Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 611: Beiyuan's new strategy

?Sun Hongyu understands that his statement is very unpleasant to some high-level officials. The "secondary reform" has been implemented for more than a year. Revolutionary officials who have not been completely "liberated" and entered the leadership level through "rolling in mud and rubbing calluses on one hand" and finally "refining a red heart" have not yet been able to understand the outlook on life of a character like Guo Shouyun. \\w/

At the end of her speech, she summed up the essence of the principle of dealing with Guo's with a very incisive sentence: "Don't talk about revolution, only seize opportunities; don't talk about dedication, only talk about cooperation; focus less on politics and focus on economy; , swept the snow by yourself." Sun Hongyu believes that only by fulfilling this "twenty-four-character" policy, can the cooperation between Beiyuan and Guo, and Beijing and Far East hope to lead to a real tomorrow. As for what will happen to "tomorrow", it depends on the comprehensive strength of "tomorrow" in China.

Frankly speaking, after Sun Hongyu said these words, she was also apprehensive. She was worried that her suggestion would be met with greater resistance and even more unpredictable consequences. However, it turns out that her anxiety was unnecessary. After the whole meeting, she received a "gift" from the Zhongnanhai Guard Bureau - a pair of improvised calligraphy and painting. In this calligraphy and painting, the "Twenty-Four Principles" she proposed appeared on the paper, and the last three-character title gave her unprecedented confidence.

"Sister Hong," walked into the hotel room with Sun Hongyu, Chang Yutong threw a large amount of luggage in his hand, ran to the front of the sand, and couldn't wait to find a comfortable seat to sit down. Rubbing his ankles, he asked, "How is the meeting going? Is there any good news? This time, we have been recalled in a hurry. Did you change your mind and plan to let you return to Beiyuan?"

"You ask so many questions in one go, how can I answer them?" He took off the leather boots on his feet. Put on the disposable paper mop provided by the hotel. Sun Hongyu laughed.

"Then answer the last one first," lying on the sand. Chang Yutong held her cheeks with both hands and giggled, "Be honest, do we have a chance to return to Harbin?"

"Hmm," he made a long voice. After adjusting the opponent's appetite, Sun Hongyu said. "Forget it, at least, the order has come down."

"The order has come down, what else is there to say?" Chang Yutong got up from the sand with a swoosh, and Chang Yutong put his arms around Sister Hong's shoulders. What are you talking about. Beiyuan matters. It’s impossible to leave us. It’s about dealing with Brother Guo. Besides Sister Hong, who else can go up on the ground? , what's the result? The current mess..."

"Don't talk nonsense," Sun Hongyu said angrily, reaching out and pinching on Xiao Nizi's leg, "Everyone is doing work, don't look at this kind of competition from a contradictory perspective."

"Yeah, yeah, it's all for work," Wrinkled her little nose, Chang Yutong said disapprovingly, "But I've heard that after people robbed you of your position, they didn't have such a noble idea, it's just short In a short period of one month, the dozen or so principals of Beiyuan Group at the time were all cleared out, and those who were dismissed were dismissed, and those who were dismissed were transferred. It's gone."

"What's the matter? Those who have been dismissed can be promoted again, and those who have been transferred can be transferred back." After sorting out the luggage Yutong had thrown in front of the sand, Sun Hongyu said calmly, "Now, it's better not to complain anymore. , hurry up and arrange the work at hand, we will go back to Harbin tomorrow... no, tonight.\\"

"So urgent?" Chang Yutong said stunned.

"Naturally, the tighter you grasp this kind of thing, the better." Turning her head to scratch the bridge of Xiao Nizi's nose, Sun Hongyu said with a smile, "Don't forget, there are a lot of people staring at us around now. Just a month or two, let’s say we have to show some results, otherwise, how can we convince the public?”

"Then I'll go get ready." Jumping up from the bed, Chang Yutong shouted and ran into the bedroom in a flash.

Seeing that the little girl was still so casual and innocent, Sun Hongyu shook her head helplessly, and picked up a photo frame in her luggage.

The photo on the photo frame was taken two years ago, and the location was also at the Beijing Hotel. There were only three people in the whole picture: myself, Guo Shouyun, and Yolinin, who is said to have been promoted to Chief of Staff of the Group Army. I don't know why, looking at Guo Shouyun's face with a faint smile in the photo, Sun Hongyu's mind was a little confused, she seemed to be in a trance, she seemed to have returned to the past, and returned to Harbin when she first met Guo Shouyun. \\

The change in Beijing’s foreign policy directly affects the cooperative relationship between Beiyuan and the Guo Group. As a leading figure, the transfer of Sun Hongyu means Beijing’s policy on the Guo Group will be hardened, and her re-appointment , it means the relaxation and adjustment of the relationship between the two parties.

