Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 753: beauty reappears

?The New Year is just over, when winter retreats and spring is coming. The ground has been covered with snow for nearly a winter, but it still does not appear to be ready to melt. The green pines complement each other, and at first glance, there is no mood. , qв5,

"Daddy, why do you think my eyes are different from my mother's?" The pink-carved and jade-like little guy in her arms became more and more annoying. There seemed to be too many questions hidden in her eyes, "why this", "why that", and similar questions, she could ask hundreds of them all day long without repetition.

"Well, my baby," Guo Shouyun hugged her, and asked with a smile, "Isn't it all eyes? What's the difference?"

"It's just different," waving his little hands, the little guy pushed his father's rough-skinned face aside, and said in a milky voice, "Look, my eyes are black, but my mother's eyes are blue. colored."

"Aren't Daddy's eyes also black?" Guo Shouyun smiled. He hugged the little guy and said, "Don't you like having the same eyes as Daddy?"

"I don't like it." It hurts one's self-esteem. The worst thing is that when the little guy made this answer, he didn't even hesitate at all. ^^^^

"Why?" Guo Shouyun asked with his old face tense.

"Because only Daddy's eyes are black in the family, even the younger brothers have blue eyes," the little guy said vaguely, holding a finger in his mouth, "Aunt Nina said, this is a minority, Few is bad."

"Few?" Guo Shouyun was amused, and he squatted down. Put the little guy on the ground, first stroked her nose lightly, and then said, "Baby, let Daddy tell you, you have to remember, be a human. You have to be a few, because ah, In this world. Owning is dominated by a few people, um, remember what I said to you? How does truth often come about?"

"The truth is often in the hands of a few people." Even though the little guy is only five or six years old, his intelligence is amazing enough. Guo Shouyun has always liked this Yu Shana very much. Riva's daughter, the root cause may lie in this.

"But Daddy." Standing on the snow, the little guy asked with his fingers in between, shaking his head, "You also said that if you want to make your own decisions without making mistakes, you must follow the principle of the minority obeying the majority. Listen to the opinions of most people, aren't these two sentences contradicting each other?"

"Oh? This..." Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, it was really a motherfucker. ^^^^ Such a question, why have I never thought about it?

"Well, that what, baby," thought for a long time. Guo Shouyun actually thought about a little bit of rhetoric. But let him express this idea in a systematic way at a time, and he has to let his children understand. That would be somewhat difficult. So, after careful consideration for dozens of seconds. He stroked his daughter's small head and said with a smile, "You are still too young, these questions, I tell you you can't understand, when you grow up..."

"Oh yeah," before he could finish speaking, the little guy suddenly cheered, then waved his little hand and shouted, "I'm taking Daddy's exam again, I'm taking Daddy's exam again, I'm going Tell Mommy."

With such a shout in his mouth, the little guy took a step and ran swayingly towards the villa.

"This girl," Guo Shouyun shook his head helplessly and shouted, looking at the back of the little thing, "Be careful, don't fall. ^^^^"


As soon as he shouted these words, he saw the little guy's body twisting on the edge of the snow, and then, in the posture of a vicious dog eating shit, he threw himself on the ground.

It is estimated that the fall was not light. The little guy struggled on the ground, turned over and sat up, his red mouth was slanted, and his big watery eyes were full of grievances and looked at Daddy not far away. That posture, this is about to cry.

Shouyun stood there and didn't move.

Don't say, his trick was really effective. Looking at his stinky face, the little guy didn't dare to cry. She got up from the ground, then lowered her head like that, and walked slowly into the villa. main entrance.

"Brother, looking at these children, do you feel like I'm getting older every day?" Just as the little guy's back disappeared inside the door, Shoucheng's voice came from behind, and then, a completely white The cigarette rolls were handed to Guo Shouyun.

"Yeah," took the cigarette, put it in his mouth, and lit it with the lighter brought by his brother, Guo Shouyun sighed and said with a smile, "Haha, it feels like this is a blink of an eye, the children have grown up so much. Now, I'm thinking, it's going to be a few more years, I guess we won't be able to hold them anymore. ****"

"Looking back on it, when our parents died, Dongting was just like this age," Shoucheng stood beside him, looking up at the cloudless sky, and said with emotion, "I was thinking at that time, you Speaking of people's life, when will they end? But now, hehe, our children are so old, but I'm starting to worry that this life is going too fast."

