Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 612: Fighting against strong soldiers

? Russia at the end of March has entered the coldest period before the arrival of winter and spring, and this year's coldest period seems destined to be an eventful period. With the completion of the deployment and defense work from the Far East and several major military regions along the Urals, Trans-Baikal, and the Volga River, the Kremlin's actions suddenly increased in the second half of March.

The Kremlin successively issued orders to dismiss a group of high-ranking officials, including Barannikov, and then, at the risk of threats from the representative meeting, on the 14th, Presidential decree dismissed Gaidar in one fell swoop. The White House government, appointed Chernomyrdin as the new prime minister, re-formed the White House government.

On the 16th, the Kremlin's order was issued again, depriving Vice President Rutskoy of his authority over the country's agricultural issues and strictly limiting his right to speak in the military. He became a real "grass-headed vice president".

After that, Ye's actions became more and more serious, and he aimed his gun directly at the military. Before the 20th, eleven high-level generals of the Moscow Garrison Military Region were dismissed. For this reason, Federal Minister of Defense Shaposhny Furious, Kov went to the Kremlin himself, threatening to resign, expecting Yeh to withdraw a similar dismissal order. However, his wishful thinking was ultimately in vain. The Ye family calmly accepted his resignation request, and shortly thereafter, appointed the former chief of staff of the General Staff, Lobov, as the acting defense minister, and carried out a comprehensive overhaul of the entire Ministry of Defense.

As was the case at the time of the incident, in the face of a tough policy from the Kremlin, especially the four reorganization divisions displayed in the area east of Moscow, the Moscow Garrison Military District and the Ministry of Defense, which have absolute initiative, did not take extreme measures. Unwilling to take responsibility, those generals who were dismissed eventually withdrew from this political contest, and thus, also took military dominance around Moscow. It was handed over to the Kremlin.

In the face of Ye's aggressive offensive, the congress led by Hasbulatov made two counterattacks: the first was the impeachment case against the federal president proposed by the presidium of the congress and the 24th; The second time, it was a special decision made by the representative meeting, which rejected Ye's request for a referendum. The 20 billion rubles originally planned for the referendum were allocated to the social security institutions.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the face of the Kremlin, which has an absolute military initiative, it is too weak for the Congress to counterattack. It was boycotted by the Far East and most of Siberia, Leningrad, that is to say. This impeachment case was brought up, but no one tried it, and no one approved it. And in the second counterattack policy. The 20 billion rubles of funds removed by the representative meeting will not hurt the foundation of the Kremlin at all. The current Ye family has the strong support of the three major financial groups behind the representative meeting. A 20 billion rubles is removed from the front of the representative meeting, and then the Kremlin can take it. to two twenty billion rubles. When it comes to competing for financial resources, the representative meeting will never be the opponent of the three major consortia.

From March 26, the dispute between the Kremlin and the meeting of delegates entered. On the same day, Chernomyrdin, the new White House owner who took office, officially stated his position. This self-politician, who was regarded as a "good man" in the past, finally saw the situation clearly and tore off all the pretense. In the first public statement of the government at the beginning of his tenure, Chernomyrdin said that he "firmly supports the president elected by the people and his position" and opposes anyone, any force, and any excuse for creating political tension atmosphere, and even create social unrest.

In return, the Kremlin subsequently proposed at a conference of delegates, demanding that the central bank and other federal financial institutions be replaced. It is incorporated into the management system of government work, which also includes the financial management department of the representative meeting. In order to enhance "persuasion", Ye even publicly declared in the meeting that if the representative meeting did not accept his suggestion, the serious consequences would be borne by the representative meeting alone.

In the face of naked threats from the Kremlin, the congress led by Hasbulatov finally resisted the pressure. They voted down Yeh's proposal and insisted that the central bank should remain an independent system. Department. Lead the financial construction of the Commonwealth.

