Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 613: Destroyed Yakov

? The VIP bathroom of "Jin Dalai" was filled with mist, and sat bored in the bathtub with floating flowers. Guo Shouyun read a newspaper, while enjoying the thoughtful ** of the beauty, while browsing the news content in the newspaper. w

In the big soup pool opposite him, Yakov, who had just washed off his fatigue, was lying on the top of two ** women who were having a good time. The women screamed out of pain, which seemed to make this man who once lived in the Far East The powerful guy was even more excited, and his every movement seemed so violent, even tyrannical.

Maybe it was because of the same sickness or fear, the little girl who was taking a bath for Guo Shouyun was shaking all the time. Every scream of the woman on the opposite side made her shudder, and then shivered for a long time. From this, her massage The quality is self-evident.

"Cough!" The woman's scream made his ears hurt. Guo Shouyun finally raised his head. He frowned and glanced at the elder brother across from him, then closed the newspaper in his hand and handed it to the little girl behind him, coughing dryly. , said, "I said big brother, I haven't seen you for two years, you have added a lot of interest. I remember you didn't have this problem. Who did you learn this from?"

In less than two years, Yakov, who enjoyed the happiness in Japan, is like a different person. The graceful and luxurious gentleman's demeanor in the past has long disappeared from him. Not only that, compared with the past, He's also lost a lot of weight... Maybe it's not appropriate to describe him as thin. Today's Yakov looks like an alien, his body is thin and bony, and the ribs on his chest stand out one by one, and he can clearly understand them without touching them. The most terrible thing is his face, with dark circles under the eyes, sunken eye sockets, and two **** and white eyes that are bulging and exposed. I don't know, this look in the past is probably scared to death.

As for the once personable Yakov. Why did he become like this? Guo Shouyun understood very well. For a person with a history of drug addiction for more than a year and a large amount of drug use, it is not easy for this eldest brother to be alive today. Especially rare. His stuff is still "living", which may be because of his lustful talent.

"Ho, ho," Torturing people is also a physical task. After tossing on the two women for more than half an hour, Yakov was exhausted and out of breath. He pulled out the half of his fist that had penetrated into the woman's body, and smeared it on the gradually cold full chest, and then sat down in the pool, panting and saying, "There are some things you don't need to learn. Everyone has that kind of talent. Heh, two years of boring life, nothing can get you wrong."

"Really?" He smiled lightly. Guo Shouyun turned his head and gestured to the pale girl behind him. The little girl stumbled out of the bathroom as if she was being granted amnesty, and after a while, she led three men in.

"Mr. Guo," the man in the lead was of medium stature, and his appearance seemed unsatisfactory. He first glanced at the two women lying in a pool of blood by the pool, then walked quickly to Guo Shouyun, bowed and said, "Would you like to change rooms?"

"No need. Find someone to clean up and see if the two girls can be saved." Guo Shouyun stood up, wrapped the bath blanket hanging by the bucket around his waist, and said casually, "Hehe, my friend today. I'm a little crazy, I'm giving you trouble."

"Mr. Guo is too outlandish, a trivial matter. A trivial matter." This man is Jin Chengji, the titular boss of "Jin Dalai". Despite his young age, he is very good at life. He smiled and said a few words, then turned around and made a gesture. Two strong men ran up, one for each, and dragged two women who were twitching out of the bathroom.

"Wow..." The thick faucet simply sprayed in the bathroom. The blood-stained soup pool opened the gate to change the water. Spray some more fragrance on. Less than five minutes to work. The bathroom, which had a **** smell, was completely renewed. Not even a drop of half dead blood could be found.

"Mr. Guo. Do you have any instructions to find me again. I'll be waiting for you at any time." Wait until the servants have cleaned up everything. Kim Sung-ki gave another ninety-degree bow. Said with a big smile.

"Well. Go ahead. I have some things to discuss with my friends." Sitting on the chair next to the bathroom pool. Guo Shouyun was smoking a cigarette. said without looking back.

"It was a single answer. Jin Chengji glanced at the skeleton frame sitting in the pool. Quietly exited the door.

"Okay. I've eaten my meal. I've taken a bath. The woman has enjoyed it." Erlang's legs were crossed. Guo Shouyun reclined on the chair. Lift your eyelids. Said in a lazy tone. "Brother, should you tell me the reason for your return this time?"

