Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 637: condition

?Guo Shouyun remembers that the first time he heard the name Smolny Palace was in his junior high school history textbook. For the former Soviet Union, this was a holy place of revolution. Nearly a century ago, Comrade Lenin led the Bolsheviks. The armed insurrection of the October Revolution, where the Revolutionary Military Council was based, and the declaration of the establishment of the Soviet regime was also addressed to the entire Russian Federation. , qв5.

Ups and downs for decades, along with the surging waves of history, the revolutionaries and revolutionary fighters of that year have been completely buried under the endless sand of history with the passage of time, even those established by the Bolshevik Party. The Union of Soviet Socialist States also collapsed into a rubble of ruins. Lenin became the past, Stalin became a dictator, and Kolchak, the white bandit leader, became a national hero of Russia. At the moment of Erni Palace, Guo Shouyun was pondering, maybe history is a farce at all. The formulation of history uses it to deceive its descendants, and the latter inject some fresh ingredients into it to deceive the descendants of the descendants. Therefore, in this kind of deception and confusion, all history has changed. It has become a ninth-rate soap opera that is less credible than Y novels. The historian's words "believe me and know the truth" seems to be a hundred times more absurd than God's sentence "believe me and have eternal life".

This is the first time Guo Shouyun has entered the Smolny Palace, and it is also the first time he has entered the private room of his old father-in-law Victor. It was the first time he realized how devout his old father-in-law was to the former Bolshevik Party.

"Sit down," when Guo Shouyun walked into the door, the old man was sitting on the reclining chair reading an old pictorial with a yellowed cover, and he said without looking up when he heard footsteps.

Guo Shouyun looked around and found that the entire room seemed to have just been cleaned up, except for the reclining chair under the old father-in-law. There's not even half a stool, "Sit?" Where the **** is this sitting?

But the big man has his own way of doing things. Facing this kind of scene, Guo Shouyun was not at all embarrassed. He straightened his collar and walked to the opposite bookshelf. Three to two pulled out a stack of "The Complete Works of Lenin", and piled up a small "book seat" on the ground, then wiggled and sat on it with a calm face.

"Can that thing sit? Can't you tell the difference between a head and a cock?" The old guy raised his head, glanced at his son-in-law, and said with a frown.

"If someone still plans to put these things in their brains, then he really can't tell the difference between a head and a **," Guo Shouyun said honestly and patted the pile of tome below the **. replied.

"Anything that is truth. It will never be out of date," Victor said, putting down the pictorial in his hand. "Only those who think with ** will dispose of truth as expired groceries."

"Sitting the truth under the **** doesn't mean disposing of it as groceries," Guo Shouyun said back, "On the contrary, I am letting the **** get close to the truth and think about lies with my head. Because of this, I will not be left behind. I will not fail to keep up with the wheels of history, and I will not be eliminated by this world.”

Victor smiled and did not continue arguing with him.

"Old guy." Maybe it was because the bookshelf below was a little short. Guo Shouyun stood up. Took two books again and raised the seat one level higher. That's what he said sternly. "I've been hanging around for three days. I finally decided to meet me today. If you have any questions, just say it. Don't play dumb and go around in circles. Although your son-in-law is cunning, he is not timid. So. I know you may not Well-meaning. But I came to Leningrad this time. Live or die. I don't care now. But before that. I hope you can clarify some issues. At least let me die clearly. How about it. Isn't that asking too much?"

"You just want to die?" Victor smiled. Glancing at him sideways. said slowly.

"Turtle eggs want to die." Guo Shouyun snorted coldly. said. "The question now is probably not whether I want to die or not. It's whether you want to kill me. Don't think I don't know. According to your old way of thinking. I don't care if I come to Leningrad this time. I'm afraid you won't. I'm going to let me go on. So ah. I'm coming directly. I'll deliver it to you. Save everyone's trouble with each other."

"I can't tell. You still have the guts to die." Victor turned around. said. "With a cigarette? Get me one."

