Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 731: bribery

?According to Guo Shouyun's instructions, Polaninov arranged the dinner time at 6 pm. As for the location, he chose the small banquet hall in the Guo Group headquarters building. As for the people attending the banquet, except Guo Shouyun In addition to Patrushev and Gryzlov, there are also Rilke and Guo Shoucheng who have just returned to the Far East from Washington. \\

For Guo Shouyun, what he needs to get is such a result. He wants to let Vladimir in Leningrad feel deeply, and his support for him is still as firm as before, and there is a relationship between himself and him. The friendship is still as deep as ever. But from a practical point of view, the current Guo Shouyun is no longer the Mr. Guo Da he used to be, and his colleagues, the current Vladimir is no longer the politically naive little guy he used to be, and plays a role in them. Yes, it is no longer a friendship, but a more real and indifferent interest relationship. Fundamentally speaking, as long as Vladimir does not give up his political ambitions, the existence of the Guo Group will become a stumbling block for him sooner or later. Similarly, as long as Guo Shouyun does not give up his current status, then Vladimir's Ambition will threaten him sooner or later. Like most of the old friends in the political arena, Guo Shouyun and Vladimir, two friends who used to have a good relationship and helped each other, finally came to confront each other.

In the brightly lit small banquet hall, Guo Shouyun sat on the soft meeting mat that was arranged in a circle and surrounded the hall for half a circumference, while wiping the greasy corners of his mouth with a snow-white napkin, he said with a smile: "Hehe, Boradan. Norwich, my friend, how was dinner today, and your appetite?"

"Of course," Patrushev, who was sitting on the sand next to him, bowed as he heard the other party call his name affectionately. He said with a smile, "Such a rich dish is hard to taste even in Moscow. Shouyun's fist-fighting grandeur can be truly felt from this."

"Where," waving his hand. Glancing at Grezlov sitting on the sand on the second sheet from the left, Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "But in my opinion, this meal doesn't seem to satisfy our Boris, haven't you noticed? He didn't eat much at all tonight."

"Shouyun misunderstood," Grezlov, who was full of worries, hurriedly explained, "For me. Tonight is already too gluttonous."

"Yeah, Shouyun doesn't know anything," Patrushev nodded. He defended his old friend, "Boris' diabetes is very serious. On weekdays, he basically doesn't dare to try those foods with high sugar content, but like today's meal, hehe, it is estimated that his blood sugar will rise again. already."

"Oh? Is that so?" Guo Shouyun said with a surprised expression and blamed himself, "This is my negligence. Why didn't Boris tell me in advance that he had such a condition? In that case, I would It's better to make some arrangements in advance."

"Hehe, Shouyun is too polite, why bother you again with such a trivial matter?" Grezlov said with a slight smile.

"Oh, how can this be considered a trivial matter?" Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said, "Don't think that I don't know anything about diabetes. Well, yes, take Rilke as an example, he is just like you, too. Victims of this **** disease."

Having said that, he turned his head and said to Rilke who was sitting on the other side: "Master, am I right?"

"Haha. Shouyundi has a good memory." Rilke nodded and said with a face full of red light. "But this time in the United States for treatment. My condition is much better."

"Really?" Guo Shouyun was startled. blurted out asked. "Do the Americans know of any special medicine? Why have I never heard of it?"

"How could there be any so-called special medicine." Rilke put down the cigar in his hand. laughed. "But to put it into words. American medical technology is far beyond our federal level. Take me for example. During my time in the United States. I hired a professional doctor named Robening. She is in charge of dispensing medicines and adjusting my diet for my diagnosis and treatment. Haha. After half a year, my index has become completely normal."

"Since it can return to normal, it means it is effective." Clap your hands. Guo Shouyun laughed. "It's half a year. It's only a few months. It should be very good to be able to reach this level. As you said. This lady named Robeningy should have a good background, right?"

"You can say the same." He nodded. Rilke said. "As a leading research expert at the Florida Institute of Pathology, it is not an easy thing to ask her to come forward to treat her condition. I spent a lot of effort to ask her to come forward."

