Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 730: endless fun

"Okay, pull Gogo," shook his head with a wry smile, Guo Shouyun helplessly stretched out a finger, tickled the little girl, and said, "This time the head office, my baby, let's go and play.

"Hee hee..." Nodding vigorously, little Victor just held the man's chest with one hand, turned it gently, spun in front of the chair, landed on the ground lightly, and ran away in a hurry. gone.

"This little girl, really... It seems that it's time to find someone to teach her something." Guo Shouyun said to himself, shaking his head, watching the little girl's back disappear quickly into the depths of the yard.

"Sir, what did you say?" At this moment, Polaninov, who was in a hurry, had already approached. He happened to hear Guo Shouyun talking to himself, so he asked in confusion.

"Ah, nothing," turned his head, Guo Shouyun smiled, "I just said that this little guy Victor is getting bigger, more beautiful, and as a big brother, do I have to show it to me? Have you arranged a homestay?"

"Sir, do you mean to marry Miss Victor?" Polaninov was stunned and blurted out, "I'm afraid this is not good, you know, she is the most effective trump card around you. , as long as she is here, your personal safety will be at least a few more layers of protection, how can you be willing to marry her? What's more, Miss Victor's brain... She is different from ordinary people, if this Marry her out, then..."

"Hehe, why are you so nervous?" Guo Shouyun laughed, "I just had such an idea, and I didn't say that I would implement it immediately. This little guy Victor is my baby. Think about it, I can tolerate it. Is she wronged in the slightest?"

"I'll just say it," Polaninov said with relief.

"Okay, okay. Let's not talk about the little guy," Guo Shouyun said with a wave of his hand, "Tell me, you came here in such a hurry, is there something wrong with the group?"

"Oh, that's not it. Sir," said Polaninov, concentrating, "I just came to tell you that there is someone from Leningrad."

"Leningrad?" Guo Shouyun was slightly startled and asked casually, "Who is it?"

"It's Patrushev and Grezlov," Polaninov replied. "They arrived from Leningrad on a Far Eastern Airlines flight half an hour ago. Now they have arrived at the group headquarters. I arranged for them to rest in the reception room. If the gentleman wants to meet them, I will make arrangements now. "

"Patrushev? Grezlov?" Guo Shouyun frowned. said to himself. "These two people should not be too involved with those people in Leningrad now. They came from Leningrad again. What kind of mystery is hidden here?"

Polaninov did not speak. he knows. Guo Shouyun's words were not asking himself. He was talking to himself.

exactly. Guo Shouyun was asking himself. And at the moment of asking. He had already thought of some answers - no doubt about it. These two people could not have come for Sobchak. Rather, it should come for Vladimir.

These two years. Guo Shouyun didn't come here just for fun. For those who may play an important role in the federation in the future. He never let go of his attention. And among these people. Patrushev and Grezlov are clearly in the top spot.

According to his understanding. Patrushev and Grezlov are obviously a pair of old friends with deep friendship. Grezlov was originally from Vladivostok in the Far East. He moved to Leningrad with his parents as a child. And there he became neighbors with Patrushev as a child. These two old friends who have played together since childhood and grew up together. He is really a good friend of Jiao Buli Meng and Meng Bulijiao. There are rumors. Grizlov was very inattentive in his studies when he was young. The results are also very poor. At that time, Patrushev was a diligent and good student. therefore. Pre-homework, paper notes during exams. Almost all of them are handled by him.

Now, these two old buddies in the same spirit. They have come to the Far East together, what is the purpose of their trip? This is the question that Guo Shouyun is most concerned about now, and at the same time, it is also a question that he can easily think of the answer to.

"Hehe, Polaninov," Guo Shouyun raised his legs, shook his upper body, and smiled, sitting on the chair, "Tell me, have I been blessed a lot in the past two years?" "Oh, sir, you This is..." I didn't expect the boss to ask such a question abruptly, and Polaninov was a little confused, he said in confusion.

"You said, if I'm not a lot of blessings, why would anyone think of me as a bad guy?" Guo Shouyun smiled and continued.

