Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 791: envoy's anger

"You don't need to study the art of flattering." He stretched out his hand to hold the other person's shoulder and flicked the dust on his suit for him, Guo Shouyun said with a half-smile, "I'm afraid your burden will become heavier and heavier in the future. Now, in my opinion, it's pretty good if you can do your job well. / Well, at this point, I remember one thing, I heard that there seems to be some adjustments made by the Congress of the Republic today. , Mr. Hasnov is getting old, and in the past few years in Sakhalin, he has done very limited work. Besides, he seems to have some unclear relationship with those people in Sarkolenko, so Well, the Congress of the Republic intends to let him retire and replace him with someone who is young, promising, and more energetic... Well, have you heard about this?"

"Oh, I heard something," Vlasov said nonchalantly, rubbing his two big fat hands, "Actually, I have already seen that this guy Hasnov is a complete mediocrity. , I don't say anything about my talent, and I'm also jealous of the virtuous..."

"Okay, okay," Guo Shouyun waved his hand and smiled, interrupting the other party's remarks, "I know your thoughts and how complicated the relationship between you and Hasnov is, of course, more I understand what you're thinking now."

Speaking of this, Guo Shouyun patted the big fat man on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, let's talk while walking."

"Yes, yes, yes, sir," said Vlasov, nodding his head repeatedly, "this is my negligence, the topic is speculative, and I forgot to ask sir to rest first."

"Don't show me this pitiful look." He reached out and patted the other person's back, Guo Shouyun stepped forward and smiled at the same time, "I don't want to say anything else. What do I value? , don't care about anything. I believe you know it better than anyone else. In the past few years, the achievements you have made in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk are obvious to all. Therefore, although you still have some small problems in many aspects, The above. It is basically acceptable. It is also for this reason. After Hasnov retired this time, the Parliament of the Republic has the intention to let you succeed him. Of course, the premise is that you can go to Sakhalin in the next year. won the state legislature election."

"Of course. Of course," Vlasov knew naturally. The so-called election in the Far East is nothing more than the same thing. As long as the media under the Guo Group supports whoever, whoever will win the election completely, and now that Guo Shouyun has talked to him about this issue, there is no doubt that this Saha The position of the Speaker of Linzhou, he is almost certain. \\

"No one can guarantee the specific results of the current election, but as a private friend, I hope I can give you a few suggestions," Guo Shouyun said casually, "The first one is that you should understand that in the past few In the years of your mayoral career, what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses; second, you need to figure out which strengths must be retained and which weaknesses must be discarded. The position of the state speaker is different from your current mayor, Saha There are millions of people in Lin Quanzhou. If you make some noise, it will have a big impact. You can understand this. Thirdly, you have been in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk for so long. There are a lot of achievements, but there are also a lot of bad debts. It seems that it is not far from your resignation time. Should you find a way to make up those bad debts?"

Vlasov brought Guo Shouyun into the city government building, and took advantage of the opportunity to guide the direction, and quickly took a deep appreciation of the words just now in his heart. The first two are not worth considering, the most important one should be the last one. Now, what does it mean to make up for bad debts? The answer is very clear, that is, he has embezzled a lot in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk over the years. Now, with his promotion imminent, Guo Shouyun's meaning is to let him spit out what he swallowed, so as not to provoke any trouble in the future. necessary trouble. \\

"Do you understand what I mean?" Guo Shouyun gave the other party enough time to think about it, and when he walked into the elevator, he half-squinted his eyes and said a word with no expression on his face.

"Yes, sir, I understand," Vlasov replied in a rare serious tone, with a straight face, "don't worry, give me two months, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory result."

"Well, you're a smart person," the elevator door slowly closed, leaving Guo Shouyun and Big Fatty in the small space, so he didn't hide anything in his tone of voice, "I've always been The most important thing is precisely this, hehe, I can rest assured that you are doing things, this is very good, this is very good."

"This is very good, this is very good," the same sentence was uttered in another mouth at the same time, but as the owner of this mouth, Korzakov's heart seemed rather bitter.

As the special envoy of the President, he, the director of the Federal Presidential Security Service, has traveled thousands of miles from Moscow to meet Mr. Guo Da and resolve the "misunderstanding" between him and Moscow—misunderstanding? That's right, it's just a misunderstanding. There is no hatred in the power field, only misunderstanding. Even if one party is "accidentally" killed, it is just a larger-scale misunderstanding.

