Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 719: family meeting

?Although they have given birth to a child, the skin of several women around them is still as smooth and delicate as before, and the curves of their bodies are still exquisite and translucent. To put it bluntly, applying sunscreen for them is definitely an extra enjoyment. Besides, as his own woman, Guo Shouyun would never allow outsiders to serve things like this. This chapter is uploaded by netizens, and the website hereby declares

After applying sunscreen to Nikita, who was lying on the outermost edge, Guo Shouyun leaned on the pole of the huge parasol and sat on the scorching beach, looking contentedly at the few jade bodies around him. , A woman with a graceful figure, showing a complacent smile on the corners of her always formidable lips.

On the beach in the distance, the tourists who came for vacation were bursting with laughter, but in a radius of hundreds of meters, especially in the defensive line of bodyguards standing side by side, only Guo Shouyun's family was relaxing here. Far away from the coastline, several gunboats of the Pacific Fleet were slowly cruising there, while Guo Shouyun's yacht Nina was under the **** of two gunboats, swaying slowly with the sea breeze.

A scene like this, Guo Shouyun never dreamed even in his previous life, but in this life, he has completed a transformation from an ordinary person to a real tycoon. What is a real life that belongs to a man? There is no doubt that this is truly a man's life--what more can a husband ask for in this life?

"Yun," just as Guo Shouyun was looking at the beach and was content, Larisa, who was lying on the reclining chair behind him, got up, covered the bathing suit on his chest with one hand, and sat down beside the man. He said softly, "What are you thinking about?"

"Hehe, what else do you think I can think about at this time?" He stretched his arms around the woman's shoulders and pulled her into his arms, Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "I have already promised Nina, what is the business for the past two weeks? Don't even think about it, I will spend this vacation with you wholeheartedly. So, what I'm thinking about right now is just you. Hey, are you happy with my answer?"

"Of course I'm happy," before Larissa could speak. Shana Riva, who was lying not far away, hurriedly smiled and said, "However, it's hard for people to believe what you said. Who doesn't know that your brain is very complicated, and you like to move it all day long. If you have a crooked mind, if you don’t count people for a moment, you will feel uncomfortable all over.”

"Oh, I can't tell, among us. The one who knows Shouyun the most is Shanariva," Nikita giggled as she turned over. "In that case, let's let her talk about it. Who was Shouyun thinking about just now?"

Since they were accepted by Nina, Nikita and Larissa have obviously been in a much brighter mood, and they can get along with each other in peace. , especially under certain topics. There will still be some innocuous rivalries between them.

"That's needless to say," Shana Riva smiled slightly and said with a crisp laugh, "In my opinion, the Kremlin is what Shouyun wants to calculate this time, and I guessed this a long time ago. Think about it. Think about it, the presidential election is just around the corner, why did Shouyun choose to take us on vacation at this juncture? And he has also arranged a full two weeks? Obviously. He is here to give the Kremlin. Ring the bell and force our Mr. President to make greater concessions to the Far East."

After this analysis, Shanariva turned over, squinted at Guo Shouyun who was sitting on the beach, and said with a pretty smile, "Shouyun, do you think I'm right?"

"Look at you. Look at you." Guo Shouyun felt a headache. He scratched his scalp. said in tears. "I won't accompany you on vacation. You complain that I don't care about you. What do you say that I don't have any of you in my heart. Now. I finally found time to play with you for a few days. You suspect that I have ulterior motives.. .... This really fits that sentence. It's hard to be a man. It's even harder to be a good man who takes care of his family."

He said something. Especially the helpless funny look on his face. It attracted a burst of laughter from the women.

"Hey. Speaking of the presidential election. I remembered it." He laughed for a while. Nikita seemed to have thought of something. She got up from the recliner. Re-button the bikini-style mini chest protector. It took only two steps to reach Guo Shouyun's ground. said. "Two days ago. The editorial department of "Far East Look" Weekly sent me a few manuscripts. The contributors are anonymous. They..."

"I said Nikita." Nina, who had been lying on the recliner, didn't wait for her to finish her sentence. Then he opened his mouth with dissatisfaction. "Have you forgotten our previous agreement? During this vacation. We can't talk about business. Now Shouyun hasn't broken the rules. Why are you so early?"

