Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 634: Daigo

? Of course, Guo Shouyun will never say such "heart words" directly. On the one hand, it is because there is no doubt about what he said. On the other hand, it is because he is the same kind of thing as this woman. Moreover, Guo's business in smuggling is much larger than that of the Ukrainian Gasoline Company.

"Cooperation? I welcome it," Guo Shouyun said with a smile on his face, hiding the muttering in his heart, "For me, the Far East should have been an open area. For foreign investment in laws and regulations, of course, on the premise that the first two conditions are met, I will also make appropriate concessions to friends.”

"So, Mr. Guo treats me as a friend?" Tymoshenko laughed.

"Of course," Guo Shouyun said bluntly, "could it be that Madam doesn't consider me a friend yet?"

"Hehe, I remember that my father-in-law once said that those who are not enemies are friends," Tymoshenko said with a slight smile, "and in my eyes, Mr. Guo is obviously not an enemy, then we should naturally become friends. ."

Guo Shouyun smiled and didn't speak. He knew that since he had said this, the woman in front of him would definitely get involved.

"Since we are friends, does Mr. Guo mind if we discuss a question in private?" Sure enough, Tymoshenko said, "and this question is the main purpose of my visit today."

"In private?" Guo Shouyun frowned and said in shock.

"Yes, talk in private," Tymoshenko reiterated, then turned his head and said to the two bodyguards behind him, "You all go out."

"Yes, ma'am," the two beautiful bodyguards responded, taking coquettish steps. Go out the door slowly.

"Major Tolocneyev," Guo Shouyun said immediately, he said to the major who had just brought two glasses of red wine, "you go out first, I have some important things to discuss with the Tymoshenkovs, remember .Don't let anyone come in and disturb us."

"Yes. Sir." Major Tolocneyev nodded. Followed closely behind the two female bodyguards. Out of the front door of the room.

"Okay. Now there are no outsiders here. Madam, what can I say directly?" After the door slowly closed. Guo Shouyun lit a cigarette for himself. said slowly.

"Shouyun. Oh. As a friend. I call you that. Do you mind?" Tymoshenko said.

"Of course I don't mind." He smiled slightly. Guo Shouyun said.

"Thank you." Tymoshenko laughed. "Before talking about the official question. I hope Shouyun can answer me a question candidly."

"What's the problem?" Guo Shouyun asked.

"After I came to Leningrad, I heard some rumors," Tymoshenko said in a low voice. "I heard that Mr. Viktor has reached the late stage of liver cancer, and he may not last until the end of the year. I have been trying to confirm whether this news is true for the past two days, and Shouyun came to Leningrad this time, whether he also suffered from this incident. Impact?"

Guo Shouyun's heart moved, he thought, since this woman asked such a question, then there are two very important possibilities. You know, the news that Victor is terminally ill. There are definitely not many people who know it. Guo Shouyun calculated it in his heart. Apart from himself, the only people who know the news are Sobchak, Vladimir, Victor himself, and a limited number of high-level figures in the Cheka Club. It's normal for the top three to know this news, but as for the Cheka Club, they deliberately disclosed it to them. In other words, there are only a handful of people in the know. Now that Tymoshenko has also received the news, one question needs to be investigated: Where did she get the news?

no doubt. Sobchak and Viktor himself. It is absolutely not possible to disclose this news to outsiders, for them. Once this news is leaked, it will directly affect the stability of the faction in Leningrad. Those doctors who were responsible for diagnosing the disease have long since been cleaned up, and the dead can't speak, so there is no possibility of them leaking information. After deducting these two possibilities, there are only Vladimir and the Cheka Club. Among them, who disclosed the news to Tymoshenko? And this news revealed, what kind of relationship is it with Tymoshenko?

In a short moment, this series of questions flashed through Guo Shouyun's mind, and what followed was a series of questions hidden behind these two possibilities.

Obviously, no matter which party disclosed the news, it is enough to show that this party has established contact with Tymoshenko, and even has a certain degree of cooperation. Among them, if it is Vladimir So what is the purpose of his cooperation with Tymoshenko? What kind of tacit understanding exists between them? On the contrary, if the Cheka club disclosed the news, what was the purpose of their cooperation with Tymoshenko?

