Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 615: processed

?Guo Shouyun has a very realistic view of Yakov's uncle, he is destined to be a person who "lives more like a fairy than a fairy, and dies more like a dog than a dog". He is the greatest in his life. One of the tragedy of the company is that it pays too much attention to enjoyment, and at the same time, at a promising time, it throws away the most potential "blue-chip stocks" and discounts all the power. m

To say something heartfelt, Guo Shouyun didn't want this uncle to die too soon. After all, it was a blow to Nina, but what he didn't expect was that there are too many forces in the Federation that want this person to die. So much so that he had just left the "Jindalai" private club and returned to the villa area when Leningrad's phone came to the door.

Although it was a weekend, Nina did not stay at home for vacation due to the recent military affairs, and she did not know about Yakov's secret return to the Far East. Originally, according to Guo Shouyun's plan, he wanted to take advantage of his wife's emotions. When she is stable, tell her the news, but it is not as good as the sky, and his wife, who is thousands of miles away, has already learned about it in advance.

"He's back?" Guo Shouyun answered the old father-in-law's phone call in his private study. The first sentence of the old man's opening sentence was this.

"Well, I came back early this morning," Guo Shouyun knew that he couldn't hide this kind of thing, so he answered honestly.

"Is he okay?" On the phone, the old man's voice sounded a little old.

"Not good," Guo Shouyun replied truthfully, "he became addicted to drugs. If I hadn't seen him back then, I wouldn't even believe it was the former Yakov."

There was a long silence on the phone, Guo Shouyun could hear the heavy breathing in the phone.

"Let him go," the old man's voice rang again after a long while, and he said on the phone, "Give him as much as you want. But you must leave before five o'clock."

Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then glanced at his watch—at 4:30, the old man gave his son 30 minutes to prepare. He was absolutely amazing.

"I think you have misunderstood," Guo Shouyun said after hesitating. "He came back this time not because he was short of money, but because he wanted to stay in the Far East. I talked to him just now, and he said that the flowery world outside had made him tired, so"

"Then get rid of him." Without waiting for Guo Shouyun to finish his words. On the other end of the phone, the old father-in-law said a word without any emotion. "You do it yourself."

"What?!" Guo Shouyun was startled. He was stunned for a while. asked tentatively. "Master. I don't understand what you mean."

"I said get rid of him. Just kill him. You do it yourself. And before five o'clock. Got it!" On the phone. The old man's tone was full of unprecedented tyranny. He almost screamed.

"Why?" Guo Shouyun's ears were a little itchy. He switched the microphone to the other hand. asked with a frown.

"Because then he can walk more comfortably." The old man's last sigh came from the receiver. Then there was a soft click. Di Di Di busy tone sounded immediately.

"Clap" sounded. Throw the phone receiver on the table. Guo Shouyun turned around. He hurried out of the study. Even if he doesn't have a brain. I also know what the old father-in-law said. no doubt. It is now known that Yakov is not the only one who returned to the Far East from Leningrad. Five o'clock. Before five o'clock. And now it is far from my uncle who entered Khabarovsk. Less than four hours. That is to say. Prepare to get rid of the Yakov people. It should have followed him into Khabarovsk. Even the other party even followed directly from Japan.

Guo Shouyun did hope that Yakov would die, but he didn't want the other party to die now, and he was still slaughtered on his own ground. This kind of thing is very troublesome.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the man coming downstairs with a livid face and sitting in the living room talking to Yelena, Shanariva immediately had a premonition, and she stood up. Go forward and ask.

"I don't have time to talk about it. Immediately convene people and follow me to Jindalee. The sooner the better!" Guo Shouyun kept walking towards the entrance of the hall.

"Oh?" Shanariva was stunned, subconsciously turned her head and glanced at Ye Liena, but just happened to see the woman put down the teacup with a smile, and stood up from the sand unhurriedly. With his own bodyguards and six or seven soldiers armed with guns in the villa area, Guo Shouyun and his party arrived at the "Jin Dalai" private club in just ten minutes. From the time point of view, it was still far from the last moment stipulated by the old man. It's been ten minutes. However, when he entered the main hall of the clubhouse, Guo Shouyun knew that he was still late after all.

