Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 718: Left wing revival

? Still in the past two years, the Far East's economy has also developed by leaps and bounds. w/Due to the stability of domestic and foreign affairs, and Guo Shouyun's effective means of grasping the economy, at the same time, coupled with the correct planning and implementation of various economic decisions, the GDP of the Far Eastern Republic has grown for two consecutive years. remain above 10 percent, as TASS said in an editorial in late 1995: "Like our Chinese neighbors, the Far East is creating an economic miracle, compared with , the Commonwealth is like a lame donkey carrying a load..."

Just as Guo Shouyun imagined, within two years, due to the support of policies and the absolute tendency of Guo's group to invest, the economic development of the Far East has formed a high-tech industry with computer, military industry, shipbuilding, heavy machinery and other high-tech industries. As the leader, it is a dual-chain circulation guidance mode supplemented by energy processing and export, reprocessing of agricultural and sideline products, and fishery and non-staple food. In the first half of 1996, the computer industry alone has achieved nearly 40 billion US dollars in profits and taxes for the Far East. In this industry, the number of employees in the Far East has exceeded 200,000. The overall increase in gdp provided a contribution of nearly one percentage point.

At the same time, in the Far Eastern Republic, with the rapid development of the economy and the steady improvement of people's living standards, another financial derivatives industry has also been steadily developed, and this industry is jointly operated by the Guo Group and the Eastern United States of America. the insurance industry. From the beginning of 1994 to the beginning of 1996, the profit scale of the insurance industry in the Far East has increased by 175%, which is equivalent to doubling. Among them, the profit data of the Guo Group is absolutely astonishing. .

However, what puzzles most countries in the world is that after more than two years of construction exhibitions, all walks of life in the Far Eastern Republic have basically received certain exhibitions, but in this, the only exception is that they should have received more Development of the real estate industry in the Far Eastern Republic. Real estate as an industry, not only has not seen any development in the two-year construction period, on the contrary, it has almost shrunk to the point of near extinction.

In 1994, under the vigorous advocacy of Guo Shouyundi, the Council of Ministers of the Far Eastern Republic passed a decree on the "Leasing and Transfer of Land Ownership Review Regulations". According to the provisions of this decree, the rental price of any commercial residential base has been increased by nearly 40%. In contrast, the decree creatively introduced a so-called public welfare housing base land opening clause. According to the regulations, government departments have the right to limit the sale price of finished houses in return for the approval of similar public welfare housing bases. Residential base rents are also constrained to a very low level.

While implementing this decree, in August 1994, the Guo Group established the "Public Housing Development Group", which was at the beginning of its establishment. It put forward a promising slogan to the people of the Far East: "Let every employed young man have a real house of his own within ten years." In September of the same year, the group won nearly nine acres in the eastern suburbs of Khabarovsk. State-owned land lease rights, and began to build the first non-profit commercial residential area belonging to the group. In July 1995, forty residential buildings in the residential area were put on the market. The average housing price was 3,700 rubles per square meter. According to the average income level of the Far East at that time, a family of three and two workers could be purchased every month. Nearly two square meters of residence. Within ten years, a family like this would be able to pay off its entire home loan.

However, the implementation of this policy soon encountered a big problem, that is, due to the general decline in housing prices, some families with abundant savings and sufficient financial resources began to look at buying those residences with good locations and great appreciation potential. Some city dwellers even own four or five dwellings. In this case, two problems arise: One. The reason is that urban housing sites are becoming increasingly tense, and the second is that the investment and construction burden of the public welfare housing of the Guo Group continues to grow.

The emergence of this situation made Guo Shouyun feel quite lost for a long time. He realized that this world is such a child's play. As a profiteer who started by depriving others of property, once he decided to benefit the people and give back At that time, those originally pitiful people. He was ready to take out his pockets. Look now. The implementation of this public housing policy was originally for the benefit of all Far Easterners. But what about the reality? Most people don't see the problem, they take it as an opportunity to make a profit for themselves, and the phenomenon of housing speculation begins to flourish.

