Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 727: used and used

?Politics is too dark, and long-term involvement in it will inevitably make people feel tired and mentally depressed, and for Sun Hongyu, as a self-improving woman, she may be able to endure that kind of mental depression from the political level, but she will never be. She couldn't bear the passiveness of being completely manipulated by others, especially when her future would be manipulated by others, she couldn't bear it any longer. Quan/Ben\Xiao/Said\Net Under such circumstances, she gave up her expectations for a career and chose a path of life that was flat but more free.

If it is replaced by someone who does not have a full understanding of politics, she may be trapped in national justice and patriotism, and completely succumb to other people's arrangements. Tools for seeking political capital. But the problem is that Sun Hongyu knows too much about politics, so she doesn't care about slogans and high-profile, let alone sacrifice her own happiness for that blood and sex. Leaving has become her most direct and ideal choice.

Now, after a well-planned bitter plan, Sun Hongyu finally got the best home from the little fox Guo Shouyun. For her, being able to get to this point seems to be the first place a few years ago. It was doomed after the on-site meeting. Although this result was not what she expected, it was finally an acceptable choice.

As for Guo Shouyun, although his love for Sun Hongyu is not as good as that for Nina, but as a pair of friends who have been dating for several years, it is finally very lucky to be able to find such an ending. In retrospect, those who once worked with him have basically disappeared, and even General Ivanov, who had always had a father-brother-like relationship with him, has passed away. In his view, a person's life is like a meandering river. Those who have had a certain intersection, or just passed by, will eventually drift away in the endless running of this big river. Until the gloom fades, in the process, if you can keep one or two bright waves, and one or two friends and women who are worthy of mutual attachment, it is like embellishing one or two leaf boats in the long river. A comfort to life. It is a beautiful scenery in life.

Sun Hongyu obviously didn't plan to stay for a long time this time. She returned to the country in the afternoon of the day she arrived in Khabarovsk. According to her, it is one thing to have a plan in her heart, but it is another It's one thing, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Sun Hongyu declined Guo Shouyun's retention, and rushed back to Harbin to report the situation as soon as possible.

After sending away Sun Hongyu, who was smug about the future, Guo Shouyun did not relax. For him, the information brought by Sister Hong this time is very important, and the domestic political situation is about to change. The transition of power between the old and new generations of national leaders is equivalent to entering the final stage, and what this means for the Far East, it is difficult to say at present, but it is certain that if the Guo Group does not take the necessary measures, then there will be A lot may be lost in the coming period.

Just as Guo Shouyun watched Sister Hong leave, smugly preparing to expand his influence in Beijing and win the return of the beauty, he was thousands of miles away in Leningrad. A large-scale operation is also brewing.

In the secluded and secluded suburban secret assembly villa, standing solemnly on the open garden lawn, Vladimir in a decent suit is doing his habitual action - rubbing his chin. In just a few short years, this novice politician who used to be cautious in his actions has quickly grown into a seasoned politician with sharp eyes and a calm mind. His piercing eyes seem to be filled with infinite energy and energy at all times. Big ambitions, as someone said: "Looking into Vladimir's eyes, you will see that you will support him without hesitation. You have no other choice."

Next to Vladimir, Sergey in a black suit and parted head followed closely. The young man who was promoted to the post of Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Moscow Ministry of Security looked calm, but his eyes were beating. He is undisguised by the fire of **, and his loyalty to Vladimir is as firm as ever. As a true KGB elite, he has a far-reaching vision and an outdated outlook on life. The two are combined. It created him, the third powerful figure in the future Russian Federation. And in the front left less than 20 meters away from Vladimir and Sergey. Zubkov, Shuvalov, Serdyukov, Grezlov, Patrushev and others were sitting around a small white plastic round table, discussing something in a lively atmosphere. A few years later. These people have rarely been able to get together like this, so since they got together today, it means that there is an important plan to be implemented.

"Borisovich," with steady steps, Vladimir came under a straight birch tree, stroked the "eye scar" on the trunk with one hand, and said in a low voice, "Are you still Doubting my previous decisions? Still don't understand what the point of my plan is?"

"Vladimirovich," nodded and said Sergei, "in my opinion, what we should do now is not to hold on to Leningrad, but to make every effort to advance towards Moscow. You know, the President's Office and even Yeltsin are very optimistic about you, and Zyuganov has also released rumors several times to recruit you. I believe that as long as you agree to any of them, you can be in a short period of time. Or have enough qualifications. Well, of course, these people are not well-intentioned about your solicitation, their purpose is nothing more than to divide Leningrad, but now, a very critical question is, as long as Sobchak is still here , you can't have a bright future."

"Haha. I have already thought about what you said." Vladimir smiled slightly. said. "But for me. What is more concerned about now is not temporary power possession. It is about taking a long-term view. Thinking more about the future. Remember what Guo Shouyun once said to us? Calm down. . Forbearance. Be cautious in words and deeds. Make plans and act later. These are the basic qualities that a mature politician must have."

"That's good." He turned his head and glanced at the "best friends" not far away. Sergey said. "But now the problem is. Among us. Except for you. Almost everyone has found a way of their own. I am worried that as everyone's status improves and their mood changes. This group formed by your initiative .There will be some unnecessary cracks. The most important thing is. The land of power is a deep ravine. It will grow and spread on its own. Therefore. Once such cracks appear. I am afraid that our future will be difficult to say."

"Haha. Your concerns are not unreasonable. No matter what I think in the short term. Such a situation still won't happen." Shaking his head. Vladimir said. "What's more, I have also thought of ways to deal with these situations."

"Oh? How?" Sergey asked with a puzzled look.

"I want you to accompany Grezlov to Khabarovsk." He pondered for a while. Vladimir eventually avoided each other's problems. He said in a low voice.

"Go to Guo Shouyun?" Sergey was slightly taken aback. said immediately.

"Well, go to Guo Shouyun," Vladimir nodded and said, "I think it won't take long before we will use him, so now is the time to prepare in advance."

"Use him," Vladimir said very classically. Indeed, in his view now, the relationship between him and Guo Shouyun is purely "use" and "use". , and nothing else.

"What are you going to get from him?" As his right-hand man, Sergey didn't have any doubts about his cold words, he just asked casually.

"So far, there is a very important auxiliary part missing from my overall plan," Vladimir said, "and in part, I intend to let Gryzlov carry the burden, and to do this At one point, our Grezlov had to enter Moscow, join you, and build up the entire organizational structure. In this matter, we can’t find anyone to help except Guo Shouyun.”

"Why Grezlov?" Sergey frowned. "Can't Medvedev? In my opinion, he should be more reliable."

"If possible, I wouldn't choose Grezlov," Shaking his head, Vladimir said, "But the key problem is that people from all walks of life are paying close attention to us. At the same time, Guo Shouyun also It is impossible to help us unconditionally and without fear like in the past. Therefore, in order to avoid the eyes of all parties and eliminate Guo Shouyun’s doubts to the greatest extent, Grezlov is the best candidate. Don’t forget Yes, he was born in Vladivostok, and fundamentally, he is a pure telepath. Besides, he has always been engaged in education and trade union work, and he is not very sensitive.”

"Well, if you think about it from this aspect, it makes sense," Sergey tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "But since you have taken this into consideration, why not do it more appropriately?"

"Oh?" Stunned for a moment, Vladimir asked, "Come and listen."

"At this time, it is obviously not appropriate for me to accompany Grezlov to Khabarovsk," said Sergei, "I suggest that Patrushev can go with him, based on the relationship between them. Relationships, others are less likely to notice.”

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