Today's Kremlin is no longer the federal center that faced many difficulties. They have mastered the military power of the Moscow Garrison Military Region, which means they have the greatest say. In the face of political problems, the Bolshevik Party did not dare to resort to violent means, nor did the old generals who were dismissed from their posts, but the Kremlin did not care, in order to safeguard the "democracy and freedom" they advocated, and to safeguard the achievements of democratic construction. , at a critical moment, they do not care that the streets and alleys of Moscow are sprinkled with blood.

that's all. March twenty-eighth. Yeh made a public televised speech at the Kremlin President's Office. This is announced to all citizens of the Commonwealth. To protect the democratic process, independence and integrity of the Russian Federation. He has the right to announce the implementation of "special order orders" at critical moments. until all political crises are overcome. The so-called "special order order". In fact, it is a kind of martial law order similar to a dictatorship. in this command state. The president has the power to dismiss parliament. The right to declare a political party or organization illegal. and force it to dissolve. no doubt. This order is announced. It is equivalent to forcibly dispersing the conference of representatives for the Kremlin. The most basic legal basis has been found.

In response to the order of the Kremlin. Hasbulatov was quick to take a stand. According to him. This is Ye's and the people around him "calling for a riot". In order to ensure the fairness of the state power system. at the same time. It is also to protect the work safety of the delegates' meeting. He announced the formation of the Defense Ministry of the Congress of Representatives of the Russian Federation. And it is expected to recruit 2,000 military personnel.

Since then. It's a great time to come and go from winter to spring. The political struggle in Moscow has reached its peak. The Kremlin is in a power confrontation with the Council of Representatives. From the initial dark fight evolved into an open fight. The situation of the struggle between the two sides. Also began to fight with each other. Elevated to a real violent confrontation.

If the "text" is not good, then come to "Wuzui" and can't solve the problem, then "do it". Even moving guns and robes. This is the evolutionary routine of political struggle.

Just when Moscow was about to turn into a pot of porridge. Avoid Guo Shouyun in the Far East. On the contrary, it was quite moisturizing. As the Far East government's work arrangements for the first half of the year have ended. In addition, the severe winter and bitter cold affected the prosperity of foreign trade. so. He's had a fairly easy job at this time. It can even be said that there is basically nothing to do.

this man. Especially rich and powerful men. Once idle. A crooked idea will come to mind. Will think of some dirty deeds. And as such a man. Guo Shouyun is naturally unavoidable. Xu is to add a little fun to his boring life. He ran more frequently to Chumican during this time. Hollywood film and television studio. It seemed to be the best place for him to have fun. In the past life, those who can only be seen in movies, even if the harassment is all over the place, can't touch the edge of the Bond girl and the hot female supporting actress. Let him enjoy a rather "connotative" Hollywood style. while enjoying. This Far East bigwig with a deep female plot. Also felt a trace of deep regret. He pondered. Are those beauty stars who have become famous in movies. Not even a virgin? This is really "Damn it. Wait for the opportunity. Let's invest in a blockbuster of him. Push a pure and innocent little virgin to the screen."

Perhaps it was influenced by the atmosphere of the filming team. While Guo Shouyun was bored with having fun, he also played a small role in the play, a very simple one. The plot arranged for him by the crew is to play a small "running hall" who does not show his face in the underground operation room of the radar station. As soon as it rang, he tore the "blood bag" hidden in his clothes, then made an exaggerated gesture, and fell on the radar instrument, and the whole role-playing was over. With such a simple role, Guo Shouyun was quite happy after performing, and he was even impatient to see the film officially launched. It's just that the cruel reality later told him that a dragon's role is a dragon's role, and he will never become the protagonist. The small role he played did not appear in the official film. He even thought it was a humiliation for him by the filming party. But then, MGM gave him an answer, that is, when the film was being edited, the roll of film he appeared in was confiscated by the FBI, and the reason they gave was— - "It is a hindrance to national security."

"I play a small role that can't even show my face, and it also hinders the national security of the United States of America? What kind of truth is this?" Guo Shouyun was deeply resentful.

The relaxing holiday passed little by little while looking for romantic encounters and gags. When April officially arrived, Guo Shouyun was ready to return to work and lead the Far East to the next prosperity. The situation happened----the uncle Yakov, who had fled to Japan for nearly two years and was still wanted by the federal security department, suddenly sneaked back to Khabarovsk in secret.

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