"Che, how old are you, how old are you, and you spend all day thinking about these things that hurt the past and the present?" Guo Shouyun turned his head to look at his brother, and said in a disdainful tone, "Be honest and accompany your daughter-in-law, and don't show off in front of me. Coquettish."

"Hey, to tell you the truth, if Shengyan hadn't entertained the old father-in-law's family at home today, I really wouldn't have come to you," Shoucheng smiled and said, "This cold day has not yet come out. As for Sanjiu, who would like to come out and wander around?"

"Oh, Sheng Yan cooks by herself again?" Guo Shouyun felt shivering when he thought of his sister-in-law's craftsmanship. He couldn't understand why authentic Korean food was so unpalatable. A hodgepodge of sour and sweet, salty and spicy, the whole thing is full of flavors, what a long aftertaste when the guy eats it in his mouth. ^^^^

"No," shrugged, Shoucheng smiled wryly, "How about I think about coming to you for a meal, by the way, our brothers also have a good drink, hey, life is rich now, But there is less free time, and it is not so easy to find a leisurely day to sit down and have a drink."

"Ha, that's a good thing," Guo Shouyun put his arms around his younger brother's shoulders, pulling him towards the villa while laughing, "I guess, you should be used to busy days now, and now if you really let him When you relax, you probably won't be able to take it anymore."

"It doesn't matter if I can bear it or not," Shoucheng said, as if he had no deep meaning, "However, I just wondered, if some people lived a leisurely life for a few years, wouldn't they be able to bear it? "

"Huh? What do you mean?" Guo Shouyun immediately heard something in his brother's words, he stopped, tilted his head and asked.

"Here, I just received it," he shook his head and sighed, and Shoucheng took out a thick email from his coat pocket, stuffed it into his elder brother's hand, and said, "There is no address, only a signature, you can see for yourself. ."

"Xi Quina?!" Guo Shouyun took the envelope, only glanced at it and exclaimed, "Did she go to your place?"

"If she arrives at my place, can I still deliver it to you?" Shoucheng shook his head and said, "This was among our batch of clothing containers. The workers found it and saw that the recipient was you. So I didn't dare to touch it and sent it directly to me."

"Where did that batch of clothing come from?" Guo Shouyun asked casually while dismantling the envelope, "Go and check its purchase channel, where did it go when it arrived by ship, and those who received the goods? , even seafarers on lucky ships should ask."

"Don't worry, I've already arranged for someone to do it," Shoucheng said, "but I guess, it's more likely that you won't get anything. Since you've been looking for her for several years and haven't found it, even Polaninov and The Cheka Club can't do anything about it, I think there must be an expert by Xiquina's side, if she doesn't plan to show up, you can't do anything about it."

"It's always good to work harder," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh, holding them in his hand, without half a piece of letter paper in the envelope.

"Is it the picture of Xi Quina?" Shoucheng glanced at the pictures and asked curiously, "Let's see if there are any clues on it."

In fact, Guo Shouyun is already watching.

For several years, this woman, Xiquena, has been disappearing without a trace. She is like a trace of orchid air, completely evaporated in this world, and today, she suddenly sent such a stack of photos, which is inevitable. It made Guo Shouyun feel a strange feeling in his heart.

In these photos, Xi Quina still looks as charming and radiant as before, and when looking at these photos, Guo Shouyun was shocked twice. The first time, it was the child in Siquina's arms, from a baby less than the size of a pillow in the swaddle to a "Babe" two or three years old, anyone can grow up a little bit from a little guy, I found a lot of similarities with Guo Shouyun, and among them, the most obvious one is the big dark eyes. As for the second place that shocked Guo Shouyun, it was the framing location of the photos. Guo Shouyun could recognize it at a glance. Many of the backgrounds of those photos were the street scenes of Khabarovsk, and even some of them were originally in the distance from the Guo family. The photo was taken not far from the group headquarters building.

"Life is really a wonderful thing," Shoucheng also saw these photos, and he said with emotion, "I can't believe that Xiquena has been to the Far East many times in the past few years, but we She didn't even find her." 123456

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