Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 812: Simlov

?No matter who it is, the life in hospital is probably not a memorable episode, even for Guo Shouyun, who has always been quiet and inactive. What's more important is that he was in the hospital for the past two days. Time is subject to the smoking control from Nina, no matter whether it is a success or Polaninov, but anyone who enters the hospital to visit the senior officials of Guo is not allowed to put cigarettes in their pockets. This lady has a word in advance, who will give him If her husband smokes, she is going to end up with someone. /, qв5. That's it, poor Guo Shouyun has not even seen a single tobacco leaf since he entered the ward. Out of frustration, he is now caught in the habit of holding things. , No matter it is chopsticks or a pen, as long as there is something on hand, he will put it in his mouth, so as to solve the pain of being smokeless.

Fortunately, after two days of this hellish pain, on the third day, his lucky star appeared, the two big smokers Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov swayed. Came to Khabarovsk, and Nina's ban obviously didn't work for these two guys.

"Oh, God bless, why didn't you two filthy fellows come here two days ago?" Sitting on the hospital bed, Guo Shouyun hung a drip in one arm and a freshly lit cigarette in the other hand. With bloodshot eyes, he stared at the pack of cigarettes on the bedside table without blinking, complaining bitterly, "Do you know how anxious I am waiting for this moment? To be honest, I almost broke the window frame and used it as tobacco leaves."

"Poor, pitiful," Khodorkovsky said while sitting on the opposite chair, with his legs crossed, shaking his head with emotion, "I can't believe that our dignified Mr. Guo Da can't raise less than a dollar on his own site. A cigarette, hehe, if I had known this earlier, I would have to wait a few days before coming here," Guo Shouyun said angrily, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, okay," stood Vinogradov by the door, shaking his big hand that squeezed the cigar. He smiled and said, "Shouyun, you don't have to complain anymore. In fact, we planned to come here two days ago, but later we heard that you only suffered from acute enteritis, so we gave up the plan to come here immediately. You also You know, we have a lot of work at hand. The situation in Siberia is not like your Far East. If we want to fully control the situation there, we have to do a good job in all aspects. \\ These days. How should I put it, I'm so overwhelmed, if it weren't for some important things that need to be discussed with you further, we might not be able to make it today.

Guo Shouyun knew what he meant by these words. During this time, the two giants have devoted all their energy to the work of integrating political power in Siberia, according to a series of secret agreements reached by the three giants. In order for their alliance to officially enter Moscow, they only rely on the Far East, which is a little weaker. Therefore, in order to be foolproof, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov have successively entered several states and republics in the Siberia region. Busy inside. Concentrate all efforts to win over those political forces that can be won over.

"Why, are you in trouble?" Guo Shouyun thought for a while and guessed.

"It's not difficult to talk about," Khodorkovsky shook his head and said, "It's just that when we were in Tyumen some time ago, we had a good relationship with Simlov, um..."

After making a gesture that no one could understand, he continued: "Even if we are motivated by this, we also have some new ideas. This time, we hurried over here. I want to discuss this idea with you."

Guo Shouyun had heard of Simlov. This old man is the current Speaker of the State Assembly of Tyumen, and at the same time. He is also the largest local rich man in Tyumen State. He controls the entire No. 6 oil area of ​​the Tyumen Oilfield, and his personal assets exceed 2 billion US dollars. As an officer in the former Soviet Union, Simlov has a fiery disposition. Although he is not very strong in the Federation, there has always been a deep relationship between him and Gusinski. Contradiction, the relationship between the two can even be described as the same.

