Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 755: After you sing, I will appear

? The war between the Guo Group and the Wal-Mart Group is a semi-commercial war without gunpowder, although from the very beginning of the war, the Guo Group led by Guo Shouyun has already relied on regional political network relations The advantage has sealed the victory, but the whole war is destined to be over in a day or two. Provide the latest chapter reading>. Similarly, when the Guo Group made every effort to fight a lawsuit against Wal-Mart, a new atmosphere of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new appeared in the Russian Federation and even internationally.

In February of the new year, NATO suddenly released a "Feasibility Study Report on NATO's Eastward Expansion" that was formulated but never released to the public, and announced the establishment of the so-called "European North Atlantic Partnership Committee". In mid-February, NATO headquarters made another shocking statement. NATO Secretary-General Solana officially announced in an interview with BBC TV that he would "invite the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland to formally join the NATO alliance" with He also declared that the door of NATO will continue to remain open. "All NATO members are willing to strengthen cooperation with the countries in the two regions to maintain the security and stability of Southeast Europe and the Baltic Sea coast."

After the news was reprinted by major media in Russia, it immediately caused uproar in the entire federation. The left-wing opposition and the right-wing opposition entrenched in the upper echelons of the Moscow regime rarely made a statement of the same caliber. Spokesmen from both sides of the Russian Communist Party made a statement in Moscow on the same day. On the one hand, they criticized the Kremlin's previous weak policy towards Western countries, and on the other hand, they trumpeted the huge impact of NATO's eastward expansion on the national security of the Russian Federation. According to Zyuganov, the eastward expansion of NATO is a continuation of the Cold War mentality of Western countries, and the NATO military group with the United States has never given up the idea of ​​destroying the Russian Federation.

And at the same time. in the Commonwealth. As the economic collapse continued for several years, most Russians have awakened from their illusions about the United States. After a long period of painful reflection, they realized that the man on the other side of the ocean shouted "democracy and freedom" all day long. "Uncle Sam, the slogan, is actually a jackal that eats people but doesn't spit out bones. Its shiny fur is not a warm coat for others, but the perfect bait to lure its prey. nowadays. This jackal obviously doesn't think it has done enough harm to the Russian Federation. It roams outside the dilapidated houses in Russia, ready to rush in at any time to further feast. Facing such a situation, what should Russia do? no doubt. Most Russians only come to the conclusion that their resistance has to make the Yankees understand that there are not only fresh and tender lamb in this broken house in Russia, but also sharp and sharp horns.

From the beginning of March, under the influence of the unprecedentedly high sentiment among the famous ethnic groups in the Russian Federation, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd and other places. There have been successive anti-American demonstrations. What's more, there have even been violent incidents of vicious siege of the US consulate in some places. So. What does something like this portend? According to Guo Shouyun, that is: "The pro-US policy that the Russian Federation has pursued since the disintegration of the Soviet Union has finally come to an end."

On March 4, TASS released a statement from the Kremlin's press office. In this communiqué made in the name of Federal President Yeltsin, the Kremlin expressed its view on the issue of NATO's eastward expansion with an unprecedented tough attitude. This kind of toughness is still only in words, but from a deep perspective, this has already been a major change in the attitude of federal diplomacy.

Compared with the Kremlin side, the attitude of the federal military is even more distinct. On the same day that the Kremlin expressed its views on the eastward expansion of NATO, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement announcing that in the next two years, the Russian military will increase The allocation of the defense budget to promote the replacement of federal military equipment. Afterwards, General Manilov, the first deputy chief of the federal staff, in a so-called "personal capacity", expounded his views on the Chechnya issue and the recent war-torn Kosovo issue in a so-called "personal capacity". The general, who is known for his prudence in his words and deeds, used rare harsh words to criticize the "non-negligible" negative role played by Western countries, including the United States, in these two war-torn regions.

Just when the Russian Federation was under the influence of NATO's eastward expansion and brought about a comprehensive change in its foreign policy, Washington in the United States, to be precise, the White House, was also quietly undergoing a sudden change in foreign policy.

