hang yourself in red clothes at midnight, the ghost you turn into after death will be very fierce. , I will pester you, your witch cousin and your son from now on, and make your whole family restless!"

"Do you want to play so big..."

Before Old K finished speaking, Ami hung up the phone.

It will be twelve o'clock in fifteen minutes.

He lit another cigarette, took two puffs, and puffed out smoke.

In one cigarette, there are still ten minutes until twelve o'clock.

Ami doesn't really want to die.

The so-called crying, making trouble and hanging herself was just something she did deliberately to show Old K.

It was almost twelve o'clock, but she was unsure. She had never been caught messing around with others behind Lao K's back before. This time, she thought that she would become a phoenix by flying on a branch, and that it would be easy to immigrate to Australia with the wealthy locals. She kicked Old K, but she didn't expect that the rich man would also kick her out simply.

"I'm not going to stop coming..."

After staring at the window downstairs for a long time, a taxi stopped and Old K and his deaf-mute brother ran out in the rain.

She knew she had won this time and felt relieved.

Do the whole thing in acting, otherwise you won't get the right to speak.

After lying on the crack of the door and watching for a long time, she saw the two of them finally entering the building. Mei also stepped on the stool and put her head into the red rope for hanging.

Everything was ready, but when she heard the sound of two people banging on the door, she kicked off the stool and pretended to hang herself.


The black cat barked, and Ami was so frightened that she kicked the stool she was standing on tiptoe away.

Her neck was immediately strangled by the red rope. The more she struggled, the tighter it became!

"The door is locked!"

Old K and the two finally caught up, and they worked together to open the door, only to see that Ami's neck was twisted 180 degrees, her tongue was sticking out, her eyes were wide open, and she was dead.

In red clothes at midnight, the soul falls from the weighing weight.

Hanging yourself in red clothes at twelve o'clock in the evening, with weights tied to your feet, is a very cruel way to die.

It was exactly twelve o'clock, and Ami was wearing bright red clothes.

The two of them were trembling in their hearts. This night, something evil happened!

"Poison! Too poisonous!"

The master of the male cousin Sai Jinhua was a Taoist priest with some knowledge. A Mei had just died, so Old K and the two called the police. They went to the police station to make a confession and then came out.

Hanging is obviously suicide, so they are not responsible for it.

"I have never seen such a poisonous woman in my life. It seems that this time it will be difficult. I have calculated that there is a hurdle in my life that I cannot pass, and it seems that this is the time."

"Master, even you can't get through, what should we do?" Sai Jinhua asked anxiously.

"Ahem, ahem," the master coughed and shook his head.

"Since she is so cruel, I might as well let her kill me, so that I can be with Xiaodie forever."

"What a beautiful idea you have. Do you think that when a person dies, he will turn into an innocent soul and stay? Some people are reincarnated immediately after death, while others take hundreds of years. This also has to do with longevity... Oh, that's too much to say. You don’t understand either.”

The master counted with his fingers, took a sharp breath, and asked: "Isn't there only one female ghost around you? Why are there more now? Could it be that the evil woman turned into a fierce ghost and came back to take revenge?"

"Oh, that's Xiaohua, we met on the way!"

"This female ghost is scarier than your dead horse! If you keep her by your side, aren't you afraid of being killed by her?"

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