"Tricked?" Polaninov seemed to have thought of something, he said, "Mr. means..."

"That's right, this time Patrushev and Grezlov came to the Far East together, they must have come to me as a fool," Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently, "Some people always hope to learn more from others. What do you get from your hands, and at the same time, you also hope that you don't owe someone a favor. Oh, Polaninov, you say, what kind of behavior should such a person belong to? "

"Sir, in my opinion, this question is very simple," Polaninov replied without hesitation, "such people should be classified as those who refuse to communicate."

"No, no, no," Guo Shouyun smiled, he waved his hand and said, "Polaninov, you are wrong about this, for such people, we often can't list them among those who refuse to communicate with each other. class, and on the contrary, we must also live in harmony with them, and even be responsive to them.”

why? "Polaninov was puzzled, he said in amazement.

"It's very simple," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "because only such people are interesting to use, hehe, don't you think so?"

"I see," Polaninov doesn't want to think about this aspect much now. In his eyes, he is a secretary by Guo Shouyun's side. What he needs to do is to carry out tasks, not to conceive plans, of course. , but also not to try to figure out the boss's mind.

"Hehe, the stinky boy doesn't understand and pretends to understand," Guo Shouyun smiled, he stretched out a finger, tapped the secretary, and said, "Forget it, since you don't want to know more, I won't say more. Come on, go make arrangements, I'll meet them at five o'clock this afternoon, um, no, push back and tell them, tonight, I'm going to have dinner with the two of them."

"Okay, sir, I'll arrange it right away," Polaninov was indeed a man who did a lot and asked less questions. He listened to Guo Shouyun's instructions and didn't ask any questions, so he nodded and responded, Turn around and walk outside.

"Hey, Vladimir," watching his secretary leave the courtyard, Guo Shouyun lay on his back, leaning back in his chair, looking at the canopy above his head, silent for a long time, suddenly heaved a deep sigh, He said, "Once upon a time, in order to avoid this moment today, I made a lot of efforts. In my previous life, I respected people like you, so I didn't want to be an enemy face to face with you, but now... It seems that some things are destined to happen, no matter how much effort one makes, it is unavoidable. The blue canopy is obviously not thick enough. Through it, Guo Shouyun can see the sky hanging high in the air. The scorching sun, although this round of scorching sun has only a vague outline under the shed, it can still be seen clearly.

Yes, as Guo Shouyun said, some things in this world are destined for a long time, and they can't be flashed by simply relying on human avoidance, especially at the level of power, the kind of conflict that arises over the struggle for power. , not to be able to escape by simply relying on avoidance,

From the first day of contact with Vladimir to the present, four full years have passed. During these four years, Guo Shouyun has done a lot of work. He even selflessly gave Vladimir a lot of help. With the passage of time, he found a problem, that is, the way of thinking of Vladimir is rapidly deteriorating with the increase of power and ambition in his hands. If it is a friend, then in his eyes now, I am afraid that he is a combination of a bad guy and a potential opponent.

If it was voluntary, Guo Shouyun didn't mind taking the role of taking advantage of him occasionally, but on the other hand, if he didn't want to, it would be almost impossible for others to take him as a bully. Just like this time, as soon as he heard the news that Greslov and Patrushev were coming to the Far East together, he thought of what kind of wishful thinking the people in Vladimir were making.

Frankly speaking, at this time, if Guo Shouyun wants to deal with Vladimir, there is not much difficulty at all. At least, he can completely cut off his relationship with Vladimir as Polaninov said. Mir's connection. But having said that, Guo Shouyun doesn't plan to do that now, because in his memory, Vladimir in the previous life had the day to ascend to the throne, and in this life, in order to ensure his greatest advantage—that is, to be far away from others Forward-looking, he will now try his best to ensure that history maintains the course of the past.

As for whether Vladimir will pose a fatal threat to Guo Shouyun after he really rises, he has never worried about this at all. As he said before, "It's a lot of fun to fight with people." As the head of the Guo Group and the actual control of the Far East, he didn't believe that he couldn't fight Vladimir.

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