Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 811: good at

?Accompanied by a middle-aged man in the uniform of a major general, Bout, who was undecided, walked out of the special investigation department building of the Ministry of Security of the Far Eastern Republic in Khabarovsk. A sense of happiness like escaping the catastrophe: God bless, Mr. Guo Da just got a *** enteritis, if this is really poisoned, there is no doubt that this old life will have to be thrown in. The "desolate" ground of the Far East is on the ground

The major general next to him was chatting non-stop from the moment he met, and when he walked out of the compound until he got into the car, in his chapped lips, he was still chanting some clichés that might have come from "shangfeng" , what are you sorry for, misunderstanding, "Mr. Guo deeply regrets this incident" and other words that are not nutritious. /. qb5. Butter is a smart man. Judging from the major general's buoyant expression, he knows that the other party has no sincerity at all. To put it bluntly, this general may look down on him since he hasn't seen him for a few years. Of course, most of them are dictators in military uniforms. In order to get the necessary weapons and equipment from him, those guys have to play around to please him and flatter him. ability. But now, on the ground in the Far East, he was first frightened into a cold sweat by Guo Shouyun, then inexplicably thrown into prison, and then inexplicably released, and at the end of all this, he even said a word. I can't even hear my sincere apologies... it hurts self-esteem, it hurts too much, if possible. Now he just wants to leave this **** place as soon as possible, and then go as far as possible, in short, as long as he doesn't face that guy named Guo Di.

But having said that, Bout also knows that he must not leave now. After all, the batch of arms he needs has not been obtained yet. One of the most embarrassing problems now is that the guy who does not take him as an arms dealer is not only There is only one Guo Shouyun from the Far East, and a bunch of grandson politicians from Washington. If he plays tricks in Khabarovsk. In the end, the deal was deadlocked, and it was impossible for Washington to give him any good fruit to eat. People live forever. There are always so many things that are not easy. Going to the left is useless, and taking the right is a dead end. If it is you, how do you choose? Is to choose to die dignifiedly. Or choose to live uselessly? In Bout's view... at least he didn't plan to go to a special gas jeep for the military, when the car moved. He couldn't help but look back. At this time, a lot of people came out of the compound of the Ministry of Security. Bout knows that these people are also innocent people who were mistakenly arrested in this incident. According to the promise of the security department, these people will each receive a compensation of 80,000 rubles provided by the Guo Group. There is no doubt that for these people, eighty thousand rubles is not a small sum, at least enough to quell their anger. But in Bout's eyes, these powerless ordinary people are obviously much more pitiful than themselves - Guo Shouyun is suffering from acute gastritis, so they can be released safely, and at the same time, they can also get 80,000 rubles in compensation. , then consider it from another angle, what if Mr. Guo Da is really poisoned? So, these poor bastards, can they get themselves out of prison with a mere 80,000 rubles? Obviously, that's simply not possible. To put it another way, in the eyes of a person in power like Guo Shouyun, an ordinary person from the society, his life is worth a mere 80,000 rubles at most.

Just when Bout was humiliated for his own uselessness, in the intensive care unit of Khabarovsk No. 2 National Hospital, Guo Shouyun, who was seriously ill, just drank a small bowl of chicken soup under Nina's meticulous service. Tang, perhaps because of nourishment, his originally pale face turned a little rosy.

Over the years, Guo Shouyun has encountered countless assassinations, and among them, there are also times when he was injured and hospitalized, but in general, he has never been bedridden due to illness, and this time, a sudden attack The acute enteritis caused him to fully understand that the most powerful enemy in the world was actually himself. In the past, he would never have known that a mere enteritis could put a person in shock.

"Would you like to drink more?" Nina asked softly, holding an empty small porcelain bowl in her hand. This woman was very frightened today. The notification she received in the military area was that Guo Shouyun was poisoned with potassium cyanide. She was in critical condition. Frankly speaking, at that moment, she almost fainted on the spot. From the military area to the hospital, all the way She was chanting a sentence: "The most fearful thing has finally come..."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak, he moved the arm on which the drip was hanging, and shook his head to indicate that he didn't drink anymore.

