Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 636: riot

?Tymoshenko's inexplicable visit disrupted Guo Shouyun's overall plan to come to Leningrad this time. Originally, according to his plan, the first thing he came here this time was not to meet the old father-in-law's fox. , on the contrary, he thought that the most important thing at the time was to start a meeting with various power parties in Leningrad, so as to fundamentally shake Viktor's power base. But now, he has changed his mind, because he realized that the power base of the old fox may be much larger than he imagined, and the power network he built may not be limited to Leningrad or the Federation, but diffuse for the entire Commonwealth of Independent States.

After having this level of concern in his heart, Guo Shouyun was full of resentment for his "taken for granted stupidity". In the two years of his rapid rise, he thought that he had devoted all his energy to the Far East, the Federation and the vision. In consideration, the various republics of the former Soviet Union, as well as certain problems of the past, have been overly ignored. Looking back now, he suddenly felt that he had missed a problem, that is, on the eve of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Victor had spent a lot of effort to support a series of local power groups, and the current Guo Group is due to his efforts. Supported by the rapid rise. So from another perspective, in other parts of the Federation, especially in the former republics, didn't this old fox support one or two powerful groups? This is obviously unlikely.

Furthermore, Washington and many countries in the West seem to attach great importance to the issue of Leningrad. Looking at the past period of time, many visits by the US Secretary of State, the Italian parliamentary corps, the German Chancellor, the French President, etc. Bypassing Moscow and going directly to Leningrad, Russia and Ukraine settled the issue of the ownership of the Black Sea Fleet and placed the center of the negotiations there. Guo Shouyun pondered, if only because there is a Sobchak and Leningrad faction standing there, these major international issues may still bypass Moscow. Put it in Leningrad? That is obviously impossible.

Now, all the evidence shows that Leningrad holds a high international status, and the acquisition of this status should be inextricably linked with Victor's influence. Guessing about these things, Guo Shouyun felt resentment against Beijing again in his heart. Obviously, Beijing must know about these things, and they have been dealing with Guo for so long, but they have never disclosed any information to themselves about cooperation. Is this also a cooperative attitude?

The itinerary of this trip to Moscow was very different from Guo Shouyun's original idea. After he arrived at the October Hotel in Leningrad, it took three full days. Neither of Victor's old foxes came to meet him, nor did they offer him an invitation to meet, and in the meantime. Vladimir was never seen again. In this way, Guo Shouyun was equivalent to waiting in the hotel for three days without doing anything.

But even so, Guo Shouyun has not relaxed his overall grasp of the situation in the Far East and Moscow in the past three days.

During the three days in the hotel, Guo Shouyun communicated with Far East basically once a day through high-frequency encrypted phone calls. During this period, all the important tasks of the Far East were taken care of by Shoucheng alone, and according to his returns. The mood of the high-level generals in the Far East Military Region seems to be a little unstable these past two days. The commanders of the second-level units are all concentrated in Khabarovsk, inquiring about the situation in Leningrad all day long. According to Yelena, these people are a little flustered now, they are worried that Guo Shouyun's trip to Leningrad will never return.

In addition to the internal situation of the military region, the situation of the main officials of the Far Eastern state governments is relatively stable. After the referendum from the Kremlin ended, the daily work in the state governments returned to normal. All departments are operating stably, and there is nothing suspicious.

Furthermore, according to Shanariva's report, the Far East, especially several major cities in the Republic of Yakutia, have had a series of gang conflicts in the past two days. Special foothold, they are menacing. And it's very dark. Six or seven Yakut local leaders of the Far East Gang were killed in the past two days. Two of them are still missing. Because she didn't know the specific background of the other party, Shana Riva did not ask the gang's subordinates to make a formal counterattack, but handed over the main defense work to the local police station, and asked them to strictly control the local foreigners under the pretext of strengthening public security. population.

In response to these two situations, Guo Shouyun gave two clear instructions: First, the emotions of the senior generals in the Far East Military Region must be stabilized, so that they understand that his trip to Leningrad this time was only a near miss, and At present, the situation here has begun to become clear, and it will not be long before I can return to the Far East. Second, in response to the invading gang forces in the Republic of Yakutia, Guo Shouyun has only one attitude: "No matter who is providing support behind them, they will fight back ruthlessly." The social stability that the Far East currently needs, something like this Unstable factors must be fundamentally eliminated. There is no room for negotiation on this issue.

