Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 754: fix you

?Like Shoucheng, Guo Shouyun also had a different feeling in his heart when he thought of the woman he had been looking for for a long time, who had inadvertently appeared by his side countless times. Did she see herself? And what were you doing then? Of course, the most important point is the child she holds in her arms... That child should undoubtedly be surnamed Guo. ~~.~~

"Shoucheng," Guo Shouyun looked up and down all the photos three or four times in one breath, and then raised his head with a sigh, he handed all the photos to his younger brother, and said at the same time, "Give these photos to Polanino for me. Husband, tell him to find me as soon as possible. I think that since Siquina has been to Khabarovsk several times in the past few years, the entry and exit information of various ports can definitely be found. Come out with some useful things. There are only 20 or 30 ports of entry and exit in the distance, and these things should be easy to check."

"Brother, you think it's simple," Shoucheng shook his head and said, "I suspect that if Xi Quina wants to come here, it is unlikely that she will go through the regular entry channel. Now the investigation in all aspects of the Far East is relatively loose. If she comes in through the smuggling channel, How do we check?"

"Then find out for me all the snake heads in the Far East," Guo Shouyun said with a wave of his hand, "I know that they also have a backup document, which is specially used to extort stowaways. Well, this matter makes Sarah will do it, and any smuggler who can't come up with a detailed record will be sent to prison."

"Okay," Shoucheng said with a shrug. "Since that's the case, I'll go and settle the matter right away. Remember, I'm coming over for dinner at noon, and you have to wait for me."

"Got it," Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile when he stretched out his legs and kicked his brother's cock, "I'm so old, and like a child, I know how to eat and drink all day long."

"I originally came here today for dinner," Shoucheng muttered as he walked up the path. "It's fine now, I didn't eat the meal, and I got something to do. Who should I cry for my grievance?"

Watching his younger brother's figure gradually fade away, Guo Shouyun regained his senses. Pestle stayed on the spot for a while, thinking wildly for a while, then shook his head and sighed, turned and walked into the villa.

"What's the matter, dear?" In the living room on the first floor of the villa. Shana Riva, who has always been worried that her figure will go out of shape, is doing rhythmic exercises with the beauties on the big screen TV, because there are no arrangements for guests to visit today. So she also wears more casually, and the tight sports shorts look quite sexy. But when her husband walked in with a gloomy face, she stopped her feet and turned off the TV with a click. He asked softly at the same time.

"Oh, it's nothing," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "Look at you, now you're more and more like a housewife, hanging around the room with bare legs and chest all day long. You're not afraid of letting outsiders see you. joke."

"She was originally a housewife." Pushing her husband to sit on the sand, Shanariva massaged his shoulders for him. He smiled and said, "Let's talk about it. Everyone in the family has been notified in advance, so I have nothing to worry about."

"Haha, is that so?" Guo Shouyun laughed, "But Shoucheng just came, saying that Shengyan was cooking today and was going to run to us to take refuge."

"Ah? Where's the person?" Shanariva was startled and looked at the door subconsciously.

"I didn't come in, I asked him to do errands for me," Guo Shouyun said, "but he will come over at noon, you remember to ask the servants to prepare a richer lunch, and, some time ago, Hodorko Take out the bottle of 1982 red wine sent by Fsky, um, and the bottle of Moutai sent from Beiyuan, I will have a good drink with Shoucheng at noon."

"Well, okay, I'll be there in a while," Sanariva continued to squeeze her husband's shoulders and said, "I have something else to tell you, Sarah called just now, and she said Biro Things are done on Bizhan's side, the two Americans, they have already put everything in their covers, ask you what you plan to do?"

"Oh, so fast?" Guo Shouyun said with a happy expression.

"Haha, such a trivial matter is not that simple," Shana Riva laughed, "there is no man who is not lewd in this world, as long as the plan is well prepared, and if you want to have two rich people in your pocket, It's really easy for the Yankees to fall into the trap."

"Very good," clapping his hands, Guo Shouyun smiled, "you will notify the Magadan Ministry of Internal Affairs in a while and let them judge, but the judicial procedures in all aspects have to be completed, and then... um, a news Briefing, what is the sentence for the crime of **, ten years in prison? Ten years in Siberia, I don’t think the two fat Americans can’t stand this hardship, let’s wait and see how Walmart reacts.”

