Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 638: you are out

? Victor is an old fox, his heart is cruel, and his methods are cruel, but in the end, he is not an unreasonable person. In order to eliminate the threat from the Far East, he has tried his best. Looking at the conditions he offered for Guo Shouyun, whether it is the former or the latter, it can be said that most people in this world dream of but can't. Frankly speaking, if the former condition was placed two years ago, Guo Shouyun would have agreed without hesitation, and if the latter condition had been placed a year ago, he would have agreed without hesitation. As for now... These two conditions are too harsh for him, and there is no possibility of accepting them at all.

"Mr. Victor," Guo Shouyun said to his old father-in-law in an unprecedentedly serious tone, "please allow me to call you that at this moment. For me, I have never addressed anyone else by this name. I have used it, even now, Mr. Yeltsin, who sits in the Kremlin. I remember that a year and a half ago, when you negotiated with me about Far East affairs, you gave me the power to lead everything. I know that without your support, I would have Either way, neither the Guo Group nor the Guo Group has been able to get to where it is today. Therefore, although everything I have done on the surface is not respectable, in my heart, you are the only person I think deserves respect. people."

"Is that flattering me?" Victor interjected with a light smile.

"Whatever you think," Guo Shouyun continued, ignoring the old man's ridicule, "Now, since you want to talk to me about this issue that directly concerns the most fundamental interests of the Far East, then fine, let's give up all those irrelevant issues. I will directly discuss a most critical and basic issue. Please tell me, according to your plan, how should I withdraw from the Far East? End the entire business of the Guo Group and close it down. Then wrap the entire group. Funds, regardless of the survival and future of tens of millions of people in the Far East, just leave in such a grand manner, or do I go missing and hand over all the power of the Guo Group to someone you can trust? If it is before. Then please tell me, who will be responsible for the interests and future of tens of millions of people in the Far East? If so, I would also like to ask you to tell me who you intend to take on this responsibility, and whether this person can If the work is in place, can the economy of the Far East continue to develop, can the society of the Far East continue to be stable, and is his ability enough to convince the public? If you can answer these questions for me, that's good, I am willing to accept your proposal all the demands of , and get out of the Far East with your tail tucked. On the contrary. If you can't answer these questions, or even never think about them, then I must say that you are not loyal to your country, to be precise , your patriotism has fallen into so-called madness because of extreme stubbornness. Today's reality is that the economy of the Far East is developing, while the economy of the Federal Land is still in deep trouble. The Far East people expect their lives to be better and better. The economy is getting more and more advanced, no matter who comes forward to lead the future of the Far East, he must unswervingly go down this road. Unfortunately, as long as whoever continues to walk on this road, the independent tendency of the Far East will rise higher and higher, on the contrary, if he does not go this way. Then he will not stand in the Far East. Mr. Victor, you can force me to give up everything in the Far East today, but you cannot force the Far East to give up their pursuits The demand for a better tomorrow, because of the measures taken by the Guo Group at this stage for comparison, even if I give up all of this today, tomorrow, if I cannot effectively promote the Far East Economic Development, the Far East people will try their best to put it together. I got it back. So, if you want me to say, the root cause of the Far East's tendency to become independent now is not me. Nor does it lie in the Guo Group, or even in the Far East. It lies in the entire federation, in the general economic malaise of the federation, and in the various countries. Disregarding the interests of the country, Fang politicians put all their energy into the power struggle, while ignoring the most basic economic construction."

"Father-in-law," Guo Shouyun's tone changed after saying this, he said with a smile, "After the business is over, we can talk about some digressions. Haha, I don't know why you are so worried about me. , of course, these issues are not so important to me, this time, you asked me to come to Leningrad, and for whatever purpose, I came, and the reason why I want to Come, on the one hand, I want to tell you the above words, and on the other hand, I have a suggestion to give you, but I don't know if you want to hear it or not."

"Go ahead, I'm listening," Victor said blankly.