Affected by this, by the end of 1994, the government of the Far Eastern Republic promulgated the "Evaluation of Qualifications for the Purchase of Public Welfare Housing" again. According to this policy, any resident who applies for the purchase of public housing must be strictly examined by the relevant departments, and he owns two sets of housing. Resident families of the above residences are not allowed to participate in the purchase application of new residences. At the same time, a public welfare residence is not allowed to be sublet, exchanged or sold in any form within five years after the purchase.

What makes Guo Shouyun dumbfounded is that with the introduction of the public housing purchase restriction measures, another breeding point for ** problems has also emerged. , wantonly committing fraud and accepting bribes, thus turning this purchase restriction measure into a blank piece of paper. Three months after the promulgation and implementation of the regulations, complaints in this regard appeared one after another in the "Far East Look" weekly. Public grievances in society are on the rise.

In the end, Guo Shouyun had to give Polaninov an order to let his special department devote its main energy to crack down on and strictly deal with corruption-related issues in relevant aspects...

that's all. In the process of self-governance for two years. Guo Shouyun truly felt the complexity and difficulty of national construction: to govern a country well. even a region. Government departments and decision-making. We have to try some new policies and new solutions. And every policy and program is implemented. It will lead to a series of social and political issues. And in the process of solving these problems. Inevitably, some more complexities will be derived. More difficult to solve the problem - in this kind of problem. Iterative process of problem solving. a governance. Or a governance group. to gradually mature. Only then can they walk their own way. Go solid.

Just when Guo Shouyun was vigorously building the political and economic land of the Far East. Federation and especially the Moscow Lands Bureau. Also over the past two years. A more peaceful development has emerged.

As Guo Shouyun deduced after the bloodshed in Moscow. Hasbulatov and others were destroyed. The Conference of Representatives ended in opposition. It has not completely solved the problem of struggle in the federal domestic political arena. But relatively speaking. The rising opposition is much more restrained than their predecessors. At least. "Street fights" occur less frequently. Violent conflicts caused by political struggles were also avoided.

Since 1994. With the demise of the opposition at the Congress of Representatives led by Hasbulatov. With the death of Viktor and the disintegration of the Left in Leningrad. Another strong left-wing opposition has emerged in federal politics. And the core strength of this opposition. It is the new force of the Russian Communist Party led by Zyuganov.

early ninety-five. The Russian Communist Party under the leadership of Zyuganov and the All-Russian Federation under the leadership of Andreeva have carried out all-round cooperation. Subsequently. The Seventh Congress of the Russian Communist Party was held. It was at this meeting. Zyuganov put forward: "In the current political environment. Because the working class is divided and lost its class character to a certain extent. Therefore, cooperation with trade unions has become an important task of the whole party in the new era." Patriotic industrialists and SMEs. Especially the millions of small traders and hawkers. They should all become the joint force of the party and the locality. at the same time. In order to further increase the influence of the Russian Communist Party. Zyuganov also made a groundbreaking proposal at the meeting. That is in the Russian Communist Party. It should also include organizations of all ethnic groups, cultures, and religious sects. So as to attract believers to join the party.

It is under the guidance of this decision. After the conclusion of the Seventh Congress of the Russian Communist Party. Ushered in a flying even called an astonishing exhibition period. In December 1995 the federal Duma election. The Russian Communist Party captured 157 of the 450 Duma seats in one fell swoop. more than one-third of the seats in the Duma. It became the largest political party in the federation. And in the subsequent Duma internal elections. Another leader of the Russian Communist Party, Seleznev, became the chairman of the Duma. at the same time. Members of the Russian Communist Party are in twenty-eight committees of the Duma. Occupy direct control of a full nine committees.

At the same time that the Russian Communist Party regained control of the Duma of the Russian Federation, the revival of the left has also become a trend in the entire Eastern European region. In the national parliamentary elections, he defeated all opponents in one fell swoop and won more than half of all the seats in the parliament. In the same year that the Russian Communist Party was fully revived, that is, in the middle of 1995, the Expo Social Democratic Party, which was built on the basis of the Polish Communist Party, controlled the entire state power system including the government, the president, and the parliament in one fell swoop. An iron-clad "red flag triangle" was raised.

In this period of full-scale revival of left-wing forces, Guo Shouyun was sensitive to what the general trend was. Therefore, in dealing with the issue of Moscow, he was unwilling to confront Zyuganov and others. On more issues, He adopted an avoidant strategy.

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