Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 717: New Far East

?Nina's concession was obviously the best opportunity for the stability of Guo Shouyun's backyard. However, the "sex life" he longed for was far from coming, because with the two years of construction and development, The work procedures in all aspects of the Far East have become more complete. At the same time, with his decentralization, the work of the women around him has become more and more busy. On weekdays, it is difficult for them as a family to get together. \, qb5.c0m\

In March 1995, the Far Eastern Republic held its first national parliamentary election. Larissa, who has been in charge of dealing with government officials of the Far Eastern states, ran for election under the banner of fighting corruption and promoting integrity and caring for vulnerable groups in society, and won Khabarov. With 76% of the votes in the Skk Territory, she entered the parliament of the Republic in one fell swoop and became the first female presidium president of the parliament. Since then, what should have been the most leisurely woman in the Guo family suddenly became the busiest one. As the brain of the parliamentary presidium, Larissa not only has to supervise the work of the Far Eastern Republic government, criticize the government At the same time, it is necessary to coordinate the contradictions of various forces within the parliament and limit their power struggles within an acceptable range.

As for Nikita, her work load is also not light. Since the beginning of 1994, when she officially became the chairman of Far East Media and Communications Concain Group, most of this woman's time is spent on planes, trains and negotiating tables. In the past two years, it was with her unremitting efforts and the strong financial support of the Guo Group that the communication and broadband service network throughout the Far East was officially established, becoming a brand-new growth point of the Far East Economic Exhibition.

Compared with these two women, Shana Riva has expanded her powers a lot in the past two years. In order to ensure her full grasp of the Far East violent institutions, Guo Shouyun, This woman was pushed to the position of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, and it is not polite to say that today, Shana Riva is not only the leader of the Mafia in the Far East. At the same time, she is also the chief of more than 100,000 police officers. It is under her impetus that the police and criminals in the Far East have truly become a "family". It is precisely because of her subway wrist management that criminal cases in the Far East have dropped sharply - a large number of gang members have gone to run pornographic venues, casinos, Internet clubs, and for those unemployed vagabonds who like to cause trouble. It's not just the police that bring them the greatest deterrent force, but also those gangsters who are omnipresent and don't pay attention to evidence and legal procedures when dealing with problems, such as murderers, rapists and the like, who often can't wait for the police to come to the door. It has already been caught by those omnipresent mafia members.

If one of the women around Guo Shouyun still has a leisurely place, it must be Yelena who lives in Vladivostok. This woman with too much psychological dark side has never stepped out in two years. own villa area, not only that. In order to pass the time, she is also obsessed with flower arrangements, just for this. She opened up a large nursery in her villa area, and the kind of life that is almost completely isolated from the world has always been the envy of Guo Shouyun.

Far away in Moscow, Hornikova has been flying in the past two years. With the support of the three giants behind and the support of the Kremlin on the front, this woman can easily control Ostankino State TV. She entered the White House in the parliamentary election in early 1994 and became one of only four female members of the Duma in the federation. And he is the youngest among them, and his political future is limitless.

Compared with the women around him, Guo Shouyun's work in the past two years has also been busy.

In the Far East Military Region, with the sudden death of General Ivanov and the retirement of Lieutenant General Kurozykin, a period of replacement between the old and the new appeared in the top generals of the Far East Military Region. Except for the above two generals, it was called the Military Region Lieutenant General Joseph, who was the fourth person, also withdrew from the military in 1995. According to his wishes, Guo Shouyun sent him to the post of governor of Khabarovsk Krai. Again. Major General Tarotav, the commander of the garrison in Chukchi Prefecture, also gave up his military post at the end of 1995. Tarotav, who was nearly seventy at the time, handed over all military power and took the Guo Group for him. After preparing a settling allowance of US$70 million, he left the Far East peacefully.

It is precisely because of the withdrawal of a large number of veteran generals that a large number of job vacancies have appeared in the Far East Military Region. Guo Shouyun at the end of 1995 and the beginning of 1996. Really busy for a few months. To put it bluntly, in the current second-level group army generals of the Far East Military Region. Nearly one-fifth of the first-line generals were selected and arranged by him, and according to the military region, these people are the so-called "Guo family's direct line".

In terms of politics in the Far Eastern Republic, in the past two years, Guo Shouyun has mainly focused on the issue of building a clean government for grass-roots government officials and the issue of factional division of high-level government and parliamentary officials.

