Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 89: Hope both sides lose

?Come out from the bath room where he "treated each other sincerely" with Bout just now, Guo Shouyun did not directly leave the gold-selling cave used by the Guo Group to entertain guests, but changed to a relatively secluded room----Today He has learned too much news from Bout. He needs to calm down and summarize it well, sum up the general trend of the current international situation, so as to find an entry point for his next plan.

As a hot spring bath under the name of Guo's Group, this large-scale gold-selling cave will naturally have a secret room specially provided for the president of the group. Perhaps for safety reasons, this secret room was built underground. It is a luxurious secret room adjacent to the wine cellar and installed with a titanium steel safety door. It is rude to say that since the completion of the bath, the only people who have been fortunate enough to enter this room are the two women who specially serve Guo Shouyun. And Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov.

Frankly speaking, for a man, no matter how high his status and how knowledgeable he is, he can't escape the peculiar nature of a male animal, luxury, lasciviousness, greed and corruption. A person who is arrogant step by step* As a very normal man, although Guo Shouyun came to this place not many times, in order to provide himself with a supreme enjoyment, he still spent a lot of thought on the construction of this secret room . \\

Entering the secret room from the one-foot-thick titanium safety door, the first thing you see is the huge screen on the wall opposite the door. The signal antenna of this screen is connected to the military ground of the Khabarovsk garrison in the Far East. The satellite receiving station extends to Japan and South Korea in the east, Hunan and Hubei in China in the south, Chukotka and Alaska in the north, and Volgograd in the west. All local TV stations in this open area can be connected here. But unfortunately, Guo Shouyun didn't watch the news on this big-screen TV much. There are a lot of times to watch **** for fun.

In addition to this large-screen TV, the other furnishings in the room are relatively simple. If there is anything surprising, it must be said to be full of mirrors in the room - including the sky. The top and three walls are almost all made of clear refractory glass mirrors. A person is lying on the water bed in the center of the hall, and almost all his shadows are in contact with his eyes. Honestly, this design looks a little scary at first. \\If a person sleeps in such a room, the gloomy atmosphere may make the most daring person lose sleep. But from another point of view, if a man and a woman are doing some "things they like to do" here, the entanglement in their eyes, coupled with the sound effects created by the specially installed sound system, the atmosphere of the scene will be . But it is a special enjoyment.

To be honest: Guo Shouyun likes this place very much. If possible, he even hopes to remodel his bedroom like this. However, he can only think about this kind of thinking in his heart. If he really wants to implement it, he probably won't be able to pass Nina's test. This woman is unwilling to cooperate with certain positions on the bed. I am afraid that all the mirrors in the room will be smashed in the first time...

Again, even though I really like this place. But Guo Shouyun himself didn't come here many times. Generally speaking, there are two reasons for this: first. He is a man, not a human being, over thirty people. It's hard enough to deal with a woman in a down-to-earth way on weekdays, if it's just as unrestrained as in previous years. \\Then it is estimated that what he has to consider is not the issue of whether things can get an erection, but the issue of whether or not to install a pacemaker in his heart. Second, work is too busy. As the number one person in power in the Far East, he has to deal with the Far East government on the one hand, and the complex problems of the Far East military on the other hand. At the same time, he has to control his own Guo Group. Dealing with various forces and figures, it is blunt to say that from the first day of each month, his work schedule can be fully arranged to the middle of the month, those various, all kinds, and rotten millet. Documents can keep him approving from morning to night. Just imagine, in this case, how much time does he have to come to this place to enjoy life?

In a word, people's **** is infinite, and while realizing their **** step by step and little by little, people often lose their time to fully enjoy that sex. That is to say, if Guo Shouyun wants to hide in this place every day and enjoy life, then he must throw away the Far East he controls, his firm control over the entire Guo Group, and all the vulgarities around him. But then again, if he really made it to that point, how many women in the world would be willing to serve him in this brother's gold cave?

