Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 614: sir must die

? Got the promise of the brother-in-law, Yakov finally breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, before coming back this time, he thought about it a lot. This kid also knows that he knows too many things, and his identity is also very sensitive. If he wants to return to the Far East, it may bring a lot of potential trouble to Guo Shouyun. If it weren't for Nina's relationship, plus the old man living in Leningrad, he would never have come back anyway, because he knew that there was only one way to go when he came back. But the reality is that Guo Shouyun is his brother-in-law, and the relationship between this giant and Nina is sincere. In this case, Yakov feels that he can give it a try, maybe it will happen.

In this way, he ran back from Japan. At first, for the sake of prudence, he was very careful and planned to do a test first to see the attitude of his brother-in-law. If the other party's attitude towards him is good, he will directly put forward the request. If it is not good, he will go to the A sum of money, continue to run elsewhere. Later, Guo Shouyun's usual smile and easygoing made him give up his worries, and finally put forward the idea of ​​going back to the Far East.

People, it is true that he was born in distress and died in comfort. If it was two years ago, Yakov would never have made a mistake like this. At that time, facing Guo Shouyun's smile, he would have fled far away. How far, but now after two years of indulgence, coupled with a lot of drug use, he was completely abolished as the former head of the KGB Far East Bureau. If it comes to scheming and conspiracy, he is now far from being Guo Shouyun's opponent is now, and the opponent can play him to the death by moving two fingers.

Yakov didn't even think about it, who is his brother-in-law now, and how much is his promise worth? A person like him who sees everything very clearly, how can he adopt his feelings for Nina to his uncle? Saying a thousand words and ten thousand, Guo Shouyun can leave him a chance to speak, and it is already very good that he does not "smooth" him as soon as they meet.

"Hey. It's okay if the big trouble comes to me. After all, the mental preparation for this aspect has already been made." Sitting in his jeep, Guo Shouyun finally glanced back at the front steps of the "Jin Dalai" clubhouse, and then turned his head. He fiddled with his fingers and shook his head. "Didn't you see, even some trivial troubles have come to the door, my uncle is really ambitious, hehe, he doesn't even look at his body, and he doesn't think about the current situation in the Far East. If he wants to make a comeback, then what should I do? Retreat from the three homes, or let the virtuous?"

"What. Does this guy really plan to come back?" Since Yakov was going back to the Far East, Shanariva made a special trip back from Yakutsk today, after she listened to Guo Shouyun's words. stunned.

"Well," Guo Shouyun said with a nod, "he made this request clearly just now."

"Then how did you answer? Agree?" Shanariva asked with a frown.

"So what else?" Shrugging his shoulders, Guo Shouyun said, "Don't forget, he is Nina's eldest brother, my brother-in-law, and also my original cooperation, Guo Shouyun can be today. He also played a very important role. effect."

"But there are too many problems with him," Sanariva said disapprovingly, "until today, Moscow has not given up on his arrest. I think, whether it is our political enemies or those on Mr. Victor's side, both Deliberately looking for a breakthrough from this guy. If you leave him in the Far East, even if the news is leaked, even we are not afraid. But it is a troublesome thing after all, at this point, you better think carefully. "

Ye Liena's position was right on Guo Shouyun's left hand side, which was diagonally opposite to Shanariva. After listening to the other party's words, the woman smiled lightly and did not interrupt. In fact, in her opinion. The man beside him obviously had plans for a long time. He is so calm now, which is the best proof.

"I've thought about it carefully." Sure enough. After listening to Shana Riva's words. Guo Shouyun smiled. "Yakov's body is very weak now. Hey. You said it's not good to learn something. You're going to get addicted to drugs. Now it's better. The whole person is a skeleton. If you don't get rid of this drug addiction. He Standing out during the day can scare people to death. How can I arrange specific work for him?"

There was a puzzled look on Shanariva's face. She couldn't figure out what her man was doing. "I think it's okay." Two fingers tapped lightly on her knees. Guo Shouyun said slowly. "I remember that there used to be a drug rehab center in Gongqingcheng? It's probably deserted now, right?"