Following the Democratic Party's complete defeat in the congressional elections in 1994, Clinton, as the President of the United States, has begun to realize a series of problems in his administration process. Frankly speaking, in the 1993 to early 1995 During the administration process, the White House leadership unilaterally emphasized the issue of political struggle. Internally, the White House fully supports the hard-line hawks with right-wing forces. Externally, it has engaged in war of words with several countries, including China, on several issues, resulting in continued tension between China and the United States.

At the same time, at the economic level, the relationship between China and the United States has embarked on a different path. According to the statistics of the US Department of Commerce, by the end of 1995, the bilateral trade volume between China and the United States has increased to 489 At the same time, many large companies in the United States, such as Ford and Boeing, have made astonishing huge profits in the process of China's reform and opening up. Slight dissatisfaction with the Clinton administration's policy, which eventually led to the overall defeat of the Democratic Party in the 1994 congressional elections.

It was because he felt the pressure from within that Clinton used the Republican election strategist Dick Morris in early 1996. It was under this person's plan that a famous "triangular strategy" was introduced. Under the guidance, the Clinton administration returned to the middle faction, and comprehensively changed its internal and external attitudes on several issues. Among them, the most crucial point was to actively expand relations with China. As a result, the development of Sino-US relations entered a new stage.

Of course, for Guo Shouyun, who lives in the Far East, these issues related to the strategic game of great powers are not very close to him now. As a subtle existence caught between the three major forces of China, the United States and Russia, he All he has to do is to "shake" and "shake" from time to time while making every effort to develop the Far East economy. As long as he does not annoy any of the three major forces on major issues, he can be safe and comfortable. live his peaceful days.

So, at this stage, what is Guo Shouyun most concerned about? Very simple, there are only two things: first, the return of Sobchak and Vladimir, and second, the restless old man Soros is here again.

As Guo Shouyun analyzed earlier, as the leader of the Leningrad faction, Sobchak chose to flee under pressure, which was the most unwise move, because the second In January, the Kremlin officially intervened in the suppression of the Leningrad faction by Zyuganov's side, and it was through the Kremlin's operation. Previously, various evidences about Sobchak's alleged corruption case were overturned. The "Father of Russian Democracy" has regained its clear name.

However, some things can be found if they are lost, but once they are lost, they can never be found again. After a short period of overseas exile, Sobchak, who returned to the Russian Federation, was disappointed to find that he had lost a large political area that belonged to him. It has become fragmented in this unprecedented blow, especially those old guys who were very close to him. Now they are either going out of the field or being recruited by others, and the entire Leningrad region has really survived. , only the young warriors who have been suppressed by him and dissatisfied with him.

Out of desperation, coupled with strong pressure from inside and outside, Sobchak made the heaviest decision to abdicate.

According to the secret information Guo Shouyun obtained from the Cheka Club, Sobchak made a special trip to Moscow on February 28. After the four-hour meeting with Yeltsin, he officially resigned as mayor of St. Petersburg. After that, his proud disciple, Vladimir, who followed him even in exile, was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff of the Federal President and Head of the Inspectorate.

There is no doubt that for Vladimir, this was the first big leap in his political life, from which he jumped from St. Petersburg to Moscow, from behind the scenes of political performances to the front. For the political arena of the entire Russian Federation, the birth of this incident has great significance - it means that the Leningrad faction founded by Victor will eventually collapse, and it will be replaced by a A brand-new "St. Petersburg Gang" led by another young strongman.

Political struggle is actually a continuation of economic struggle, and when the political struggle within the Russian Federation has entered a new era, the Asian financial crisis, which has been brewing for a long time but seems to have come suddenly, has reached its final juncture.

Due to the long-term investment of a large amount of state financial funds and private fund-raising funds into infrastructure construction, the financial policy crisis in many Southeast Asian countries has intensified and is even on the verge of exploding.

During this period of time, Guo Shouyun has been betting a lot in this regard. He is waiting for the arrival of the crisis, waiting for the international hot money to take action, and waiting for this excellent opportunity to salvage another sum of money.

(Because of the preparation of the new book, starting this month, the pig will be lazy, and it will be updated twice a day until the end... Thank you for your support to the pig. ).

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