Compared with the Far East, Moscow is obviously much more lively these two days. With the official completion of the referendum, the Kremlin's battle with the Council of Representatives has entered a new phase.

Because there are several giants to manipulate. The referendum that ended the day before yesterday yielded the most favorable result for the Kremlin. By accounting for the counting place. The percentage of Russians who support the current president of the Kremlin. reached fifty-eight percent. Although this percentage is not very high. But it still confirmed the so-called "public opinion" of Ye's leadership. The first is to master the main military power in the Moscow region. Then it won the referendum. The Kremlin began to take bigger steps. To the meeting of representatives in Hasbulatov. From a sharp attack.

On the day the poll results came out. The Presidential Press Office of the Kremlin issued the "Order on the Convening of the Constituent Assembly and the End of the Workplace for the Drafting of the Draft Constitution of the Russian Federation" drawn up by Ye. promulgated by this presidential decree. It is equivalent to the right to draft a new constitution. from the hands of the Conference of Representatives. To a Constituent Assembly controlled by the Federal President. no doubt. If this order is implemented. Then the meeting of representatives led by Hasbulatov. All rights will be lost. Become a Kremlin accessory.

to resist this presidential decree. Hasbratovbu public statement. He made a public call at the meeting of delegates. Don't be superstitious about this referendum. and the result of this referendum. It is classified as a direct expression of the "Portolanin-Goebbels" propaganda brought by the Kremlin. Potolanin is now the press spokesman for the Kremlin's presidential office. Everyone knows who Goebbels is. This kid once had a famous saying: A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth. And Hasbulatov accused. It is tantamount to making a statement: the reason why the Kremlin was able to win this referendum. The fundamental reason is that they are good at lying.

It is also one of the countermeasures. Including Zyuganov, Rutskoy and others left-wing leaders in the interior. Announcing the establishment of the National Salvation Front. at the same time. They also announced. Tends to be left-wing delegates to the conference. Will refuse to participate in the Kremlin-dominated Constituent Assembly. They will uphold the principles of defending the Constitution and the Constitution as a whole. in early June. Convene another Constituent Assembly alone. To determine the new constitution of the state of the Russian Federation.

A Constituent Assembly in the Kremlin. The Assembly of Representatives itself established a Constituent Assembly. a unified country. Suddenly two draft constitutions appeared. This might be a joke. But actually. It shows a very serious political problem. That is: the Kremlin and the Conference of Representatives have come to the point of incompatibility. They have expanded from the secret fight to the open fight. From Mingzheng to direct confrontation. Anyone can see it. Faced with such a situation. If neither side takes strong decisive measures. Then the country of the Russian Federation is divided. I'm afraid it will start with Moscow.

Perhaps to show their strength. On the second day Guo Shouyun arrived in Leningrad. Moscow is home to the largest urban riots since the collapse of the Soviet Union. throughout the riot. Smoke billowed from several streets in Moscow. Tens of thousands of demonstrations were armed with sticks and stones. Violent clashes with armed police maintaining order. The worst result was dozens of marchers and hundreds of Moscow police casualties. This event happened. It directly shocked the entire federal power hierarchy. Shortly thereafter. The Kremlin convened a meeting of White House ministers. Serious discussion of the response to the Moscow riots. According to the investigation report provided by Prime Minister Chernomyrdin. The birthplace of Moscow citizens rioted. It is an organized, premeditated and planned political provocation. All the people who participated in and planned this event. must be subject to severe federal sanctions.

Just when the struggle in Moscow was becoming more serious, the ruble exchange rate in the international currency market fell sharply again. On the third day of Guo Shouyun's arrival in Leningrad, Victor suddenly invited him to meet his son-in-law in Smoo. When a secret meeting was held at the Erni Palace, the international exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar had fallen to a new low of 1,050 rubles against the dollar. Nearly one hundred billion rubles. It was also accompanied by the collapse of the ruble this time, and there were calls for the issuance of regional currency vouchers in the Far East, and the Far East people had completely lost patience with the federal currency.

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