Comparing before and after, combined with the uncertain tone of Tymoshenko when he asked the question, Guo Shouyun came to a conclusion that these people cooperated directly, obviously they have not reached the level of mutual trust, otherwise, Tymoshenko would Coe would not be asking himself, "Is this news true?"

Furthermore, Tymoshenko, a woman, does not absolutely accept the news she got from the cooperation, but asks herself for the credibility of the news. What does this abnormal performance show? Undoubtedly, this only shows that in this woman's heart, the Guo Group is her best partner.

"Why, does Shouyun think this question is difficult to answer?" Seeing that the other party's brows were wrinkled and he didn't say a word for a long time, Tymoshenko couldn't help but ask.

"Hehe, I want to know, where did you hear the news, Madam?" Taking his mind back, Guo Shouyun smiled slightly and asked without answering.

"Is this important?" Tymoshenko asked.

"Of course, because I want to know who leaked such important news." Although Guo Shouyun did not directly answer the woman's question, he gave a clear answer in a relatively obscure way.

"I understand," Tymoshenko understood immediately, she nodded slightly and said with a sigh.

"Hehe, Madam seems to be unfair," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "I answered your question, but you didn't answer my question directly. How much prospect can such cooperation have?"

"Mr. Guo wants to know the answer, how can I hide it?" Tymoshenko smiled and said, "This news was told to me by my husband before he came to Leningrad, and he came from Zyuganov. learned there."

"Damn!" Guo Shouyun wanted to slap his mouth hard, he thought to himself, "How could I have forgotten about Zyuganov, his big mouth, as long as he knew the news, how could he continue to hide it? For the sake of If he can eradicate the Leningrad faction as soon as possible, he may wish to take a loudspeaker and spread it everywhere... Wait! Something is wrong!"

Expanding his thinking here, Guo Shouyun's mind flashed a flash of light, and he suddenly thought of a very fatal question - how did Zyuganov know about this? !

There is no doubt that it is calculated from common sense, whether it is Sobchak or Vladimir, it is impossible for them to disclose this news to Zyuganov, who has long been eyeing the Leningrad faction. After all, it will directly affect the their deepest interests. And the Cheka Club...they got their news from themselves, and the specific time was two days ago. And what Tymoshenko just said revealed a time message: First, she heard the news from her husband "before" she came to Leningrad. Second, she said that during the "two days" in Leningrad, she had been trying to confirm whether the news was true. Judging from these two time information, Zyuganov should have received the news three days ago, that is, before the Cheka Club got the news. Then a very important question arises, who disclosed this news to Zyuganov? !

For some reason, at this moment, Guo Shouyun suddenly felt a creepy feeling, and Victor's old wrinkled and sinister face suddenly appeared in his mind.

Old thing, this old thing... If the news that Zyuganov learned was really leaked by Viktor on purpose, then it is foreseeable that a huge conspiracy has already been under the control of the old fox. The "big net" was opened, and this big net wanted to capture something. Guo Shouyun couldn't guess it yet, and he wasn't even sure about his guess. But looking back, if this kind of speculation is true, then a big change in the federal political situation is likely to be imminent. The old fox's net is very likely to be directed at Zyuganov. In luring the other party to take the bait, he intends to eliminate this party's "originally the same root" political enemy in one fell swoop.

Why did the old fox attack Zyuganov first? Did he plan to wipe out Zyuganov and at the same time wipe out the foundation of power in the Far East? In such a large-scale "battle", it is obviously not enough to rely on one Leningrad faction. So, what other hidden trump cards are in the hands of the old fox? These piles of questions suddenly accumulated in Guo Shouyun's mind. He suddenly realized that his old father-in-law might not be as simple as Ye Leena said, and he still had some trump cards hidden in his hands.

Suddenly, Guo Shouyun regretted his trip to Leningrad this time, but after thinking about it further, he felt that there was no such trip, in fact, it made no difference. If the old fox was really instigating such a conspiracy , then even if you hide in the Far East, you may not be able to escape the disaster.

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