Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 201 Eat him in one bite!

"Finally full!"

The red-faced ghost king burped and rubbed his belly comfortably.

Behind him stood an old ghost in a suit, and behind the old ghost stood countless little ghosts.

The little ghosts were sweating profusely, as wet as if they had just been fished out of the Wangchuan River, but they still had to smile and say goodbye to the red-faced ghost king who had eaten hundreds of their companions.

"Thank you, Ghost King. When I find my wife and take revenge, I will capture dozens of boys and girls for you to eat!"

"The King of Ghosts is serious"

The old ghost king tapped his cane on the ground, making a thumping sound.

He added: "My goddaughter just found a boyfriend, don't forget to come and drink!"

"Hahaha, definitely!"

The red-faced ghost king smiled ferociously: "I want to borrow your boat from Guilingzhou to travel. It's not easy to get to this world."

"come here"

The old ghost king pointed a finger and clicked on the oily little ghost.

"Take the Ghost King to the underworld!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Seeing the red-faced ghost king leaving, another little ghost came over.

"A Thousand Ghosts, Ghost King, just feed him like this. How can our Ghost King Temple in Guilingzhou survive in the ghost world in the future?"

"What should I do? Ha"

The old ghost king's leather shoes tapped lightly on the paper steps.

"Do you know that a zombie has been causing trouble recently? Why did that ugly Zhu Haisheng lose half of his body? It's all thanks to him!"

"Young one knows about this... Why don't we just kill the Zhu Ghost King with our backhand, and instead give him a ghost to eat?"

"Otherwise you can't be the King of Ghosts!"

The red dress was wrapped around her body, and her two big white legs were exposed. The female ghost from the Hong Kong sister, who could choose any figure, came over and gently hugged the old ghost king's arm.

She glanced at the brat with disgust.

"That ugly ghost is still a ghost king no matter how weak he is. Wouldn't it be asking for trouble if my godfather fights with him? What does it matter no matter how many deaths you brats get?"

"You can't say that, darling"

The old ghost king gently patted the back of his goddaughter's hand, then patted his beer belly, and said with a smile: "That zombie has been very violent recently. If we can let the Zhu ghost king kill him, it will save us trouble in the future, right?"

The red-faced ghost king can be chopped down the first time, but he will be chopped down a second time. How can there be any talk of revenge?

He was just taking some ghost lives to kill trouble.

As my goddaughter said, no matter how many of these brats die, what does it matter?

"The ghost king is wise!"

In the paper-made foreign-style building, ghost hands floated like water plants floating in the lake.

"Come on, let's continue the party! Hahaha, have fun, everyone. The happiest thing tonight is that I will give him a coffin made of fine willow wood!"

He has a way of stabilizing ghosts' hearts, otherwise he wouldn't have thousands of ghosts under his command, but the ugly red-faced ghost would always be alone.

In the paper-made villa, the neon lights flashed with a gloomy green light. From a distance, you could tell that this was a gathering of ghosts.

After a person dies, he will be in a daze for five days, with his soul wandering around.

On the sixth day, she will stop at the place she loved most during her lifetime and think about what happened during her lifetime.

On the seventh day, he will return to his dead body, which is also called the first seven.

Great Canton Disco.

"Cousin, is what your master said true? Can Xiaohua really deal with Ami?"

Old K glanced at the innocent female ghost who was sitting and chatting with the female ghost Wei Xiaodie. She looked thin and weak. Could she be able to fight against the evil ghost in red?

"This...that's what my master said."

Sai Jin rolled his eyes at Old K: "If she can't beat her, then we can only ask for happiness!"

"What, why don't you speak?"

A yin energy rushed from behind and burned into his nose.

An unpleasant thought arose in Sai Jinhua's heart.

Her neck was turning like it was rusty, and when she turned halfway, she saw the hem of a red dress.


The finger with the red nails lightly scratched Sai Jinhua's shoulder, immediately drawing three blood marks, and the Tianshi Taoist robe was also torn into a large piece.

It’s Amei who turned into a red-clothed ghost and is back!

"Xiaohua, help!"

Old K shouted loudly, grabbed his cousin's wrist and ran away.

"This ghost is too fierce. My spells don't work!" Sai Jinhua's seal hit the ghost, but it was pushed back by a stronger Yin Qi, which made her more injured.

"Old K, I said, if I become a ghost, I will pester you and make your whole family restless! As for the two bitches around you, I will beat them until they never live again!"

Ami's words were crazy, her fingers and claws were seducing people, and the two people she was chasing ran away. If they were really touched, they would surely die!

"Get away!"

At the critical moment, the figure in white came to the red ghost.

"Little flower..."

Old K is overjoyed, the savior has finally arrived!

"Bitch, get out of here!"

Amei stared, her red lips seemed to have swallowed fire, and her voice when she opened her mouth was as cold as the soul-destroying wind blowing from the Forgotten River.

Xiaohua frowned. She had finally experienced the warmth of the world with Old K in the past two days. Because of Qing, she couldn't let Old K be killed by a ghost.

But from dark to light, the fundamental reason for keeping track is still there.

He even said that whenever Wei Xiaodie's ghost husband comes, he will find ways to notify him.

"As long as you complete the master's mission, I believe that the master will not blame you even if you take action!"

Touching the little black scorpion on her body, Xiaohua secretly made a decision in her heart.

"Get away!"

A Mei raised her right hand, and a gust of wind was blown up. Wei Xiaodie in the distance was knocked down directly. Lao K and Sai Jinhua who were nearby were swept up by the gust of wind and hit two sofas in succession before stopping. .


The slender white fingers gently pinched Ami's wrist that could stir up the wind, just like raising a hand to grab a straw.

"You woman are so shameless. You hanged yourself, but you still come to trouble others!"

Xiaohua, who had never made a move before, made a move at this time, and easily caught Ami, sat on her, and slapped her face one after another, leaving her unable to fight back.

"you you……"

The fierce ghost in red was beaten so hard that he could only say the word "you" intermittently.

The red-clothed ghost who was so majestic just now and killed old K and Sai Jinhua was now a Trojan horse tied in a circle in the amusement park, jumping up and down without being able to move!

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, I'm convinced!"

What if the red-clothed fierce ghost that we promised to pursue the soul is chasing the soul for the rest of our lives? After being beaten up by another seemingly weak female ghost, she became an honest man!


Old K let out a sigh of relief.

The problem is finally solved...

"Xiaodie, we can be together forever from now on!"

"Old K"

The two lovers held each other's hands and looked at each other.


The dark wind rose violently, like a tornado passing through, and all the sofas, tables and chairs in the disco were blown over by the strong wind.

"Xiaohua, tell her to be honest!"

Old K didn't even look back, he just gave an order.

With such a powerful female ghost following him, who would dare to cause trouble for him?

"Little flower?"

The cold wind still shows no sign of stopping.

Old K felt strange. He turned around and saw Xiaohua being grabbed by the neck with a hand and picked up without any resistance.

The person who came had a red face and looked extremely ugly.

He laughed loudly: "Honey, I'm here to find you!"

Wei Xiaodie's expression changed: "It's you! I... I have so much yang energy, you can't trap me!"

"Can't I trap you? Hehehehe" the red-faced ghost king laughed. There is no one he can't trap who he wants to trap!

"I didn't expect that when I came to find my wife, I would meet you, my beauty."

He looked at Xiaohua and swallowed: "You will be my second wife from now on!"

"You, are not afraid, my master?"

"Your master?"

The red-faced ghost king sneered.

"Don't say he's not here today, even if he is here, I will eat him in one bite!"

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