"Hehe, how else can they react?" Shana Riva smiled. She said, "Such a thing involves judicial issues between the two countries. Since Walmart likes lawsuits so much, everyone is concerned with judicial issues. Let's make a fuss. The problem is that if the two senior employees of their company are sentenced in Russia, they will be under a lot of pressure in the United States. If I am not wrong, this is It's a matter, I'm afraid they will spend money to solve it."

"Spend money?" Guo Shouyun said with a sneer, "Their money is not easy to use in the Far East. Well, you remember to tell Sarah to keep an eye on those two subordinates, and don't let them be bribed by others. Otherwise, we won't be able to sing this play, and we'll have to make a show of it."

"Don't worry, if you give them ten courage, they won't dare," Shana Riva laughed. "Now, you guy, just wait for Walmart's statement. Heh, but then again, I'm now. a little worried."

"What are you worried about?" Guo Shouyun asked.

"You said, what if Wal-Mart really respected the laws of the Russian Federation and gave up two of their employees?" Shanariva said with her head tilted.

"That's not easy," Guo Shouyun said with a sneer, "this time I'll sentence him to two people. Next time, I'll arrange a kidnapping for them. Next time, it's a shooting. I have to let them know that Far East It's not as peaceful as they thought, and it's not so suitable for business here."

Shana Riva smiled without saying a word. She knew that her husband did have many ways to deal with Wal-Mart's forcible intervention. Now, Wal-Mart Group may only feel some small conspiracies, but if they continue to do so in the short term. If they don't accept the softness, then the next problem will be serious----they will find that their primary market cannot approve land with good location in any city in the Far East; they will find that they can't even find a company willing The engineering team that undertakes the construction of the shopping mall; they will find that building materials such as earthwork and stone are not sold to them in the Far East; they will find... In short, they will find that there is no place for them in the Far East at all .

In fact, this time, Guo Shouyun's conspiracy was not very big. He was eyeing two Wal-Mart business representatives who came to the Far East to inspect the market situation. Therefore, in the Birobidzhan Hotel where the two stayed, the two A beautiful woman with a low price and outstanding appearance appeared in front of them. After that, everything was simple. The two fat Americans, unable to resist the temptation of beauty, brought the two women into the room for a while... The next day, the two strong men with sensuality had not woken up. When they came to their senses, the police under the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent them to the detention room. Afterwards, when the two Yankees were shouting that they were wronged, the police put a lot of criminal evidence on their desks, such as: ether residue was found in the nasal cavity of the two victims; Remnants of aphrodisiac-type chemical bottles; the two female victims still have traces of just ruptured hymen, and at the same time, there are multiple bruises left by violent blows, etc., and similar physical evidence, plus a large With the testimony of witnesses of consistent caliber, a clear case has surfaced.

Frankly speaking, Guo Shouyun has no personal feud with the two business representatives of the Wal-Mart Group, and he doesn't really want to make this a big deal. He doesn't want to send these two Yankees to Siberia for ten years of hard labor. what is it? The answer is very simple, he is forcing Wal-Mart to bow its head, there are two options: either get out of the Far East, or honestly accept the negotiating conditions of the Guo Group, and everyone continue to do business harmoniously.

In Guo Shouyun's words: "Everyone is a legitimate businessman, doing a legitimate business, and earning clean money. If there is any commercial dispute, everyone can negotiate and negotiate, but not negotiate. Yes, let’s go to court again, hehe, in a harmonious society, then everyone has to obey the law, and you can’t shout and kill all day long, making it full of blood.”

In fact, in his heart, Guo Shouyun had already thought about it for a long time. If the Walmart headquarters could not detect the problem in the case of the two Walmart employees, then he would use this incident to make good publicity in the Far East media. , so that Wal-Mart has not had time to establish itself in the Far East, so he will smear his face with black ashes. In this case, he does not believe that Wal-Mart will not make concessions.

No matter who it is or how wealthy the person is, as long as he does business on someone else's land, he will abide by the rules of others. But now, because Walmart is the No. 1 retail giant in the United States, because it has Washington's backing, and because their behavior fully complies with laws and regulations, Walmart plans to enter the Far East market in such a grand manner. If you don't plan to sell it to Guo's group for a bit of face, the final result seems to be stealing chickens. .

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