"You mean it's located on Soviet Street. Oh. It's the drug rehab center next to the center of the Komsomolsk Aviation Industry Complex?" Shanariva said with a frown. "That's not very good. The defenses in that place are lax. And the surrounding area is too open. Even if it is"

"You're thinking about too many issues." Waiting for the woman to finish her sentence. Guo Shouyun hurriedly laughed. "What's not to be slack in defense. Don't forget. That's the place to arrange Yakov. Why do you want to be so strict with precautions? Go back. You remember to arrange a few people to get closer to him. The relationship is relatively good. People have passed. Um. Let them be responsible for Yakov's daily life and drug treatment. It took nearly two years. His drug addiction is very deep. Compared with trying to quit it. quite a while."

Shana Riva was taken aback. Immediately he seemed to realize something. She understood the meaning of a man from one aspect. In this woman's view. Guo Shouyun did not arrange strict protection for Yakov's drug rehab center. Should be ready at some necessary moment. Secretly send people in to kill him. So as to achieve the goal of never ending troubles. As for why Yakov had been close to and trusted people. That is of course also to eradicate hidden dangers.

But Guo Shouyun's real thoughts. Not so. Fundamentally. He didn't want to get rid of Yakov himself. This is because of the existence of Nina. On the other hand, there are also concerns about Victor in Leningrad. According to Guo Shouyun's ideas. He was planning to keep Yakov under house arrest in rehab forever. Let him do drugs to the end. Poison yourself alive. And arranged for him to have trusted subordinates. It is also out of this consideration.

If there is anyone among the three who can truly understand the thoughts of all parties, it is undoubtedly Yelena, who has always kept her mouth shut. In this woman's opinion, if you want to eliminate the threat of Yakov, Guo Shouyun fundamentally There's no need to put so much effort into it. He only needs to spread the news that this guy has returned to the Far East. It is estimated that in two days, the skinny Yakov will die. As for who will do this, it is almost unnecessary to think about it, the old fox Wei Ke Duo, must be the first person to shoot.

"Tiger poison doesn't eat children," that's because he's not hungry enough, and he has been dealing with the old guy for nearly ten years. Ye Liena really understands his temperament too well. This old man is for his own ideals. With ambition, anything can be sacrificed, not to mention a son who has become a "waste".

Furthermore, even if the old man Victor did not take action, there are not a few people in the Moscow power who want to kill Yakov. This kid was born in the KGB, and he once served as the head of the Far East Bureau. At the same time, in the former Soviet Union At the time of his disintegration, he was a traditional high-level figure, and he did a lot of things that harmed the public and private, and accumulated public wealth. After he fled to Japan, the reason why the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was not able to submit the wanted order against him to Interpol was because these people were behind the obstruction. Now, this kid doesn't stay abroad honestly, but he wants to run all the way back to the Far East, and he also stands by Guo Shouyun's hand in a grand manner. Faced with this situation, what will those Moscow dignitaries think? Undoubtedly, what they thought first was not to use Yakov to deal with Guo Shouyun, but to worry that Guo Shouyun would use this chess piece to deal with him. Therefore, considering the interests of all aspects, a conclusion can be drawn—the one who returned to China. Yakov must die, and let him die before he speaks. He is the "enemy of the whole people". If he does not die, most of the federal power level will not be able to sleep well.

Yakov is stupid, stupid because he doesn't know the current affairs, stupid because he can't understand the current situation, he doesn't know his existence, the threat to the Guo group is not very big, but it directly threatens the life and death of the Moscow power. Yelena figured it out, and it must be Victor who first planned to get rid of Yakov. After that, the Cheka Club was the second person who planned to attack him. After that, leftist politicians like Hasbulatov would kill him. As a person, even if Yakov is protected by Guo Shouyun, he may not be able to escape the black hands of these people, not to mention that the Guo Group has no plans to let him go. Speaking of which, it is a kind of sadness to do what Yakov does as a human being, and in addition to sadness, he still does not recognize his own sadness, which is even more stupid in sadness. Ye Liena will never sympathize with him, and Guo Shouyun will not sympathize with him either.

"You have to pay it back sooner or later," Yakov said, no matter if he was in the Far East or Japan, he had already enjoyed too much. , he also enjoyed it, and now, it is time for him to pay the price.

"I hope that the portrayal of my uncle's life will not end up on our heads." Sitting in the fast-moving jeep, Guo Shouyun finally turned to a thought, "After all, compared with him, we need to pay back. more stuff."

Soul Slaughter God: ISBN 1264o58, more 10,000 characters on the day, a good book that must not be missed by those who like the boiling blood of beasts

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