Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 729: The Temptation of Little Victor


After reading the newspaper in his hand from beginning to end, Guo Shouyun closed the newspaper and placed it on the coffee table beside him. He took a cigarette and lit it for himself. Then he took a deep breath. took a long sigh. , qb5, c0m This chapter is uploaded by netizens, and the website hereby declares

Counting it down, it has been nearly a week since Sister Hong left the Far East in the rain, and in more than a week, she has never contacted herself, not even a simple phone call.

"Did something happen over there in Beijing?" Thinking of this, Guo Shouyun couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart---- Frankly speaking, this is the first time he has regarded Sister Hong's private affairs as so important and worth taking care of. Bowel hanging.

These days, Guo Shouyun has been thinking about how to keep Sister Hong by his side, and in the process of thinking about this issue, he also thought a lot and commented a lot. In his opinion, now Khabarovsk and Beijing The relationship between them is very delicate. They have a certain cooperative relationship with each other, and through this cooperative relationship, an ambiguous connection is drawn, but in reality, they cannot have enough influence on each other- ---It's like two men and women who look at each other year after year across a cliff. They both have a certain kind of affection for each other, and even have some nasty thoughts, but at the same time, they are also concerned about each other's situation. There is a lack of understanding, and no one even knows the other party's name.

But having said that, when considering these issues, Guo Shouyun also believes that Beijing still has certain scruples towards him as a Far East giant. In this case, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to come forward to solve the matter of Sister Hong.

Thinking of this, Guo Shouyun recalled the last words Sister Hong said when she left. She said that when the Russian delegation arrived in Beijing, she would reserve the warmest and most luxurious room in the Beijing Hotel. She will use that place as her true love nest with herself. If she stays there for a week, she will accompany her there for a week... tsk tsk tsk, I really can't think of it. Coquettish woman to gesture. It would be so charming, even mouthwatering.

Thinking so sullenly in his heart, Guo Shouyun unknowingly smoked out a cigarette, and when he felt the cigarette **** was hot, he gently twisted the scarlet flame with **** and snuffed out the scarlet flame. Inside the ashtray on the table.

Just when the big hand that was stretched out had not been retracted, Guo Shouyun vaguely heard footsteps coming from behind him, and at the same time, a pair of delicate, smooth, warm and greasy little hands. It came out abruptly from behind, covering his eyes.

"Hehe, who is it? It's so dishonest," Guo Shouyun said with a soft laugh, raising his hand to grab the wrists of those little hands, "acting like a ghost in the daytime, scaring people from behind?"

"Hee hee..." Almost at the same time as he grabbed the person's wrist, a crisp laughter came from behind, and then the little hand that was blindfolded was released, and a picture of innocence carried a few words. Gorgeous. A small face with bright eyes and white teeth, but a little bit charming, appeared in front of him.

"Oh. It's my baby." He recognized the naughty little Victor at a glance. Guo Shouyun let go. laughed. "What. Now I have learned to scare my brother? Aren't you afraid of being beaten by me?"

"Hee hee. Don't be afraid." Bouncing around from behind the chair. Little Victor put his arms around Guo Shouyun's neck. The whole person tired into his arms. At the same time hee hee giggled. "You. You love me. You are a good person. A good person is not afraid."

"Little girl. I didn't expect you to learn to bully the good and be afraid of the evil." It was interesting to hear the little guy say it. Guo Shouyun couldn't help but reach out and slap her on the cock. laughed. "Let's see now. Will a good guy like me hit you."

Today, the little Victor is obviously no longer the young girl who used to be. It is the so-called "Eighteen Changes of Women's University". After several years of growth and development. This always silly little girl. Now she has grown into a big girl. Because of the lively nature. Living well. She is now taller than Guo Shouyun. It was even nearly half a head taller than him. Most importantly. Little Victor's body has obvious characteristics of Central Asians. She has long legs and short body. The two proportions are appropriately slender and straight and straight. The calf is full, round, beautifully curved, and surprisingly elastic. Again. The little girl had an embarrassing grip on her breasts. Now it's completely changed. It was quite majestic and radiant. Enough to make anyone who sees them salivate. Most importantly. Because I don't like the feeling of being bound and wrapped. The little girl never wears a bra. like now. She was sitting on the man's lap in a loose sports dress. Guo Shouyun just lowered his head and glanced. You can clearly see the full outline of the full body. Even the two bulging "cherries" kept beating in their shirts.

