Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 790: Vlasov

?Several roaring helicopters slowly landed on the apron behind the main building of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk city government. When Guo Shouyun came out of the cabin in a daze, a group of Nansa leaders led by Mayor Vlasov. The officials of the Harinsk city government have been waiting here for nearly half an hour. Although Guo Shouyun came here this time to meet with Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, the Guo Group gave them to the outside world. It is said that he is coming to inspect several large-scale investment projects of the group in this area. Therefore, after receiving this news, Vlasov, the mayor who climbed to power by virtue of his "nepotism", was immediately ready for a reception job. In his opinion, this was a big deal. A godsend opportunity.

In the past few years of the rise of the Guo Group, the economy of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk has developed rapidly, and as the mayor of this city, Vlasov, although coquettish, corrupt and extravagant, but He is indeed very experienced in economic work. Five years ago, when he first became mayor, there were only more than 1,400 small and medium-sized enterprises and six large-scale enterprise groups in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, and most of them Enterprises are facing serious losses, and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Shipyard's losses are even more than 49 percent. \\Faced with such a situation, Vlasov personally came forward and made a special trip to Khabarovsk to ask Guo Shouyun for funds and policies. Under the condition of guaranteeing his political future, the old guy got two from Yuan Commercial Bank. $1.7 billion in loans. With a mere $3 billion in funds, in just five years, the income of the residents of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk has doubled by six times, and the city's fiscal revenue has doubled compared to 1991. It has been nine times over, thus creating another miracle in the process of the Far East Economic Exhibition. \\

Perhaps because of this, Guo Shouyun still attaches great importance to this mayor who is lustful and greedy for money, and likes to flatter people when he sees him all day. To this end, the state legislature has made several proposals. On the grounds of corruption and "carrying twelve mistresses", this restless guy will be fully impeached, and finally. They were all pressed by Guo Shouyun as the decision of the Far East. He has always adhered to a principle: it doesn’t matter if government officials are greedy, and it’s okay to be lewd in private life. The key issue is that one’s own work must be done well, and if you are greedy, you have to contribute, and if you have more mistresses, you have to let the residents Lots of income. \\If not for this. With Vlasov's rhetoric. How could he escape Guo Shouyun's killer.

"Oh, Mr. Guo. Mr. Guo," saw Guo Shouyun get out of the cabin accompanied by several soldiers. Vlasov seemed to be afraid of falling behind, separated by a distance of more than 20 meters. Just shaking him as "fat and plump" as a big Ukrainian breeding pig, Sayazi ran towards the direction where the helicopter landed, shouting loudly, "You are coming to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, why didn't you come earlier?" Give me a notice in two days, then I'll make some more arrangements, you see now, hey, it's too late to prepare for anything."

"Notify you in advance? So that you can bury some criminal evidence?" Guo Shouyun endured a severe headache, reached out and patted the big fat man's claws, trying to hold his arm, and said blankly, "Hmph, you know why I came here this time. Do you? Tell you, I came here just to clean up you.\\"

"Tsk Lasov was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled and said, "I deserve to die for my sins, and I deserve to die for my sins. "

"Hmph, sin deserves ten thousand death, do you know what your sin is?" Guo Shouyun said coldly, still with that expressionless expression of death.

"Of course, of course," Vlasov said without hesitation, without even blinking his eyelids, "My greatest crime is that I knew I made a mistake, but I didn't ask Mr. Mr. Guo made a special trip. \\Mr. Guo is busy with daily business, busy with official business, and there are tens of millions of people in the Far East..."

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm really scared of you," Guo Shouyun's scalp was numb, he interrupted the blatant flattery in a hurry, and smiled, "I said Vlasov, in my opinion , your biggest crime is to have this mouth, ah, and the three-inch tongue in the mouth that is soaked in the honey pot all day long. You said that if you want to flatter, you should at least study the art of flattery Like this kind of nonsense that is both nutritious and disgusting, do you think I will believe it after hearing it?"

"Oh, oh, what Mr. said, what Mr. said is, when I get back and finish the work on the main budget for the second half of this year, I will definitely take the time to study that... what kind of art of flattery." \" Vlasov pretended to wipe his forehead and laughed.

