Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 635: foggy cloud

"Since the news that Mr. Viktor is terminally ill is true, then the news that he plans to get rid of you will not be false," Tymoshenko could not know what Guo Shouyun was thinking, she asked. He leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "I think, in this case, it is impossible for Shouyun to not be aware of the danger. Why did you come to Leningrad?"

"I said that I came here to die, madam, do you believe it?" Following the other party's example, Guo Shouyun put his elbows on his knees, leaned forward, almost from the front of the woman, and said softly.

"Oh, do you think I'll believe it?" Tymoshenko asked rhetorically with a slight smile.

"What does the lady think I'm here for this time?" Guo Shouyun still didn't answer, he threw the question to the strong woman opposite.

"If I had to guess, I believe that Mr. is interested in Leningrad's political power, so he planned to take the risk and accept it," Tymoshenko stopped going around in circles, she said bluntly, "Hehe, I don't know. Is my guess right?"

"Madam is very humorous." This was indeed Guo Shouyun's idea in the past, but now, he has a few more scruples in his heart, because he has a premonition of the existence of a conspiracy, so he thinks that he must be more cautious. Just a minute ago, he had made up his mind to contact Vladimir as soon as possible to confirm who came out with the news that Victor was terminally ill.

"Since Madam has always been concerned about the Guo Group's problems, then you should understand my proposition," said Guo Shouyun, stroking his chin, "I am based in the Far East, and I am a member of the Far East, and I have no plans for anything outside the Far East. Intervene more. In Moscow, my code of conduct is like this, and in Leningrad. My code of conduct is also the same. So, this time in Leningrad, in order to protect my own safety, I may take some effective responses means, but that doesn't mean I have ambitions for Leningrad."

Guo Shouyun's remarks are naturally impossible for Tymoshenko to believe. Originally, his visit to Leningrad this time was full of dangers. Faced with such a big risk, if there were no strong interests driving him, who would have rushed over so recklessly?

"It seems that Shouyun still can't trust me," he straightened up, and Tymoshenko fiddled with her lush fingers and smiled, "It's okay. In order to gain your trust, it seems that I have to come up with some Something of value is coming."

Saying so, she reached out and took the small black leather handbag that she had put aside. Seemingly casually flipping through it, he took out a thick notepad.

"Shouyun may not know it yet. In fact, Mr. Viktor has always been closely connected with me, um, to be precise, with our Tymoshenko family." Handing the small notepad to Guo Shouyun, Ji Moshenko continued. "In order to support him and gain the company's commercial interests in the Baltic region, we provide Mr. Viktor and the organizations around him with substantial financial support almost every month. For two consecutive years, the amount of funds has been almost four hundred per month. more than $10,000.”

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was taken aback. He took the notepad from Tymoshenko's hands. Can't wait to read it.

"Haha. Actually. People doing this work. It's not just our family." Tymoshenko smiled. Go on. "According to my old father-in-law, Mr. Viktor has close ties with old-fashioned families in the former Soviet republics such as Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, etc. Take Kazakhstan as an example. Dariga, Aliyev The couple. Zinara, the Kulibayevs. Mashkevich, Subhamber, etc. are inextricably linked to Leningrad. They have been serving Mr. Viktor for a long time. Political funding. Two years. The total amount of such political funding. Estimated to be over $200 million."

Guo Shouyun frowned tightly. He finally understood how much energy the old father-in-law had. In various republics of the former Soviet Union. There are oligarchic countries. Russia and Ukraine are not the only ones. Like the three Baltic states. Three Central Asian countries. There are powerful oligarchs in these countries. In contrast. The oligarchs have the most control. Probably Kazakhstan. In this country governed by Nazarbayev's party. The two oligarchs control almost all the important economic lifelines of the entire country.

As far as Guo Shouyun knows. As the eldest daughter and son-in-law of Nazarbayev. Dariga, Aliyev and his wife came forward in person. It controls the National Security Council, the police, finance and other powerful departments, as well as the powerful Unity Party in Kazakhstan. On the other hand, they are also engaged in commercial activities and manipulating public opinion. Directly controls Habar Media Group and Almaty Media Group. And as the second daughter and second son-in-law of Nazarbayev. Zinara and Kulibayev control the Kazakhstan Commercial Bank and the Kazakhstan Oil and Gas Company. in addition. Kulibayev also served within the Kazakh army. He is the commander of the Almaty garrison. Lieutenant General.