In order to explain the misunderstanding this time, the presidential think tanks of the Kremlin did not lose their brains. After a series of careful selections, they found a number of unlucky people who were blamed for the culprit, and tried to appease Guo Shouyun in this way. The anger in my heart, but now, the living reality is in front of us, "Boss Guo" doesn't seem to intend to give them such a chance to explain the misunderstanding.

In the past, every time he came to the Far East, Korzakov always got the best treatment. He lived in a luxury house, tasted delicious food, and had a big red envelope to take when he left. It's good to go, but now, all the preferential treatment in the past is gone. The expressionless Polaninov obviously got the instructions of Mr. Guo. He, the special envoy of the President, was arranged in the three-star Honghe Hotel in front of him. Looking at the room I was staying in—a single-bedroom, the bathroom was less than three square meters, with broken beds, broken desks, broken TVs, and the most terrible thing was that the whole bedroom was still filled with a nasty, strange smell. The yellowish sheets on the bed made poor Korzakov always think of the cheapest street girl.

"Since Mr. Special Envoy is satisfied with the environment here, then I won't bother you," Polaninov said with a sullen face, holding back his sullen smile, "I believe that you are very tired after coming all the way, so take a rest first. Come on, if you need anything, you can contact me."

"Oh, don't worry," Korzakov said. How could Korzakov let this guy go? Since Boss Guo didn't show up, why should he say something out of the secretary's mouth? ,

"This, Mr. Polaninov," he said after a moment's thought, "I have a question for you, Mr. Guo..."

"Oh, Mr. Special Envoy, are you going to ask Mr. Guo where he went?" Before the other party finished asking, Polaninov hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I can't answer you this question. You know, During this period of time, there are always some Xiaoxiao who can't make it to the table, so, for the sake of safety, the whereabouts of Mr. is an absolute secret of the group, and I have no right to disclose it to you. Well, as for when he was Can I come back? I don't know about that. Maybe a day or two, maybe a week or two. Oh, of course, it's impossible for a month or two. I don't think Mr. Special Envoy has the patience to wait for a month or two. Bar?"

Hey, that's right, Korzakov wasn't mad at him anyway.

"In that case," Korzakov asked in the calmest tone, resisting the anger in his heart, "Then Mr. Shoucheng should always be in Khabarovsk, right? I think..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Special Envoy," Polaninov hurriedly said, "Mr. Shoucheng has been obsessed with something recently, and he has been fascinated all day long, let alone you, even if our husband wants to find him, it is not so It's easy. Besides, you know Mr. Shoucheng's temperament. He hates dealing with outsiders the most, so I'm afraid you want to meet him, hehe..."

"Hey, Mr. Polaninov, I'm an old friend of your Mr. Guo. Can I still be considered an outsider to Mr. Shoucheng?" Korzakov said with a haha.

"Mr. Special Envoy is not an outsider. Only Mr. Shoucheng knows in his heart. As a small group secretary, it is not good for me to comment on this aspect." Polaninov smiled and said, "Okay. , Mr. Special Envoy, hurry up and rest, I'm afraid I can't accompany you here. Today, Mr. Spiringer from the Morgan consortium arrived in Khabarovsk, and I have to rush to deal with him. Hehe, sorry, sorry already."

"Hey, hey, Mr. Polaninov, Mr. Polaninov," he walked out after seeing the other party's words that were not cold and indifferent. Korzakov took two steps forward. Still going to ask questions.

"Oh, that's right," Polaninov, who walked to the door, suddenly stopped again, he held the doorknob with one hand, and said expressionlessly, "Mr. Special Envoy, if you have nothing to do, these two days are the best Don't go out. During this period of time, people in the Far East are a little emotional, but people from outside are not welcome here. Just yesterday, seven businessmen from Moscow were beaten and seriously injured. Haha, you It's Mr. Guo's distinguished guest, and I don't want you to be in any danger."

After saying a word, Polaninov left without looking back.

"Bastard!" With an angry shout, Korzakov, who couldn't bear it, smashed his purse on the opposite wall, and the whole crown mirror, which had several cracks, was smashed.

"It's all bastards!" He cursed furiously, and the presidential envoy who had come from afar took a few steps back and forth in the room. In a blink of an eye, a bulletin posted behind the door jumped into his eyelids--- - "The price list for damages: 15oo roubles for bed sheets, 2oo roubles for tea cups... 9oo roubles for crown mirrors..."

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