"Haha. I said Nina. How can this be considered a talk about business?" Guo Shouyun stretched a large hand to Larissa's chest and groped. Simultaneously laughed. "Didn't you say it too. 'Looking in the Far East' is just a book to keep children happy. Now we're fine. Let's talk about the right to have fun. Is this a violation of the rules?"

"You always have your own reasons." Nina rolled over and sat up. Caressed the head full of short spike gold. Laughing angrily. "It's a thing of the past when I said 'Looking in the Far East' was something to keep children entertained. You can talk about it yourself. How can it still be childish now? Forget it. You can talk about it. Anyway, that rule is not for me alone."

"Hehe, actually, um, in my opinion," Shanariva stretched out her hand and wrapped her arms around Nina's shoulders, pushing her to sit down beside Guo Shouyun, and then said, "Sometimes, the tedious things Talking about political issues as a pastime after dinner is a good way to relax. Take Nikita's "Far East Look" for example. I read it almost every issue. Although most of the manuscripts are naive, one-sided, and even too cynical, it is undeniable that some of the suggestions and opinions are very objective and enlightening. For example, on the issue of the Mafia, some time ago someone The weekly raises the question of the second social progress..."

"The second problem of social progress?" Nina was stunned for a moment, and then said.

"Well," Shanariva put her chin on Nina's shoulder and said softly, "according to the viewpoint of the manuscript, the formation and appearance of the Federation and the Mafia in the Far East, especially their growth, all have a specific history. At the same time, there is also a profound social background. In the past few years, due to the corruption of the legal system, the intensification of corruption and corruption of public power, especially the decadence of the economic situation and the confusion of national thoughts, a large number of unemployed young people Especially those young people with a lower cultural level, based on the confusion about the future and despair of life, have embarked on the road of confrontation with the rule of law society. There is no doubt that the reason why these young people have reached this stage is because of Therefore, they will join the Mafia organization, and they cannot put all the blame on themselves. This is a social problem that requires great efforts from the Federal Central Committee, especially the government of the Republic."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with this statement," Guo Shouyun nodded and said, "Hehe, some people say that the mafia gangsters like to work hard and like to get something for nothing, but in fact, these people are living a life with their heads tied to their belts, ordinary people. They are using their own wisdom and labor to earn living capital, and these people are using their youth and life to earn living capital. Frankly speaking, for most people, as long as there is another way There is a choice, none of them will choose to join any mafia."

"Hey," her husband's words made Nina feel unfamiliar, and she said in surprise, "When did our Mr. Shouyun become so enlightened? Could it be that he was blinded by the sun?"

"Shit!" He stretched out his hand and squeezed Nina's chest lightly, Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile, "Could it be that in the eyes of a little woman like you, my husband is so heinous?"

"Hehe, even if it's not, it's almost the same," Nina exclaimed, turning to laugh.

"Okay, don't laugh, listen to what I have to say, okay?" Shanariva said, intending to have a frolic between the two.

"Hehe, you said, we are listening." Guo Shouyun turned around and smiled.

"According to the suggestion of the manuscript," Shana Riva nodded and continued, "In order to solve the problem of the Mafia in a more effective range, the Far East must do a good job in six major areas: first, the construction of a clean government ; second, the improvement of the social security system; third, the promotion of rewarding 13-year compulsory education; fourth, the further expansion of social employment positions; Social integrity supports the introduction of welfare policies.”

"These six points of advice... In my opinion, there seems to be nothing too new," Nina tilted her head and said, "Well, this sixth point sounds a little novel, it used to be so Haven't heard of anything like this. Hey, Shana Riva, please explain, what do you mean?"

"Hehe, I don't need Shanariva to explain this to you," Guo Shouyun held Nikita and Larissa into his arms, and laughed at the same time, "As for me, I can probably guess something. The clue is coming. Literally, this proposal should obviously be classified as an aspect of the social welfare security system, but this kind of security should be a combination of welfare measures with unemployment and personal integrity. Specifically, it is probably a certain Individuals in society, after losing their jobs, can rely on their past integrity and law-abiding history to enjoy corresponding social security benefits. Oh, how about it, am I right?"

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