Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 198 I love you...

"How can you let me go? I just jumped from the sky and was about to be reincarnated. I can't promise you anything!"

The female ghost had just seen He Cheng's ferocity, and now she didn't dare to be aggressive.

"Yesterday you ruined my business"

"Okay, so it turns out that you are in the business of forcing girls not to love themselves!"

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and quickly covered her mouth. Now if she angered the other party, she would only die!

"Okay, what do you think you need to do to let me go? I was in a hurry to be reincarnated in a month... If it weren't for the descendants of that happy ghost who ruined my chances of having my first child twice, I wouldn't have been causing trouble. , and finally it got into trouble with you..."

"Call your godfather down from the sky!"

"Can not be done!"

The female ghost waved her hands repeatedly. Just now, the zombie said that she wanted to eat her godfather. If she really called her godfather down, wouldn't she be asking him to die?

"My godfather works 365 days a year..."

"Really? This is really a pity. I still want to taste the taste of an angel." He Cheng smacked his lips and said with regret.

This also made the female ghost feel relieved. Fortunately, she didn't agree, otherwise she would have tricked her godfather to death.

"But you have to promise me another thing..."

As he spoke, his eyes scanned up and down the female ghost.

The female ghost was so frightened by the sight that she covered her chest with her hands.

"...I won't sell my virginity...I haven't been in love yet, so it wouldn't be a good idea to just lose my virginity like this..."

"I want that spell of yours!"

"Are you talking about the heavenly official's blessing?"

The melodious voice of the female ghost sounded.

"Nothing is forbidden!"

The female monitor who was flying in the air was caught by a hand around her waist and placed on the ground.

There were also two long lines of corpse energy fixed in the air, which quickly shot into the wall, drilling holes as small as two fingers thick. The corpse energy exploded and spread like fog, corroding more than half of the wall in the blink of an eye. .

At this time, a strong suction force came.

The corpse gas was sucked into his mouth again by He Cheng and swallowed.


The younger brother who was walking out just closed the door.

"Hey! Who are you! What are you holding me for?"

The female monitor's pretty face wrinkled up, and she struggled to break away from the big hand. She still didn't know what happened just now.

In the blink of an eye, a man appeared in front of her, grabbed her, threw her into the air, and then caught her again!

"Let's play figure skating!" the female monitor added.

At this time the door was also knocked open.

"Let go of Ayi!"

Zhang Zijie broke into the door and shouted. He Cheng's younger brother held his neck, but he was no match for the newborn calf and was dragged into the classroom.

"Ayi, are you okay?" Zhang Zijie came over.

The female monitor turned her head and said, "I don't need your cat crying or your fake mercy!"

She still remembered that it was Zhang Zijie who sold the four sisters to the entertainment center. If the boss hadn't suddenly had a seizure and called the police to surrender, they would have definitely suffered.

"Boss!" The younger brother stood obediently behind He Cheng. He knew who his boss was, and it was precisely because of this that he was now deeply fearful of not being able to do things well.

"Hey, don't think that you are awesome just because you brought a little brother here. Let me tell you, all your big guys entered the police station yesterday!"

Zhang Zijie rushed to He Cheng and shouted: "If you dare to do anything inappropriate to A Yi, don't blame me for doing it!"

"who is he?"

He Cheng raised his hand and lowered the brim of his hat, covering most of his face, and also covered his mouth when he spoke.

"You scumbag, you tricked a female classmate into selling it at our entertainment center."

"Okay, kill it"

He said calmly, turned around and walked out the door.


The younger brother was stunned. He had never killed someone in school before, but when he remembered the identity of the person next to him... he didn't dare to refuse.

He fiercely pulled out the folding knife from his waist, made two fierce gestures, and said to Zhang Zijie: "Kid, I can only blame you for your bad mouth!"

"Wait... wait... Boss, I was wrong!"

This kid also fully played the role of a scumbag to the end. He thought that everyone else had entered the police station, and he could still cope with the two people who slipped through the net. But now, looking at it, he is basically a dragon who kills people. Even the school dares to kill people!

"Bah, no future!"

The female monitor stood in the front: "This is a school and you dare to do something. Isn't there any law?"

"Boss..." The younger brother looked at He Cheng hesitantly. If he had the choice, he wouldn't want to.

"Let's go"

Unexpectedly, the female student said something, and his boss actually agreed. The younger brother nodded to the female monitor, and quickly grabbed an umbrella and followed He Cheng.

"This little brother's brain is a little hard to work with..."

Looking at his younger brother who was about to hold an umbrella to block the sun, He Cheng shook his head. He was killing people in full view of everyone, and in this era when all countries had nuclear weapons, not to mention he was jumping stiff, not even Han Ba ​​would dare to be so crazy.

Of course, if all the witnesses could be killed, everything would be in vain.

He just asked his younger brother to deal with that kid secretly because the other guy contradicted him.

"You hurt my student and you still want to run away?"

A teacher wearing glasses popped out of nowhere. He pointed his finger and shouted: "I love you!"

Nothing happened.

Instead, he received shocked looks from many students.

"Wow, Teacher Kang is so open-minded!"

"Yes, yes, but that man is really handsome... I also felt like I fell in love at first sight..."

"Agui!" The female principal who just passed by stamped her feet, looked at Kang Sengui sadly and angrily, and turned to leave.

"No, principal, you misunderstood, I...I..."

Kang Sengui felt like he couldn't speak clearly.

"Teacher Kang, no wonder you are lukewarm towards me. It turns out to be because you like men!"

Yao Qiong, a female student who had always had a crush on Kang Sengui, also left in anger.

"Sorry, sorry, you really misunderstood!"

Kang Sengui sighed and pointed at the principal who had not walked far behind him.

"I love you!"'

call! !

A gust of wind blew, and the principal was instantly blown away.

"My superpowers are not gone hahaha!"

But when he turned around to deal with the young and Dangerous boy who bullied his student, he found that the other person had already reached the school gate.

"Forget it, I'll deal with you next time! Hey, squad leader, where are you going?"

The female monitor trotted to the school gate, and happened to see Sister Xia from Tsim Sha Tsui dressed as a little girl, and blocked the man's way.

The two of them didn't know what they were talking about. In short, Sister Xia stamped her feet angrily and watched the man get into the car and leave.

"Do you know him?" the female squad leader walked over and asked, not losing her momentum at all because of the little girl's dress.

"Hey, isn't this Dai Zhuoyi, monitor Dai? Of course I know him. He is my younger brother. He has been hanging out with me in Tsim Sha Tsui some time ago." Sister Xia put on a calm smile.

The female class monitor couldn't stand her showing off her strength: "He seemed to have ignored you just now, didn't he? I've heard a lot about Ah K from Tsim Sha Tsui, and I don't even know Sister Xia from Tsim Sha Tsui."


"Believe it or not, I will ask hundreds of brothers to hack you to death!" Sister Xia roared loudly, but she did not scare away the female squad leader.

"It's okay if you don't know me. There's no need to yell." The female monitor turned around disdainfully.

"Does Su Xiong know? He told me that if I want to hang out, I can go to Su Xiong's territory to find him. I advise you not to mess with people on the street and be your student/sister!"

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