Drink it," Nina said with a smile, "The doctor said, is it cool to let you eat less liquid during this time? Would you like to get a heater for you to cover? "

"No need," Guo Shouyun snorted and smiled, "I'm not that delicate yet, give me a cigarette, this **** ward will be suffocating."

"No," Nina refused without hesitation. "You're so sick that you can't get out of bed, and you still want to smoke, so you can't think about your body more?"

"I have enteritis, not lung cancer. What's wrong with smoking a cigarette?" Guo Shouyun said in a sullen voice.

"I said no, no!" Nina put the porcelain bowl in her hand on the bedside table. Said unreasonably. "Let me tell you. Your hospitalization this time is also a good thing. Take this opportunity. You quit smoking as soon as possible. They are all in their thirties. Still smoking..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Nina is complaining vigorously here. There was a slight knock on the door.

"Please come in." Take this opportunity. Guo Shouyun responded. To get rid of his wife's chatter.

"Big brother." The door was pushed open from the outside. Holding a bunch of flowers, Guo Shoucheng walked in with big strides. He went straight to the bedside. First, I said hello to my sister-in-law. This is what Guo Shouyun said. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better." Guo Shouyun grinned. said. "If more than a dozen first-class doctors in the Far East can't deal with a single enteritis, then I should be unlucky. Hehe. But. Good into a stunned moment. This is reaching out to his pocket to draw a cigarette.

"Don't give it to him!" Nina snorted coldly.

Guo Shoucheng just took out the cigarette case. Hearing what the sister-in-law said, he laughed dryly, stuffed the cigarette case into his pocket again, and said, "I almost forgot, this is the ward, eldest brother, just bear with it, whatever we say. You have to pay attention to morality."

"You kid, when did you learn to see the wind?" Guo Shouyun said with a helpless smile on his face.

Scratching his scalp, Shoucheng pretended not to hear anything. He changed the subject and said, "Some generals from Sironov called me and said they were going to visit you. I told them that you need to rest now. Pushed away. But after thinking about it, I thought that if all the meetings were to be rejected, it might cause panic among some people, so I thought you might as well make time to meet them? "

The idea is very reasonable," Guo Shouyun nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Let them come, tonight, some people in the province are suspicious of this and that all day long, maybe, when I go out, they even have wreaths. Ready for me. "

"Can't you say two nice things?" Nina said with a look of dissatisfaction, staring at her.

"Then good words are not practical, what are you talking about?" Guo Shouyun said disapprovingly.

"Okay, okay, brother and sister-in-law, don't argue for now, I haven't finished talking yet," Shoucheng interjected, "Brother, it doesn't matter if you are suddenly ill, the group's phone was almost blown today. It took half an hour, the long distance from Washington, the long distance from Beijing, the long distance from Moscow, one by one, first to ask about your situation, then to express some **** condolences, huh, say something ugly, Yaku When there was a snow disaster over there, no one cared so much."

"Why are they expressing condolences?" Guo Shouyun said with a sneer, "clearly hoping to hear some good news from you, but it's a pity that God is not yet on their side. Enteritis, I can't save Guo Shouyun's life, I live well, and in the near future, I have absolutely no plans to be a follower of the **** of death. Look at it like this. When you look back, you reply to them for me, and you say that they are kind to me. After I am discharged from the hospital after a while, I will hold a big banquet in Khabarovsk, so that they must send representatives to attend."

Although he is seriously ill at the moment, Guo Shouyun's mind is still very calm. He knows that he does not have such a real and reliable friendship with Moscow, Washington, and Beijing. People who choose to call at this time cannot care about him. Health problems, but I hope to inquire in advance to see if this annoying guy is dead. But as the saying goes, "Good people don't live long, disasters last 10,000 years." Although he was hospitalized due to illness, in the end, he only had enteritis that disappointed many people, hehe, proud , Guo Shouyun is very proud now, he really wants to see the lost expression on some people's faces at this moment.

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