Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 810: farce

?When he came out of the hot spring bath, Guo Shouyun felt a kind of exhaustion deep into his bones. His two weak thighs felt uncomfortable no matter how he put them in the car. It's like catching a cold

"Sir, where are you going?" The loyal driver held the steering wheel, looked at the boss's face through the rearview mirror in the car, and asked, "Are you going back to the villa?"

Hand me the schedule first." Although he felt heavy eyelids and wanted to find a place to lie down and have a good night's sleep, Guo Shouyun still didn't forget his work. He remembered that there seemed to be someone else who needed to see a man this afternoon. See, "I remember that there seemed to be a meeting scheduled this afternoon, but I forgot who it was.

Hearing the words, the driver turned around and dug out a red hard leather record book from the small filing cabinet behind the seat.

"Here, sir," leaning over to hand the record book to the boss, the driver suggested cautiously, "I don't think you're looking very well. If possible, would it be nice to push this schedule back?" Guo Shouyun opened the record book with one hand, and said absently, "Hehe, don't worry, maybe I caught a little cold in the bath just now, and I should be fine after taking two quinines..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a strong nausea suddenly surged up from the tip of his stomach and rushed straight to his throat.

Guys, this time the stomach turned really bad, Guo Shouyun felt a sore throat. Then the forehead was cold for a while, and the top of the head was like a sap, and the top exploded.

With a "slap" sound, the half-opened record book fell on the board of the carriage. Then, watching the famous Far Eastern giant folded to the side, he fell to the seat with a groan. Below, there was no more movement.

"Sir!" The driver in front watched the boss fall to the ground, and said unceremoniously, at the moment when Guo Shouyun fell to the ground. He felt cold all over. Like falling into a bottomless ice cellar in the middle of winter, he sat in the driver's seat for nearly a full minute. I can't even move my fingers.

"It's not good!" After waking up, the driver first glanced into the rear compartment subconsciously. When he saw the light green juice flowing from the corner of Guo Shouyun's mouth, he was completely frightened. He pushed open the car door and fell to the ground. Before standing up, the driver who had served in the Guo Group for several years shouted with a heart-piercing cry. "Mister is poisoned, sir is poisoned!"

It doesn't matter what he yells. The bodyguards who were originally guarding the convoy blew up the battalion, no doubt. This is not good news for them, if Guo Shouyun is really poisoned at this time. Then none of these bodyguards can get rid of their relationship.

Polaninov did not travel with Guo Shouyun today. Responsible for the guard command work place. He was a young man in his thirties with a sturdy face. speak up. This guy is still relatively calm. He first boarded Guo Shouyun's car and briefly inspected it. Then say nothing. Let the team start quickly. Go to the second Khabarovsk State Hospital, which is the closest to the thermal baths.

On the way to the hospital in the convoy. The young man got in touch with Polaninov, the headquarters of the Guo Group, who was left behind through a car phone. on the phone. He described in detail a series of symptoms of Guo Shouyun's ground color, breathing conditions and subcutaneous bleeding at this time. and preliminarily inferred from this. He was most likely poisoned.

Guo Shouyun was poisoned. This is for the Far East and especially Khabarovsk. No small thing. According to Polaninov. face this situation. He must do three things well: first. Quickly arrange for the best doctor in Khabarovsk to start rescue; second. The entire city is subject to martial law on the largest scale in the mainland. In order to bring the poisoned murderer to justice; third. Get in touch with Shoucheng and Nina as soon as possible. In order to take the necessary measures to deal with the most pessimistic situation.

that's all. After receiving a phone call from the team. Polaninov made four calls without stopping. The first is to call the Ministry of Health and Quarantine of the Republic. He asked the Ministry in the shortest possible time. The best doctors from major hospitals in Khabarovsk were dispatched to the Second National Hospital urgently. In order to carry out the most effective rescue of Guo Shouyun. The second call was to the Khabarovsk Ministry of Internal Affairs. He asked the city's Ministry of Internal Affairs to deploy as many police and security forces as possible as soon as possible. Conduct audits across the city. In particular, Guo Shouyun has been to the hot spring baths and the San Jose Western Restaurant on Lenin Street today. Monitor all personnel who may be involved in poisoning. The third call was to Shana Riva. On the one hand, the purpose is to prepare the woman psychologically. On the one hand, she also hopes to mobilize the power of the mafia she controls. Secretly cooperate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the audit work. As for this fourth call. Just call Guo Shoucheng. According to Polaninov. Once Guo Shouyun could not survive this crisis. Then the people who can stand up and play the leading role. It must be "Mr. Guo Er".

