Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 789: What a big hatred

He came out of the study and went downstairs all the way. As he passed the hall, Guo Shouyun saw Nina and Xi Quina coaxing several children to eat sugar cane, and his most precious little daughter was obviously slaughtering her again. Click on the trick of "Kong Rong lets pears". \\

"Why, are you going out again?" Seeing the man coming out of the stair corridor, Siquina wiped her hands with a white towel and asked softly.

"Well," Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "Go to Sakhalin and discuss some things with Khodorkovsky and the others."

"You don't need to pay attention to him," Nina raised her head, glanced at her husband, and said casually, "He can't stay at home anymore, let him go crazy, he will come back when he is crazy enough."

Guo Shouyun said haha, but didn't answer

"Daddy go early and come back early," the little girl said in a milky voice, holding the shortest piece of sugar cane in her hand. \\

"Well, I see, baby," Guo Shouyun walked to the door, glanced at his children in love, and said casually, "Remember to be obedient, and don't bully your brother."

"Goodbye, Daddy," it's no wonder Guo Shouyun likes this daughter from Shanariva. Among many children, she is the smartest and the most well-behaved. Take this sugar cane as an example, the little girl always let her go. The lengths of the servants are different, and the middle section is definitely the shortest. The younger brothers are not as good as her brains, so every time they choose, the little boys will pick up the big section, and finally leave it to this one. My sister's is always the best part in the middle. \\According to Nina's statement, this little devil has followed her father since he was a child, and he has a crazy idea.

Come out of the villa. He bumped into Polaninov, who had just prepared the helicopter, because Guo Shouyun was doing his best to deal with the relationship with the Cheka Club during this time, and the loyal secretary was always in a loss. For him. It will never be a pleasant thing to face life and death at the same time as he once was, but the problem is that he also knows that his boss has no choice. For anyone, the Cheka Club is a dangerous existence. If you can't take it for your own use, then the best way is to eradicate it, or else you will. Absolutely endless trouble.

"Sir, the helicopter is ready," Polaninov said when he greeted Guo Shouyun, "are we going out now?"

"Well, let's go now," Guo Shouyun kept walking. \\ said casually, "But you don't have to go with me. I have other things for you to do. Let's get in the car and talk about it."

"Okay then, I'll arrange a few more entourages for you." Polaninov took two steps ahead and opened the car door for him. said at the same time.

"Well," Guo Shouyun didn't say much. He lowered his head and got into the carriage, then leaned like that, took out a manuscript paper that had been prepared a long time ago, and handed it to the secretary who had just sat in the driver's seat before continuing, "This is to be handed over. For Basayev, after I'm gone, you arrange for someone to take it out for me, this old guy does things with a lot of thunder and rain, and always wants to play tricks with me. \\ Now I'm not in the mood for him Play the game for seven days, if he can't make enough noise in seven days, all the best conditions before will be voided."

"I remember, at two o'clock in the afternoon, I will turn your meaning on time." Polaninov nodded.

"The second thing," Guo Shouyun nodded slightly, and continued, "According to my estimation, during the two days I left, not only Zarzakov will come, but people from the United States will also come. It's easy to do before, you just arrange for them to stay in the Honghe Hotel and let them wait."

"Red River Hotel?" Polaninov was stunned for a moment, then interjected, "This, isn't it appropriate?"

"What's wrong with this?" Guo Shouyun said unceremoniously, "I just need to let Moscow understand my mood, I'm very dissatisfied, and to ease my dissatisfaction, they have to come up with practicable measures. Here comes the plan. \\Zarzakov? Well, I've seen enough of his plausible leather face, now, I need to see something real, and if they can't make it happen for me, then from now on People from Moscow should all stay at the Honghe Hotel, our Guo family is not responsible for reception."

"Okay, since Mr. said so, I will do it later." Shrugging, Polaninov said helplessly.

"Further, I now estimate that the representative of the Morgan consortium came over from the Americans, hehe, maybe it's our old acquaintance Springer." After thinking about it, Guo Shouyun said again, "To this man. Old friend, let's not be rude when we say anything, you can give me a good reception, um, they will stay in the old villa area in Linhe, specifically, the villa I used to live in. "

"Sir, you have to give Zarzakov a look, I can still figure it out, but the American side..." Polaninov said in puzzlement, "Sir, in the In the past few days, they have caused us a lot of trouble, not to mention Morgan has a grudge with us."