Just put on the soup and the water is a little hot. Yakov sat on the edge of the pool. Frequently use your feet to test the water temperature. But never dared to go down. I heard my brother-in-law ask. He retracted his calf. After some hesitation. Said: "Shouyun. Do you really think of me as a big brother now?"

"Then what is there to say?" Guo Shouyun said with a slight smile after flicking off a wisp of ashes on the cigarette butt, "Don't say that you and Nina are still brothers and sisters, even if there is no such layer, with the original paragraph between us. Friendship, you Yakov will always be the elder brother of my Guo, hehe, it was in the past, it is now, it will be in the future...and it will be in the future."

What he said was half-truth, but there was nothing suspicious in his tone.

"Well, I believe you," Yakov nodded, gritted his teeth, and said, "I beg you now, can you promise me?"

"Tell me, don't say one thing, even if it is ten or eight, I will promise you all." Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"I don't plan to stay in Japan anymore, I want to go back to the Far East," Yakov said, rubbing his rib-lined chest, "I want to understand, in this world, it's not as good as my hometown, where Japan is. No matter how prosperous or extravagant it is, it’s still someone else’s place, not mine.”

"Oh?" A trace of confusion flashed in Guo Shouyun's eyes, but he soon regained consciousness. His two lips curved slightly, drawing a stern arc, and then smiled nonchalantly, "Why? Could it be over there? Someone is angry with you? It doesn't matter, you can say it, no matter who it is, I will help big brother find this place back."

"There are two reasons," Yakov shook his head and said, "On the one hand, the eldest brother is really homesick, and on the other hand, it is also because something happened in Japan, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is arresting me. I can't stay there any longer."

"Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department?" Guo Shouyun was stunned, he asked, "I said eldest brother, you are too capable, and for no reason, how did you get them on your head?"

"Also, what else can I do," Yakov's face showed a trace of excitement, he licked his lips and said, "Isn't it a woman."

"Women? This is a bit funny," Guo Shouyun said with a smirk. "Could it be that you violated the Japanese law when you found a lover? Or... did you use some unlawful means?"

"Look at the way I am now, can I find a good woman other than using illegal means?" Yakov was a little self-aware, he pointed to his ribs and fork, and smiled bitterly.

"That's okay, the big deal is to spend a little more money and it's settled." Standing up from the chair, Guo Shouyun walked to the side of the soup pool, stretched his legs, stepped into the hot pool, chose a comfortable position, and soaked his entire body After entering the water, he said disapprovingly, "Didn't Shana Riva take care of it for you, isn't that club responsible for protecting you? You leave things to them, are you still worried about the settlement?"

"It's true that they are in trouble this time." Yakov wanted to imitate his brother-in-law and soaked himself in the water, but for him, the water temperature was still a little high, so after a test, he In the end, he gave up the idea, "The little policeman's father is a member of Congress from the Liberal Democratic Party. Before I came back, the president was summoned, so I ran back."

"You, you," he stretched out his hand and pointed at the daring uncle, Guo Shouyun said with a laugh and tears, "Thank you for being from the KGB, have you forgotten about the situation before you start? "

"It's too late to say anything now," Yakov said with a wave of his hand. "It's just right, I don't plan to stay there anyway. Taking this opportunity, I just happened to go back to the Far East."

"But don't forget, the country is also looking for you, and the order is issued by the Ministry of Security. Their efficiency is much higher than that of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department," Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, shaking the clear water in front of him. .

"What's so scary about that?" Yakov shook his head and said, "I have been paying attention to the domestic situation during this time. I know that Moscow can't control the Far East now. As for the Ministry of Security, will it still be guarded? What do you think about Yun? For me, staying in the Far East is much safer than staying in Japan."

"You just want to come back?" Guo Shouyun smiled lightly, squinting and looking at his uncle, "Don't want to go to other places? For example, the Netherlands, the United States, Australia, New Zealand or something."

"I don't want to, I want to come back," Yakov said through gritted teeth. "I thought about it before. If I go on like this, I will be useless, so I plan to come back. With your help, it's only a matter of time before I make a comeback."

"Hehe, it looks like eldest brother is still ambitious," Guo Shouyun's mouth flashed a bit of sternness again, he smiled, "Well, come back when you come back, um, I look at the arrangements, I want to help you get rid of drug addiction , and then arrange a position for you in the group, so that you can do a good job."

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