Wait until the end of this series of work. Polaninov couldn't even catch his breath. Then he left the Guo Group headquarters in a hurry. I went straight to the Second National Hospital.

Guo Shouyun inexplicably passed out in his car. How serious is this matter? It seems difficult to describe it in words only. but. In less than ten minutes after Polaninov finished the phone call and took the elevator downstairs. The entire urban area of ​​Khabarovsk has been buzzing. The convoys roared out of the military headquarters of the Far East Military Region, the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the headquarters of the Security Bureau and six police stations in the urban area. swarmed into the city. That car loaded with live ammunition, expressionless soldiers. The police cars with their sirens roared. Everyone tells people that something has happened in Khabarovsk.

The San Jose restaurant where Guo Shouyun dined today was seized by the security forces for the first time. The restaurant owner from California, USA, arguing that he has American nationality, quarreled with the security bureau soldiers who came to pick him up, and the result was a sap in the head. , The whole person was locked into the car by three big men like a dead pig. Afterwards, more than 30 people in the entire restaurant, including the diners, were all taken to the security bureau for questioning.

The most unfortunate person is the poor Mr. Bout. After some madness, he finally regained his strength and was planning to attack Huanglong again, and enjoy the "Russian style seven soldiers with live ammunition kicked with one foot" When he opened the door, hula la rushed in to get people. Fortunately, this Bout was also a person in the scene. He knew that what he said at this time was in vain, so he did not dare to argue with the soldiers who were holding him, but even so , he still received two punches and three kicks on his body. The saddest thing is that when he was escorted into the car, he didn't even wear a trousers.

This is really an era of information explosion, and any hint of trouble can spread all over the world in the blink of an eye. Just when Guo Shouyun was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and the Khabarovsk military police launched a large-scale search operation, the CIA obtained relevant information. Two versions of top-secret information were in hand. One of them said that Guo Shouyun was shot at the Khabarovsk hot spring bath and was taken to the hospital after being shot several times. Now his life and death are unknown. The other one was somewhat smeared, saying that Guo Shouyun was poisoned with potassium cyanide, and the poisoner was suspected to be Bout. Now, the Far East security department has arrested Bout himself...

This **** is really a tricky thing. After learning these two pieces of information, Tenet felt a little numb in his scalp. There is no doubt that no matter which of the two pieces of information is more relevant, at least Bout has something to do with the current chaos in the Far East. He has a close relationship, and this kid was entrusted by the CIA to go to Khabarovsk, which means that if this matter is exposed, the CIA will definitely not be clean.

Of course, Tenet may not worry about whether he will be involved in the assassination of Guo Shouyun, but he has to consider the purpose of Bout's trip to Khabarovsk. If his purpose is exposed, then Tenet and the entire Washington government will probably be targeted by thousands of people. Therefore, at this time, he thinks that the most important thing he should do is to clear his relationship with Bout. For this reason, the first decision Tenet made after learning these two pieces of information was to order his subordinates to urgently prepare a wanted order for Bout. Within the time limit, he went down to the various overseas departments of the Intelligence Bureau. In addition, he also demanded that the overall situation must be unified, insisting that the wanted order was officially issued on September 27, that is, two weeks ago.

For the CIA, the presence of Bout is very important. It is through the hands of this person that the United States can start a war in some more sensitive areas, but now, in the face of Guo Shouyun's sudden assassination, special Nit also had to give up this expensive bargaining chip in his hands. After all, compared with the Far East, those small places in Africa are insignificant.

After completing this series of preparations, Tenet had not yet had time to rest, and the US consulate in Khabarovsk sent him a piece of information that made him laugh and laugh - lived in Khabarovsk an hour ago Guo Shouyun of the Second National Hospital has officially escaped danger. According to the report given by the hospital, he was not poisoned, but... but suffered from acute enteritis...

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