While taking that slap. Guo Shouyun regretted it immediately. He realized. For now little Victor. This kind of slapping her buttocks to action. It is no longer simply love and pampering. Instead. It's a kind of obscene play that borders on obscene. Fortunately, this little girl has not opened her mind. Otherwise to words. Her terrifying energy was about to be poured out onto herself.

But Guo Shouyun didn't know it was. Now this little girl sitting on his lap. She is no longer the stupid girl who had only instinct but no wisdom. Ever since the bombing hit. Victor, who was shocked by the shock wave to his brain. It has already begun to gradually regain consciousness. in the past few years. The little girl relied on her animalistic vigilance instinct. Concealed the fact that he regained his sanity. at this point. Even Guo Shouyun is extremely astute. Didn't even notice it - don't forget. Guo Shouyun's ability to observe people. They are all trained on the virtual battlefield of interests. And little Victor's animalistic vigilance instinct. camouflage skills. But it was condensed on the real battlefield where the smoke of gunpowder was dense and murderous step by step. There is a fundamental difference between the two.

Inadvertently harassing the little girl's **** forbidden area, Guo Shouyun felt quite embarrassed. He inadvertently shrank back, coughed dryly, and said with a smile, "Baby, does it hurt?"

Victor's acting talent is definitely not low. The most subtle thing is that she can not only imitate the appearance of dementia in body movements and language, but even make a fuss in her eyes, just like at this moment, her eyes Li's stupid eyes are definitely not something ordinary people can learn.

"Hehe, that's good," Guo Shouyun smiled, holding the little girl's willow waist with both hands, and pulling her down from his thighs, then patted the armrest of the chair beside him and said, "Come on, Sitting here, big brother is old now, and you, too, have grown up, my old bones can't help your tossing."

His words caused a flash of loss in the little girl's eyes instantly, but this loss of eyes remained for too short a time. In less than a second, little Victor returned to his usual look. stupid In the posture of a horse, he sat back on Guo Shouyun's lap again.

Although the little girl has been well-bred in the past two years, her body is far less heavy than Guo Shouyun said. unnecessary trouble. It's a pity that he can think that way, but the little girl doesn't pay attention to the so-called defense between men and women.

Because the weather in mid-September was getting cooler, but it was not cold enough, so Victor, who was always lively and active, was still wearing her favorite sports skirt, which only covered her The small tennis skirt at the base of the thigh, as long as there is a slight movement, it will be in danger of disappearing. Therefore, when she sat down on the man with her legs split open, Guo Shouyun felt a white light flashing in front of her eyes. A pair of snow-white underpants embroidered with cartoon patterns jumped in front of her eyes. Allows him to see the shallow, attractive slit in the middle of his bottoms.

"Brother...Brother, I like to, it's comfortable." Sitting on the man's lap, little Victor swayed his plump little ** back and forth, while sitting on the man's lap. Swinging two slender thighs that were completely exposed, he giggled.

"My little ancestor, I'm going crazy if you are comfortable," Guo Shouyun tried his best to control his filthy thoughts, feeling the amazing elasticity of the little girl's **** and the **** body heat. Shaking his head with a wry smile, he said, "Good boy, get down and sit down, big brother's leg will be crushed by you." "No, no," the little guy pouted and pretended to say.

"Sir, sir..." Seeing that the little girl brought him more and more allure, Guo Shouyun planned to stand up and forcibly hold her aside and sit down, but before he had time to take action When he was in action, Polaninov's voice sounded in the garden.

"Come on, baby," the secretary's voice made Guo Shouyun heave a sigh of relief, and he twisted the little guy's face and smiled, "Look, brother Polaninov is coming to talk to me about important things. It's up to you, go play by yourself first, and I'll buy you something delicious at night."

"Then, pull Gogo," Little Victor naturally heard the voice that the man could hear. Perhaps knowing that it was not the time to be fooling around, she tilted her neck and frowned two cute little brows for a while, Then he stretched out a little finger and said naively.

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