"You're old, it's time to retire," Guo Shouyun said bluntly, "In my opinion, your views and ways of doing things are all outdated. Those thoughts in your mind are already out of date for today's era. It doesn't apply anymore. To put it more directly, you have fallen behind the times and become the biggest obstacle to this country's exhibition. Do you know what is the biggest social difference between East and West? Some say it is ideological difference , some people say that it is the difference in the national system, but in my opinion, these are not specific. If I were to explain, I would say that the biggest difference between the East and the West lies in the fundamental difference in the distribution of national interests. , as well as those of your generation, the overall interests of the country will always be above everything else. In order to protect it, no one or any group should make sacrifices without hesitation. Now, the minds of the Chinese people are open, and they They have too much independent thinking, and under the influence of this kind of thinking, they will look at the problem from the perspective of their own interests. If the governance can protect their interests, they will get their support. No matter how well you maintain the interests of this country, they will spurn you, despise you, and even try to overthrow you. Old man, I can make an assertion for you today. You drove me out, the obedient Guo Shouyun, Then tomorrow, no, maybe just at night, a new, disobedient Guo Shouyun will stand up in the Far East, and he will tell you with the most vivid facts, what makes the public opinion available and the public opinion inviolable."

His son-in-law's long-winded preaching made Victor feel extremely depressed. In fact, Guo Shouyun didn't understand the big truths he said. Otherwise, he would have just realized the serious problems in the Far East a few months ago. He has already started with his son-in-law, so why wait until now.

"People's hearts can be used, and people's opinions cannot be violated. Hehe, good, good." After a long silence, Victor suddenly laughed, he put his hand on his chin, tilted his head and said, "I have been in politics for decades, of course I have heard such a statement before. Countless times, but I have never tried my best to think about it, and now, when you push it in front of me, it really makes me feel ... backward."

Guo Shouyun didn't speak. He looked at the old "nine-tailed fox" opposite, knowing that he needed time to accept something.

After sighing, Victor bowed and tried to stand up from his reclining chair. But probably because of his deteriorating health, he tried twice in a row and couldn't sit up straight. Out of desperation, he gestured to his son-in-law, signaling him to come and help him.

"Comrade Suslov is wise and far-sighted. But. He obviously ignored a problem. That is in this country. The situation ten years later is very different from ten years ago." With the support of Guo Shouyun . Victor got up from his chair. He covered his stomach with one hand. He seemed to stagger to the bookshelf on the opposite side. From the rightmost position of the second floor. Take out a thick, untitled, yellow paper back book. then. Walk back to the seat. side said. "Ideology and concept of home and country. It's not what people are concerned about anymore. What people admire. There is only one money. The so-called money worship has eroded this country in all directions. It has eroded all of us."

The large yellow book in the old man's hand looked very old. Even the color of the envelope has been seriously degraded. But from the outside. It is apparently quite well preserved. Including title page. There is no place for origami at all. to be honest. Guo Shouyun is very curious about this book. He could see it. For the old fox. This book is quite important. Even more important than those Marxist-Leninist writings.

"Haha. Weng and son-in-law have been together for a long time. It doesn't seem to be long." He put the yellow paper on his lap. Victor said with a light smile. "But we know each other well. It should be more thorough. I believe. You have been to me. Well. To be precise. You are very interested in the things I have in my hands. How about it. Little fox. I didn't say it. wrong?"

"People are curious." He shrugged. Guo Shouyun said. "Although your son-in-law is not a good person, he is a person after all. That's why. My curiosity is also very strong. It makes me interested in many things."

"Haha. That's good." Victor laughed. "Exactly. Both of us Weng and husband have a lot of time today. If you don't get bored. I can tell you a story. Hmm. One should be from ten years ago. Maybe even earlier. The story. After listening to this story, the doubts in your heart will be dispelled a lot."

"Is it related to you?" Guo Shouyun was heartbroken. he knows. Maybe you are in a fog in front of your eyes. There may be a glimmer of light today.

"Of course it has something to do with me," Victor said with a nod, "but before listening to this story, I have two words to say. The first sentence, everything you heard today, is limited to your own understanding, out of this door , you have to keep everything in your heart, even to Nina, you can't say a word. The second sentence, this is the last chance I give you, if you are still undecided, then come out today After this door, you will never go back to the October Hotel again."

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