Guo Shouyun once heard some rumors, saying that in 1993, a war broke out between Simlov and Gusinski, and at that time, old Gu Zheng was content to spread to the Siberian oil fields. The Tyu Ming No. 6 oil area in the hands of her husband once promised a sky-high price of seven billion US dollars. Unfortunately, his business opponent is a rock that cannot be eaten by soft and hard, so that there is no business negotiation between the two. get any results. Who is Gusinski? He even dared to rectify Khodorkovsky, let alone a local snake entrenched in Tyumen. Therefore, in a fit of rage, the old man took some "unconventional" practices. Arrangers kidnapped Simlov's youngest son, claiming that if he can't get the equity of No. 6 oil area, he will tear up the vote, and he will annoy the hostage by five cents. The six sons are the smallest one. Anyone who wants to let him use the No. 6 oil area to exchange for a stupid son will be foolish. Anyone who wants to kill that stupid boy can kill him, but after killing him, please wear a ground bracelet. Give it back, after all, it is an antique, and it is worth a lot of money. After making such a public statement, the old man immediately took countermeasures. For three consecutive nights, the Tyumen region included a series of cities such as Tyumen, Nizhny Vartovsk, Neftieyugorsk, Surgut and so on. , there broke out **** clashes on a large scale, gang members with sticks, big blades and even assault rifles jumped up and down all over Tyumen, but all institutions, companies and even individuals related to Gusinski were robbed. Looting, smashing, smashing, killing and killing, in a word, Simlov is to uproot the Gusins ​​forces in the territory of Tyumen.

This incident was so big at the time that in the end the Siberian Military Region had to stand up to suppress it, but then again, as a person who got up in the military world and was also a local snake in Tyumen, Simlov naturally had his own Therefore, Gusinski did not take advantage of this matter in the end. Not only did he not get the No. 6 oil area, but he also caused a whole lot of trouble. The Qiuming No. 1 oil area he controlled There are 16 oil wells, and the incidents of oil theft continue one after another. How rampant are those oil thieves? They dared to open their mouths on the main pipeline of the oil well and drove the tanker truck to pull oil in broad daylight. \\

The area of ​​Tyumen Oblast is 1.5 million square kilometers, which is equivalent to the combined area of ​​Britain, France, Finland, Italy and Denmark, and historically, it has always been an important oil-producing area in the Soviet Union, but it is located in Simlov and ancient times. After this conflict in Sinsky, the state became the world of the donkey-tempered old man. Even after Khodorkovsky entered Siberia, he was polite to the old man and did not dare to provoke it easily. he.

But now, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov went on a trip to Tyumen, and even said that they had a good relationship with Simlov, and that they had some new ideas, which really made Guo Shouyun feel Accident.

After thinking about it quickly, Guo Shouyun said in a playful tone, "I'm naturally happy to have a good idea. Don't you want to team up with that old donkey to deal with me?"

"Among the three of us, you are the only one who can calculate," Vinogradov laughed. "Have you calculated enough of us? It's better now, we have paid you all of our net worth, but you doubt that we will calculate. is you."

"Don't pay attention to him, he is such a person," Khodorkovsky waved his hand and said angrily, "If he doesn't doubt people for a while in his mind, he won't be able to sit still."

After being scolded by two old friends one by one, Guo Shouyun felt at ease. He knew that if Huo and Wei really planned to work together to calculate their own interests, then they would not react like this at the moment.

"Hey, it's a joke, why do you guys react so much," Guo Shouyun said with a self-deprecating laugh, "Okay, since both of you think this new idea is good, let's talk about it, me If people have no other ability, they will pick things up. Let's talk about it first. If your ideas are insecure, don't blame me for vetoing them for you.

There is no doubt that Guo Shouyun is not completely at ease with the two old friends when it comes to this, and he has left a way out for himself.

"It's like this," Khodorkovsky obviously didn't hear anything unusual, he nodded and said, "In Tyumen, our biggest purpose was to win over Simlov to join us. I know, although this old man is from, but his influence in the Siberia region is still considerable, and Tyumen itself is a big state, he can control four seats in the Dumane, in this case, the two of us agree I thought it was necessary to hold him back."

"Yes, yes," Guo Shouyun nodded. This is a heartfelt word. Since we want to unite with local forces to surround Moscow, it is natural that the more local powerful factions like Simlov are drawn, the better. "It's just that this old man's temper is not very good. Judging from the conflict between him and Gusinsky, it might not be easy to pull him in, right?"

"You're wrong," Khodorkovsky laughed. "In contrast, Simlov should be the easiest person to win."

A look of surprise flashed across Shouyun's face, and he asked casually, "Why?"

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