For a mature-minded man like Guo Shouyun, what is the biggest difference between him and a fledgling young man when he sees the relationship between men and women? Without it, there is only one point, that is, in the eyes of mature men, a word is a familiar word, while in the eyes of young people who are just starting out and not deep in the world, it is a phonetic word. It is the same word, what is the difference between phonogram and knowing? That's a big difference. If this word is regarded as a phonological word, then it has no profound meaning. On the contrary, if it is regarded as a knowing word, then the hidden meaning in it contains almost all mature men's views on love. Vertical heart" is the root of the radical, and "vertical heart" can be regarded as an auxiliary, and can be regarded as a spiritual need. The word is the root, that is, the main point. For a pair of heterosexual couples, the relationship can only be formed when spiritual and material needs are met at the same time, and of the two, spiritual needs, that is, love, must be secondary.

The knowledge of Chinese characters is extensive and profound, and in the arrangement of the radicals, it can often reflect the most realistic truths of life. It is precisely because he understands these truths that Guo Shouyun will not have the absurd dream of "love the country more than the beauty". In his eyes, as long as he loves Jiangshan, there will naturally be beauties to love him. On the contrary, if Jiangshan is no longer there, even if he looks like Pan An's rebirth, those beauties will never look at him directly. \\As the slogan says: a black heart, two claws ready, black if you can, grab if you can... This is the strategy of a mature man. And now, Guo Daguan's black heart is running again, he pondered, maybe this time Bout brought him not only bad news, but also some opportunities.

Based on what Bout said before and some things he remembered in his previous life, Guo Shouyun felt that the reason why the CIA was introducing the arms trade from the federation to the African continent this time must be for the Beijing side. Ambition is a wake-up call, and to go a little deeper, that is, the spread of China's influence on the African continent has touched the fundamental interests of Washington. Those arrogant Yankees who have always been arrogant can no longer sit still in the face of this threat. .

The final stage of the 21st century is about to enter a very sensitive period. To put it bluntly, this can be regarded as a critical stage for the rapid expansion of China's political influence in the second time. It was also during this period, the rise of the European Union, the period when the United States aggressively expanded its hegemony abroad, and the period when Russia, as the successor of the Soviet Union, was heading towards recovery. It was under this circumstance that the chessboard of the great power game swept across the world, including Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia, a series of local wars emerged one after another, twenty-six centralized countries emerged, more than forty countries fell into war, and the European Union was the first. Once proposed to lift the arms embargo against China, Chinese leaders frequently visit South America, Africa and so on. And this series of disputes reached its peak when the United States bombed the Chinese embassy in the Yugoslavia. After this incident, the United States offered compensation to China. Soon after, the United States was punished for providing the wrong bombing target to the US military. The dismissed CIA lieutenant colonel William Bennett was assassinated... These international events are not isolated from each other, and there is destined to be some unknown between them. connect.

Sitting on the water bed in the secret room, Guo Shouyun looked at the two women who were squeezed in his **. Although their expressions to please men were very coquettish and seductive, and the opening and closing of the red lips were also full of **** temptation, but in his heart But without the slightest rise in **, he was thinking about which side he should put his real bargaining chip on in this risky investment.

Just in this clueless thinking, Guo Shouyun suddenly appeared in front of Guo Shouyun's favorite movie clip from his previous life. At the same time, he also remembered the dialogue between the two people.

"Are we traveling together? Do you think I only sell firearms? I also choose sides."

"But in the Iran-Iraq war you sold on both sides."

"Have you ever thought that I want both sides to lose? Bullets change government more than votes."

Yes, it is also arms supplies. Whoever sells it does not mean supporting whoever. Perhaps, more often, as a half-outside spectator, the arms supplier hopes that both sides of the war will lose both. The end - bullets, indeed more than votes can change a government, at least, can change the government's decision-making.

But having said that, at this time, Guo Shouyun was thinking much more than the war-torn land in Africa. In the dark, he vaguely felt that maybe he really should send someone to contact the Iraqi dictator as soon as possible. After several years of international embargoes, the great Hussein brother must be in urgent need of a batch of weapons to equip his guards?

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