In the main hall of the clubhouse, Jin Chengji, the person in charge of the clubhouse, was slumped on the luxurious sand prepared for the guests with a pale face. The death is tragic, which is not a good thing. If the big boss Guo is annoyed by such a thing, not to mention what they will do to him, at least, Pyongyang will not spare him. It's not something ordinary people can afford.

"Guo, Mr. Guo," Jin Chengji jumped up from the sand when he saw Guo Shouyun leading someone in with an expressionless face, and hurried over, trying to explain something.

"What about people?" Guo Shouyun was already mentally prepared, so he didn't feel too many surprises. He planned the other party's words and asked in a deep voice.

"I, we didn't see it," Jin Chengji obviously misunderstood Boss Guo's meaning, he replied nervously, "I, I just arrived at the site, as for who did it, I, I don't know."

"I'm the one who asked me." After glancing at the place, Guo Shouyun said impatiently. "Oh, at No. 6, private room No. 6" he hurriedly replied, Jin Chengji turned around and trotted all the way to grab the key from the waitress's hand, which led the way for Guo Shouyun and his party.

"When was he born?" Following behind the other party, Guo Shouyun asked with a frown as he walked towards the corridor.

"I don't know either," Jin Chengji said stumblingly, with a sad face, "after Mr. left, your friend asked for a room by himself, and then asked for two coughs, and then all the people who served him were sent to him. I rushed out and said that I wanted to take a good rest and prepare to be a new person tomorrow. After that, in less than 30 minutes, there was a lot of blood flowing out from the drainage room. Look upstairs, and there is something wrong."

During the conversation, the group went up the corridor on the second floor. According to Guo Shouyun's memory, the luxurious private room No. 6 should be at the left end of the corridor. The location there is relatively remote. Yakov did not choose other places, but it was If you choose there, you are doomed to be unlucky.

Standing at the door of the locked private room, Jin Chengji didn't open the door directly. He hesitated for a while, then turned around and said to Guo Shouyun, "Guo, Mr. Guo, don't go in. It hasn't had time to clean up, and it's a bit of a scene."

"Open the door!" Guo Shouyun was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he said impatiently.

"Well, then you can use this," Jin Chengji knew that he couldn't stop it, he took out a slender tube of ointment from his pocket, handed it to Guo Shouyun, and said, "Apply it under the nose to refresh the mind. , so that there will be no adverse reactions for a while."

Guo Shouyun took the ointment, but did not put it on his nose. After waiting for the other party to open the door, he walked in impatiently.


Just two steps in, Guo Shouyun felt a thick **** smell coming towards his face. The smell was so heavy that his stomach was sour, and after a while of retching, he almost vomited out on the spot. Out of desperation, he didn't care about anything, he unscrewed the ointment that Jin Chengji gave him, and neatly smeared a little under his nose. Immediately, a cool mint breath entered through the nose, dispelling the nauseating **** smell.

"We made it ourselves." Compared with him, Shanariva, who followed closely, seemed much calmer. She covered her nose with her index finger, glanced at the huge soup pool room, and said in a trembling voice. , "It was the hands of the people in the second round."

While Shanariva was talking, Guo Shouyun also saw the situation in the room. In one word, what he saw was "shocking". I saw that in a huge bathroom and bedroom, the marble floor was covered with blood, and in the center of the pool of blood, there was a chair, and Yakov, who was as thin as dry wood, sat in the seat with a golden sword. On the chair, his dry hands without skin and bare muscles lay flat on his thighs and knees. The most creepy thing is that the killer was obviously quite calm and calm when he started to kill. According to Shanariva, he peeled off Yakov's entire skin, and while peeling the skin, he also Accompanied by the way of bloodletting.

From a medical point of view, people will experience dizziness and coma when they lose a lot of blood. Physiological contradictions of mental agitation and nerve palsy in time. In the former KGB Second Bureau, there was a special group to do research in this area, and their research results were used to punish traitors.

Whenever a traitor is punished in this way, the executioner is usually a master. They are quite familiar with the blood circulation and texture characteristics of the human body. Every drop of blood is released and every knife is drawn. It can make the traitor keep a kind of morbid sobriety in the excitement, so as to watch others peel off their skin little by little, revealing the fat and muscle inside.

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