Guo Shouyun glanced at the other party with admiration, and frankly speaking, don't look at this big fat man's appearance is shrinking and his character is indeed not good, but he is well versed in officialdom. Where is the strongest art of officialdom? One point: welcome. Here, flattery is not something that can be solved simply by flattering. It requires that the lower ranks must be able to accurately grasp the preferences of the upper ranks, and it is also the most important one. Take Vlasov as an example. He knows that Guo Shouyun's eyes are on economic issues all day long. At the same time, he doesn't pay much attention to the problem of corruption. Therefore, what he has done in terms of personal style, integrity and self-discipline is a mess. , Only this economic work has been done well, and it is exceptionally good, and with this, he can be 50% sure that Guo Shouyun will not easily touch him. \\Then some people may ask, since you are in politics, can you guarantee a stable career with only 50% assurance? Of course not, so Vlasov has another guarantee of up to 30% safety, that is his greed, his weakness, his conflict with the Speaker of the Sakhalin Region, three items, each with a hundred ten out of ten.

Corruption is a crime, but it is also an art. For a government official, especially a government official who is solely responsible, greed is not a good phenomenon, but sometimes not being greedy is also not good. Phenomenon. Going for an official career not only pays attention to qualifications, but also pays attention to the issue of standing in line, so when it comes to standing in line, why should a lower-ranking boss treat him as his own? By flattery? Relying on the heart? Loyalty by eloquent words? No, you know, people have two skins on their mouths. For those high-ranking people with deep scheming, all the words said by others are basically the "twenty-eight" truth - 20% credible, 80% unbelievable . \\In this case, to win the trust of Shangfeng, the best and most effective measure is to let him grasp a handle, a handle that can kill him at any time, and only let him Only by grasping this handle can he trust the client and lead him to be a family. In this regard, Vlasov is obviously doing a good job. His corruption has gone to the state parliament. If Guo Shouyun hadn't protected him, he would have never known which prison to stay in. Therefore, he Also from this kind of greed got a 10% security guarantee. \\

With the guilt of greed, it is easy to explain the greedy person. The common feature of people with greediness is that they are afraid of death. Therefore, in the eyes of the superior, those who are greedy and afraid of death are obviously greedy and afraid of death. There is no danger factor anymore, so Vlasov once again got a 10% safety bonus.

The last point is the conflict between him and the Speaker of the Sakhalin Region. It is blunt to say that this conflict was deliberately created by Vlasov, and he created this conflict for three reasons: first, to give Guo Shouyun took a reassurance, "Look, I'm so capable, but I have no ambition, I even offended the state speaker, which is enough to show that I didn't play the trick of pulling gangs in Sakhalin. A person who is sincere and capable but has no ambitions, isn’t he worthy of trust?” Conversely, if Vlasov is talented and not greedy, at the same time, he can still get along with the officials of the Sakhalin region. , can Guo Shouyun continue to trust him? To put it bluntly, that is simply impossible. \\Second, show off a maverick character, so as to create a topic for himself and further gain prestige within the Sakhalin region. This is easy to understand without going into details. As for the main and also the most fundamental purpose of this, Vlasov has a coveted heart for the position of the state speaker. He has long seen that the current Sakhalin state speaker is a lack of brains. Speaking of other things, let's take his attitude towards himself. If he were a smart person, when the impeachment proposal was rejected by Guo Shouyun for the first time, he should know what it means to advance and retreat. But, this old thing is so ignorant , He submitted a total of six impeachment proposals to the Far East government. Just imagine, what kind of impression will Guo Shouyun have on such an approach? Undoubtedly, as the highest decision-making of the Far East, Guo Shouyun's first reflection was, "This old boy is questioning his authority and wisdom." Now, as expected, after this turmoil in the Far East, Guo Shouyun has already started to adjust personnel issues. The name of the former Sakhalin State Speaker has officially appeared in the list of candidates to be eliminated, so who will be the next state speaker candidate? ? According to the way of thinking of normal people, the previous one was dismissed because of a problem, so the next one should be the one who opposed him in the past.

Politics is a complicated thing in itself. For a person who is proficient in power and art, the work done in the light is only superficial, and the effect it can play is extremely limited, but what can really play a decisive role is the so-called "Yin Gong".

But having said that, Guo Shouyun can also figure out Vlasov's thoughts clearly, but he will never explain what he sees - this is the same as keeping pets. A dog who knows how to wag its tail at its owner, you have to coax it all the time, and occasionally hit him twice with a stick. On the contrary, if you only let it guard the house, but don’t let it eat meat, even Every time it wags its tail at you, you have to wait on it with a big stick, then this dog... It is estimated that it will bite.

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