After several months of soft and hard battles, especially after a series of reflections on the diplomatic line, Beijing has redefined the special position of the Guo family in Sino-Russian relations, and thus has completely changed its concept. .

"Dig deep holes, store grain widely, build high walls, and slowly become king." The twelve-character policy adopted by Liu Bang when he competed for the world has always been the core component of Chinese people's thinking of the mean. On the occasion, Beijing has gradually eroded China's manoeuvring space, and Beijing, which has gained strong confidence in the past ten years of reform, has finally returned to the right path, and once again put the strategy of "hide its strengths and bide its time" on the desk.

As Sun Hongyu knows, the Guo Group itself is also facing serious problems. As a decision of the group, Guo Shouyun cannot discuss international politics with Beijing, whether from the perspective of the overall situation or from the perspective of personal interests. The problem. \\The more demands and expectations Beijing places on him, the greater the pressure and resistance he faces. Under such circumstances, further cooperation between Beiyuan and Guo is out of the question.

So, what strategies can be adopted now to restore the previous cooperative relationship between Beiyuan and Guo? There is only one answer, and that is economic cooperation, extensive and mutually beneficial economic cooperation.

In just two days in Beijing, Sun Hongyu met twice with experts from the Sino-Russian Strategic Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. For the first time, the two sides gave a comprehensive and specific analysis of the economic situation in the Far East and the development of the Northeast region in the next five years. Planned economic development priorities. Through such analysis, they found a series of interest points, such as: the Far East heavy industry, the export of technology and equipment resources is relatively difficult, a large number of heavy industry enterprises originally owned by the Soviet Union are facing shortage of funds, production and investment chain Difficulty in breaking. And what about the Northeast? As the earliest heavy industry center in China, a large number of enterprises there are facing the problem of outdated equipment and outdated technology. If Beiyuan can discuss the prospect of cooperation with Guo based on this cooperation foundation, what will be the effect? Furthermore, with the continuous growth of the domestic population and the over-exploitation of agricultural arable land for economic construction, the per capita arable land in Northeast and North China has dropped sharply, and surplus rural labor has poured into cities, providing urban employment and social security. brought a heavy burden. Compared with this, the Far East is in a different situation, with vast land, densely deserted fields, scarce population, and backward agriculture. Previously, the Guo Group had invested a lot of energy and funds in order to boost the agricultural economy of the Far East. It worked, but it paid off. Based on this imbalance, is there no broader space for cooperation between the two sides? Finally, the current Far East is actively expanding its trade channels in the military field, the privatization of the four major aviation industry complexes in the Far East, the restart of the Amur Shipyard, and the restart of more than a dozen military heavy machinery factories, large and small. Military order contracts from international are required. Previously, Pyongyang's contract to purchase fighter jets from the Far East and India's order for Su-27 fighter jets all strongly proved this. Compared with the same period of last year, China is also facing the problem of upgrading military weapons. Similar voices from the military are getting louder and louder. The Navy General Staff has even formulated a ship technology development plan for 15 years. . In Sun Hongyu's view, Beiyuan is likely to reach an agreement with Guo on the issue of military cooperation.

Of course, some people may say that the issue of military cooperation is relatively sensitive. Will Guo Shouyun refuse to conduct similar cooperation with Beiyuan because of his estimation of Washington's attitude? In this regard, Sun Hongyu has her own understanding. She believes that Guo Shouyun's attitude towards Washington is based on a superficial cooperation, and for his own interests, he cannot follow Washington's instructions on all issues. The international arms market has always been a key project for military powers to generate foreign exchange income. In addition, due to the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the international arms trade has become dominated by the buyer's market. Therefore, Guo Shouyun, in order to increase the competitiveness of the military industry in the Far East , destined to not give too much consideration to the attitude of the Americans. Therefore, Beiyuan and Guo's cooperation in this regard is also quite promising.

In the face of international pressure, Guo Shouyun doesn't like the tendency of international politics, so don't talk to him, everyone will sit down on the issue of economic cooperation. With its geographical advantage, does Beijing still need to worry about the Far East's economic market being controlled by others? Steal? With the deepening of economic exchanges and the increasing influence of the two sides on each other's economic field, year after year, does Beijing still worry that the political stance of the Far East will deviate from its own expectations? There is no doubt that such concerns are simply unnecessary.

After two years of ups and downs, Sun Hongyu, who regained the initiative after an ups and downs in his career, finally determined a new strategy for the formal cooperation between Beiyuan and Guo.

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