At the end of 1994, a "Department of Anti-Prosecution and Integrity Inspection", jointly established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Security, and the Supreme Procuratorate of the Far Eastern Republic, and directly responsible to the "President" of the Republic, was formally established in Khabarovsk, the Far Eastern prefecture. The department is completely outside the government system of the Republic, and its case filing and review process is not interfered by any department or individual.

at the same time. In order to cooperate with the inspection work of the special department. Under the arrangement of Guo Shouyun. "Far East" Weekly. A special issue on whistleblowing called "President Online" was launched. no matter who it is. Just have an anonymous envelope and specific reporting materials ready. Plus a fee of five hundred rubles. The report materials can be directly delivered to the weekly publication team. In general. Weekly editorial department after receiving a similar letter of whistleblower. and will not communicate directly with the Specialized Division. But they will focus on these reporting materials. Published in the special edition of "President Online". Let the people of the Far East browse. in turn. Once a certain item or issue is published, it will have a broad impact. or similar frequent reports. Then the action of the special department will be introduced.

It was in this way that it was prompted. The special department is only in one year in 1995. He has handled more than 140 corruption-related cases. More than 400 local officials involved in the case were dealt with. in this one. The handling of a series of cases, such as the "Magadan Fisheries Department's Bribery Case", "The Collective Corruption of the Shangyansk Municipal Organs", and "The Scandal of the Young Girl of the Southern Sakhalin City Councilor", has a huge impact. This has also opened up a reputation for the Specialist Division.

Needless to say. In today's Far East. The "Department of Combating Prosecution and Integrity Inspection" has become a very special department. In the minds of the Far East. This institution is the institution that truly benefits them and holds injustice. in terms of public trust. This sector has a place in the hearts of Far Easterners. It can be equated with the status of the Independent Commission Against Corruption in the minds of Hong Kong people. At the same time. As a real political forum base for disadvantaged groups. "Far East" Weekly. In one fell swoop, it became the largest traveler in the Far East. The most popular print media publications by ordinary people. Although its price has risen six times in a row in two years. The price of a single volume rose to one hundred and ten rubles. It still hasn't affected the Far East people's love for the land. The funniest thing is. As the journal's influence expands. A large number of manuscripts from outside the Far East also began to appear on the desks of journal editors. But unfortunately. Follow Guo Shouyun's instructions. Manuscripts like this. "Far East Look" weekly will be returned - the snow in front of my house is still not clean. He, Mr. Guo Da, has no interest in paying attention to other people's troubles.

On the issue of factional division of high-ranking government officials in the Far East. Guo Shouyun used two years. It has also initially achieved the goal of checking and balancing power in other places. nowadays. The power factions active in the Far Eastern political arena are mainly divided into three major powers: the so-called elder factions who started in the "Far Eastern Power Forum". That is, the Far Eastern Republic is currently really in power. This faction was completely born out of the original Cicino Club. It was the local officials in the Far East that Guo Shouyun relied on when he started his business. These people hold power. Self-proclaimed as the direct descendant of the Guo Group. Fully defend their political turf. Suppress the growth of the other two factions. The second most powerful party. for a large number of people. Political attitudes are radically right-leaning a new political party called "Our Far East". The party started in Primorsky Territory. The members of the party are mainly the emerging middle class in the Far East and young people with higher education. on political demands. This ideological right-wing or even extreme-right local political party. Demand that the Far East be completely freed from federal control. The establishment of the real Far Eastern Republic. To build a powerful and prosperous Pan-Far Eastern country with the will of the Far Eastern people. The third largest power. For the Mafia background, the so-called "Keddes" united. This political organization appeared in early 1995. At the beginning of its establishment, it claimed to have 60,000 organized members. It is under the election of this organization. Seventeen "Blood Hands" with a Mafia background appeared in the Far Eastern Republic's parliament -- obviously. The number one behind this organization is the family. It's ruthless Shana Riva.

It is precisely because of these three major forces that appear locally. In the political arena of the Far Eastern Republic, there is a kind of turbulence and calmness. There is harmony in the struggle. Ups and downs contain a stable situation. Basically. This situation also ensures that Guo Shouyun has a complete grasp of the power in the Far East. Thus making him not the President of the Republic. But even stronger than the president, the identity of the head of the family behind him has been consolidated.

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