Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 199 Midnight Red Clothes (Part 1)

"It's really weird. They came in such a strong manner and then left like that without any problems?"

Kang Sengui felt something strange. He pushed open the classroom door and saw two big holes in the wall. Many tables and chairs even fell to the ground!

"Okay, there is really school violence. Next time I meet them, I will let them taste the power of my superpower!"

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Shangyuan Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, when the heavenly official descends to bestow blessings. On this day, people post couplets, the first couplet is "more than auspicious celebrations" and the second couplet is "God bless you".

Tianguan is the god who bestows fortune and wealth. The Emperor Tianguan holds a banner with four big characters "Tianguan bless", with the word "福" surrounded by flowers on his back. He is surrounded by auspicious clouds and five bats above his head and feet. The longevity peaches at his feet symbolize "Fu". May you be blessed and live long." Emperor Tianguan bestowed upon the world a beautiful and happy life.

"Bat" means "luck" and is also a symbol of heavenly officials.

The spell cast by the female ghost Xu Banxiang has no deep connection with the "blessing from heavenly officials". Instead, it is like a spell.

The female ghost who has joined the Western Paradise can cast it, and the happy ghost can also cast it. This spell seems to have many magical features.

"I can immobilize people and objects within a kilometer radius at a time. This trick is the skill my godfather gave me to save my life!"

"You can also invite your godfather to come, and I will ask him for advice!"

Seeing He Cheng who was neither salty nor bland, Xu Banxiang stamped her feet in annoyance. She just couldn't do anything with He Cheng, and she couldn't escape or beat him, so she had to teach him obediently.

Ghosts have powers, zombies don't.

If you want to learn this spell, you have to start from the most basic level.

"Just wait, I'll give my godfather a call!"

Xu Banxiang dodged and was about to leave when the whip made of corpse air came over and stopped her abruptly.

Soon a younger brother sent me a brand new phone.

Jingle Bell……

"Hey, godfather, it's me! I'm in big trouble now!"

A sigh came from the other end of the phone: "I know you are in big trouble. That zombie is very ferocious, and I can't handle it either. You can only ask for luck!"

Xu Banxiang's heart dropped when she heard that her godfather, who was an angel, couldn't defeat him. However, she did not forget about the business: "Godfather, is there any way to make zombies practice magic? If I don't teach him magic, I'm afraid he will never be able to do it." I can’t be reborn! You must help me.”

"This... Chinese zombies feed on blood and use resentment as their strength. They are all dead and don't even have souls. How can they practice magic!"

"Don't cry, I have a method, I have a method! Let him catch any ghost with good magic power, wash away the ghost's consciousness, and just catch the ghost every time he wants to use magic, right?"

Xu Banxiang looked at He Cheng with tearful eyes: "Why is this method...forget it, it's not good!"

"Daddy, don't you have a better way?"

"At least he has a soul. He is a dead body. Even if I kill him, I can't find a solution...unless he is a flying yaksha or a drought demon!"

"Does he still need to learn our magic if he is really a drought demon?"

"That's true..." There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Hanbao is the ancestor of zombies. There are so many zombies in the world and there are countless ancestors. But those who can swallow dragons and travel thousands of miles across the earth will not look down on this little trick.

"Daughter, someone is coming. I'll hang up now. If you need anything, come see me again!"

As he said this, a "beep beep beep beep" sound came from the phone receiver.

"Kill me, I can't help it..."

Xu Banxiang sat on the ground resignedly, raising her slender and white neck like a giraffe, waiting for the corpse claws to crush it.

"I have two methods. Let's try them first and then talk about it."

"Method? What method?"

Xu Banxiang's heart became hot as soon as she heard that she had a chance to survive.


He Cheng's right hand suddenly lost a piece, and a crow the size of a young eagle flapped its wings and landed on his shoulder.

Although this crow has his own corpse energy, and is even transformed by a part of his body, there is no doubt that the crow is alive!

"You teach it to practice!"

"Teach the crow? Forget it, you should tell me the second method!"

Xu Banxiang refused without thinking.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

She saw the zombie suddenly open its mouth, and a powerful and irresistible suction force came from his throat, dragging Xu Banxiang and flying into his mouth.

"I, can't I teach you?"

She didn't know why the zombie was angry and wanted to eat her, but it was better to teach a stupid bird than to be eaten immediately.

The suction suddenly disappeared, and Xu Banxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing a moody zombie, she was really scared and tired.

Eating Xu Banxiang directly was He Cheng's second method.

Every time he eats a guy with strange abilities, he has a small chance of gaining the other person's abilities. Nowadays, all his abilities are obtained by eating, and he is not willing to eat Xu Banxiang unless he has to.

It is best to learn to be natural.

With all her thoughts in despair, Xu Banxiang began to teach a crow how to practice mana and how to use spells. To her surprise, the crow learned very quickly and had high qualifications...


Late at night, the neon lights are shining.

Old K looked like a winner in life and walked down the street with three women.

As for why there are three.

His cousin Sai Jinhua is a man-in-law. He didn't want to bring her here this time, but Lao K owed her rent, so he didn't dare to refuse.

The other two are female ghosts. The one on the left has a little baby fat. The beautiful one is Wei Xiaodie, whom he bought in exchange for three years of life.

The tall, thin and pure-looking one on the right is Xiaohua.

When Xiaohua was being followed, she was discovered by Wei Xiaodie. After being found out, Wei Xiaodie didn't even explain. This man thought that she was a poor ghost too, "guessed" her life experience, and easily agreed with Xiaohua to stay.

Leading the way to the street, beauties with two styles attracted the attention of all the males on the road. Even dogs would bark when they saw her.

Look at his former son, who was fooling around with others behind his back all day long. How could he be as tall as one-tenth of these two female ghosts?

Arriving at the usual place to eat, Old K snapped his fingers coolly: "Four!"

"Please come this way!"

The waiter took Old K to sit down with great respect, and he did not forget to praise: "Sir, are you taking your mother and girlfriend out for dinner?"

"I'm his cousin, not his mother!" Sai Jinhua was like a thermos bottle that fell to the ground and exploded immediately.

"Sorry, sorry..."

Listening to the noise here, the lobby manager came over and apologized: "He just came here, a temporary worker, and Old K is an acquaintance. I'm sorry, I bought drinks tonight..."

"We have three women here. It's not fun to invite you to drink, right?"

"Then a fruit plate!"

"The fruit plate is great. The fruit supplements the body's vitamins. Come on, my stomach is already growling!"

After getting a fruit plate for free, Old K was in a happy mood. He ignored his cousin and chatted passionately with the two female ghosts.

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