"What? Can't even smoke a cigarette in a poor place?" Guo Shouyun was taken aback. Immediately sneered. He took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and threw it. At the same time taunted.

"It's not that I can't smoke. It's that I can't." He took the cigarette thrown by his son-in-law. Victor is a treasure. He ordered one for himself. She took a good breath. That's what he said. "At this time, Anatoly's old thing is very strict. My tobacco and alcohol have been confiscated. Otherwise, which round will you get you little **** to ridicule me."

Guo Shouyun was silent, he was silent for a long time, until the old man smoked half a cigarette, and then said: "Go to Switzerland, I have arranged everything, the best doctor, the best equipment, the best medicine, there are these Although it is irreversible, there is no problem for you to persist for a while. To be honest, although I don’t like you, you are Nina’s father and my old father-in-law after all. I hope you can do more. Live a few days and keep your eyes open for a while."

"Life or death," Victor said with a trembling in his hand holding the cigarette, "for me, there is no difference between living two more years and two years less, if I can live within this limited period of time, To solve the problems that plagued my mind, hehe, it doesn't matter even if I die two days early."

"Although I really hope that the problems that are bothering you have nothing to do with me, it seems that this hope is a bit extravagant." Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun said, "Before coming to Leningrad this time, I thought about it for a long time. Yes, dismantle all the power and power in the hands of your old man, and then force you to retire and go to Switzerland to recuperate. But now it seems that this idea of ​​mine is a bit naive, you old fox is hiding too deep, there are a lot of things It's all that I can't grasp at all. Therefore, I also want to understand, I can't do things like holding hands and waiting for death. If you force me, I have no choice, and I will continue to entangle with you. , if you kill me directly, then there is nothing to say, the situation in the Far East may be more difficult to control in the future, even if you do enough preparations, there will be unpredictable troubles there."

"Are you afraid of me?" Before Guo Shouyun could finish speaking, old Victor suddenly interrupted and asked.

"To be honest, I'm scared, and I'm scared to death," Guo Shouyun replied honestly, "Although this answer makes people feel uncomfortable, lying can only deceive oneself, and can't change the facts in any way."

"You're quite honest," Victor said with a smile, "then I'll show you a way, would you like to go?"

"I don't want to," Guo Shouyun answered neatly, he said without hesitation, "because even if you don't say it, I know what kind of road it is. You old man may not understand, the Far East today is for me. It is no longer an industry, nor is it a bargaining chip that can be used to make transactions with others. In my eyes, it is like a child, a child who has blood connection with me. In the past two years, I have Squeeze it to pay attention to it, and then to nourish and nurture it a little bit, watch it recover little by little, grow up little by little, and it is blunt to say that my own destiny has been invisibly closely linked with it. I know you need time to accomplish your ambitions, and I need time to accomplish mine. You should know that for people like me, wealth has become insignificant now, and power is in me In my eyes, it is only a necessary guarantee to realize my ambition. What I really need now is a sense of accomplishment, a sense of accomplishment that most people cannot understand or see through. In order to achieve this goal, I can give up everything, so , the path you chose for me, I will never go, even if you put a gun on my forehead, I will still answer you like this."

"Is there no compromise?" Victor gave him a deep look. There was a hint of admiration and regret in those turbid eyes. As for what he admired and regretted, no one could guess.

"Actually, I have arranged a few good roads for you. You can take Nina, all your women, and the wealth that you have enjoyed in your lifetime. Just choose a place to live, no one will If you go to trouble you again, no one will hold you accountable for the crimes you once committed. Everything in the past will be written off when you make this choice." Victor continued, "In addition, if you still have any concerns about power. If you have extravagant expectations, then there is no problem.”

He took out a thick notebook from under the pictorial and shook it in his hand, Victor said: "As long as you leave the Far East, Moscow or Leningrad, no matter where you are, you can find it. In a position of high authority, I can customize a group of followers for you within half a year. As long as time is passed, you can even live to enter the White House and the Kremlin to hold important positions. In your eyes, such conditions are not the slightest Is it alive?"

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