"Life is at stake." He glanced at Grezlov seemingly inadvertently. Guo Shouyun laughed. "Only if the disease can be effectively relieved. Naturally, it is worth the effort. However. But the old man. You invite Dr. Robening. Will you accept the invitation to come to the Commonwealth?"

"Oh?" Rilke has long understood what Guo Shouyun's intentions are, but even so, he still has to pretend to be foolish enough to perform enough scenes, "Invitation to go abroad? Shouyun means..."

"It's nothing," waving his hand, Guo Shouyun said, "Boris' condition makes me uneasy, so if this Dr. Robeining can accept the invitation, I hope she can come to the federation to live for a period of time, for our sake. A friend will take care of his condition."

"Hehe, Shouyun, you are too polite," Grezlov said hurriedly, "I..."

"Why, doesn't Boris consider me Guo Shouyun as a friend?" Guo Shouyun said with a displeased expression before the other party could finish his words. No, no, no, Shouyun misunderstood what I meant, I was just thinking, is this right, is it..." Grezlov is also a eloquent person, but facing the eyes This scene made him feel speechless.

"Since Shouyun has such a plan, it is good that Rilke is considerate. He glanced at Grezlov and said with a smile, "Well, this Doctor Robening has a lot of background, but we Guo Shi. Nor is it a simple role. Well, it just so happens that I will be returning to New York in two days. After I go back, I will make arrangements immediately. I believe that in four or five days, she should appear in Khabarovsk. "

"Well, that's good," Guo Shouyun said cheerfully with a big hand on the sand armrest, "You can arrange it. I will invite Boris to stay in Khabarovsk for two more days."

Sitting next to him, Patrushev felt a little uncomfortable. He knew that the giant in the Far East around him was not as easy to talk as everyone thought, and he was not in the mood to do what Igor did. On the contrary, he should be a part of the elite who are trying to control the Leningrad youth faction.

Invite a pathology research specialist from the US for a federal visit? How much will this cost? Comparing the cost of visiting a dentist in the United States, the so-called half-year case adjustment will probably cost at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars? In this case, once Grezlov accepts Guo Shouyun's "kindness", then his body will no longer be clean. The most terrible thing is that such bribes cannot be returned. This is not a A villa, a yacht, and a few boxes of US dollars are real bribes, but they are fake service bribes that cannot be returned at all. This means that once Grezlov accepts the bribe, even if he later accepts the bribe If you choose to take the initiative to report to the federal anti-corruption agency, you will not be able to take out the millions of dollars in stolen money.

But then again, under the current situation, does Grezlov have the option of rejecting the other party's bribery? There is no doubt that he has no choice at all. As long as he says one more "no" here, the Mr. Guo Da in front of him will drive the two of them out without hesitation, so that they will come empty-handed. Come back empty-handed.

"Shouyun, I'm afraid it's not good to do this?" Obviously, at this time, Grezlov had the same concern. He sat in his seat, rubbed his hands hard, and said hesitantly, " Moreover, and we are here this time, it is impossible to stay for a long time, over there in Leningrad..."

"Don't think about things over Leningrad for the time being," Guo Shouyun interrupted with an indifferent smile and said, "Looking back, I will say hello to Vladimir in person. As for you, this Let's play around in the Far East for a while, um, look at the changes here in the past two years, hehe, especially Boris, I know you were born here, Vladivostok, right? You go back Take a look and see if you can still find some shadows in your memory."

"But..." When Patrushev heard this, he couldn't hide his feelings.

"Okay, don't think about it any more," Guo Shouyun continued rushing to say without waiting for the other party to speak, "I am very clear about the purpose of your visit this time. As an old friend, I will naturally help, but the premise is that you You have to regard me as a friend, Guo, and don't be so out of touch with me. Haha, as for friends, of course I should help if I can, don't you think?"

Patrushev and Grezlov looked at each other helplessly, and both nodded in agreement.

Watching the two politicians from Leningrad obediently emptying their pockets, Guo Shouyun's face flashed a cold smile. He now let the other party know that the Guo Group can take advantage of it, but no matter who it is, as long as Under the mouth, then more or less pay some price.

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