As for Maskovic. Guo Shouyun also knew something before. This person is a Jew from Israel. The process of his starting up is quite mysterious. Not many people know about it yet. Surprisingly. It's this person. Started in just two or three years. Xun has established a business empire in Kazakhstan that spans the three major sectors of metallurgy, energy and mining. in his hands. It directly controls 30% of the gross national product of Kazakhstan. Even a figure like Nazarbayev. Don't dare to provoke him easily.

nowadays. Accurate message proof. Victor's old fox has been accepting political donations from these people behind his back. And it has never been interrupted for two or three years. So. behind the news. What kind of things are still lurking?

From his own point of view, Guo Shouyun firmly believes that no one in this world would like to give his money to outsiders for no reason. This is the case for himself, Maskovich, Nazarbayev, Tymoshenko These people should be the same, but what is the reality? These giants who control a country's economic lifeline have been willingly providing political funds to Leningrad for the past two years. What are they doing? What do you hope for? Is their relationship with Victor's old fox pure cooperation, or is there some unknown affiliation? Similar issues, Guo Shouyun believes that it is necessary to investigate clearly.

In addition to these problems, Guo Shouyun also considered a very deep thing, that is, it can be seen from Tymoshenko's account books that in the past two years, only the Ukrainian Gasoline Company, a conglomerate, has Provided nearly 100 million US dollars of funds for Leningrad, in addition, coupled with a large amount of political donations from Central Asia, Victor, the old fox, has raised more than 400 million US dollars in just two years. huge funds. In addition, the old man would go to the Far East from time to time to extort money, and every time he took away a staggering amount of money. So, considering these questions, Guo Shouyun couldn't help but ask, what is the old fox doing with so much money? He's not a person who likes to enjoy, much less a miser who saves money for fun, so he must have spent the money somewhere - where is this place?

Today's Guo Shouyun feels like a mountain climber. When he is down the mountain, he can't see anything. There is only a little space in front of him to see clearly. After that, as his status climbed, he gradually climbed to the middle of the mountain. , the line of sight in front of him suddenly widened, and he could clearly see the far and near scenery at the bottom of the mountain. But what about now? He had already climbed halfway up the mountain and was close to the top of the mountain, so... as if in an instant, the clouds and mists that permeated all around him enveloped him, making him unable to see or see anything clearly. .

"Shouyun, do you have a lot of questions in your heart now?" Glancing at the man's clenched brows, Tymoshenko smiled, "For example, why do we people keep going to Leningrad for a long time? To provide funds, for example, what kind of relationship does we have with Mr. Victor? Of course, the most important question should be what Mr. Victor has been doing all the time. He put this huge amount of money. Where are the funds used?"

Nodding, Guo Shouyun didn't speak. He intuitively believed that the woman in front of him knew a lot of the inside story, and whether she could speak would directly affect his overall grasp of the Russian political situation.

"Hehe, it seems that my guess is not wrong," seeing him nod, the smile on Tymoshenko's face deepened, she leaned back slightly, leaned into the soft sand back, and said, "but it's a pity The thing is, I can't give you these answers, if you want to know what's going on here...hehe, you might as well accept one of my invitations."

"What invitation?" Guo Shouyun asked subconsciously.

"If Shouyun can leave Leningrad safely this time, I hope you can make time to go to Kiev," Tymoshenko smiled, "My husband hopes to admire you for a long time, but his health is not good. Well, so I can't come to the Far East to meet you in person, this time, we hope you can come to Kiev and give us a chance to entertain you."

"Kiev?" Guo Shouyun raised his eyebrows slightly, and said without hesitation, "Well, since Madam is so enthusiastic, I will be disrespectful, please tell your husband, when the matter in Leningrad is finished this time, I will definitely immediately Go to the door to meet."

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