"Look, look, you're obsessed again, aren't you?" Guo Shouyun smiled, and he reached out and patted the secretary's shoulder, and said, "Being a man, why is there such a big hatred? Let go of your mind and focus your attention. Let’s go a little further, relax a little bit, we are all human beings, and we are all slaves crawling around behind our interests. The difference between us and the Americans is only in one position. Step by step, our feud with Morgan really can't be solved, and you don't have to keep it on your lips all the time, do you know what is the best way to deal with your mortal enemy?"

Polaninov shook his head, how could he guess what his boss was thinking.

"Tell you, in my opinion, the best way to deal with a mortal enemy is to let him frame you again and again, but you are lucky to survive again and again, and live wonderfully, live happily, and let him live. The eyes are red and the face is hot, ha, just like we are now." Guo Shouyun made a "V"-shaped gesture and said proudly, "Besides, do we still have few enemies now? Wherever you can see, there are our enemies everywhere. The Far East has a special geographical location and is rich in natural resources. No matter which side it is, they hope to get more things from us. At the same time, we cannot see our rise. What goes against their wishes is that our established policy is not to let them take any advantage of it. On the other hand, we must expand the Far East economy as much as possible. In this case, the person who wants me to die There are too many to count. If I spend all day trying to get mad at these people, I'll just do nothing."

Polaninov didn't speak any more. He knew that his boss's current way of thinking could no longer be inferred by ordinary people's logic, and he was just an "ordinary person", so his mind was racing. What idea, I really can't see through it. \\

"There is one last thing. You should hurry up and do it these days." The two men were talking, and the convoy had entered the battalion headquarters of the Third Helicopter Brigade of the former Far East Military Region. The saluting sentry greeted him and turned to Polaninov.

"Sir, please order," said Polaninov.

"It's about time for this unit's summer outfit change," Guo Shouyun said. "The logistics department has already reported the budget yesterday. I didn't have time to read it. You can go back and arrange the financial affairs of Yuan Commercial Bank to check carefully. Remember, you must Check carefully, don't leave any loopholes for people to take advantage of.\\We have a lot of things during this time, and the situation is more chaotic. I thought that maybe someone is thinking about fishing in troubled waters. Well, check carefully, Strict investigation, no matter who has the problem, it will be handed over to Terryomenko, and let him fix it to my death."

"Okay sir, I remember," Polaninov nodded.

After explaining the last thing to worry about, the team also entered the hangar of the helicopter brigade. Because of the news that Guo Shouyun was going to travel, the helicopter brigade fully strengthened its alert half an hour ago. Around the dozen or so hangars lined up in a row, densely packed with soldiers in charge of guarding tasks, a large number of technical soldiers are on the way. The hangars were busy checking the safety of the helicopters, watching the scene, as if a large-scale military exercise was about to begin.

As soon as there was such a big mess in the Far East, Guo Shouyun's personal safety has become an issue that all parties are actively considering, and he is going to travel by helicopter this time to Sakhalin. The safety issue during the flight has become The helicopter brigade is the most important priority. Therefore, in order to prevent anyone from doing things on the helicopter, the brigade command on the one hand strengthens the security around the hangar, and on the other hand conducts a comprehensive security check on all the helicopters.

Guo Shouyun's convoy did not stop in the square in front of the hangar, but drove straight into the hangar. When the last car disappeared inside the hangar door, the technicians in charge of security inspection all withdrew from the hangar. The iron doors that were pulled up and down slowly closed. After another five minutes, the movable ceiling of the hangar slowly opened, and five identical military helicopters took off with the roar of motors and flew straight to the northeast.

Don't think that Guo Shouyun is not afraid of death. In fact, he is very afraid of death. Because of this, he traveled alone, and only mobilized five military helicopters at one time. This is not for anything else, just to keep others from tracking his whereabouts. Thereby avoiding risks to the greatest extent possible.

Just half an hour after Guo Shouyun left Khabarovsk by helicopter, a Boeing passenger plane slowly landed at Khabarovsk International Airport. With an unconcealed expression of anxiety, he took the first step down the vertical ladder...

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