Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 610: Bureau

"The reason?" Guo Shouyun asked with a frown. w/

"It's very simple, there are two reasons," Ye Liena shrugged and said, "First, the first choice will lead to a series of adverse reactions. After all, the Federation is not just a Far East Military Region, and it has interests in the Guo family. Yes, it is not just a Far Eastern military region, to a large extent, you also have to consider the interests of Mr. Khodorkovsky. His control over the North Sea Fleet and the Post-Baikal Military Region is not so firm. In this case, you and the Kremlin entangle this issue, which is bound to bring him trouble. If he learns from you, the Kremlin will have difficulties in making decisions. At the same time, it will be difficult for him to control the North Sea Fleet and the Post-Baikal Military Region. It will also increase. If he does not learn, his situation will be more passive. Second, if you choose the second method, on the one hand, you can tie the Far East Military Region to yourself more firmly, on the other hand, you can also It can give Washington a reassurance and dispel the unfavorable impression caused by the adjustment of the 34th Airborne Division. At the same time, it can also create an impression on the federal military that the Guo family is not subservient to the Kremlin. , can be stationed in the suburbs of Moscow for the 34th Airborne Division, and win more mediation space."

Guo Shouyun was stunned. To be honest, he also considered the advantages and disadvantages of the two options just now. In his opinion, the second option is nothing more than to further win over the Far East Military Region. At the same time, it will further intensify the independence tendency of the Far East. As for other reasons , he did not expect, to be precise, he did not consider that aspect. And this woman, she thought about it... too comprehensive.

The motorcade drove unhurriedly on the highway. On both sides of the highway outside the car, the leisurely citizens enjoyed the rare sunny day with a relaxed pace.

"Hey," Guo Shouyun broke the silence and sighed deeply when the convoy finally drove into the gate of the Guo Group headquarters.

"Have you decided?" Turning her head, Yelena asked with a smile.

"Well," Guo Shouyun snorted. It is an answer.

"Haha, a wise decision," Yelena smiled slightly, and she knew what kind of determination he made when she saw the man's mood.

"It's more appropriate to say that it was a helpless decision. Book" Guo Shouyun said angrily.

"It doesn't matter," the woman shrugged. He said with a smile, "Actually, in my opinion, every sensible decision often feels helpless when you first make up your mind, because being wise means adapting to the times, and the times are often not transformed by people's thinking. "

"Well, such an explanation is very innovative," Guo Shouyun smiled. He pretended to take out a small notepad from his pocket, gestured with the pen in his right hand, and said. "I have to write it down, even if it is a philosophical aphorism to reflect on myself three times a day."

"Whatever you want." Yelena showed a relieved smile on her face. She can detect it. The man beside him is maturing rapidly day by day. A style called "general style". It became more and more obvious in him.

Don't look at things from a personal point of view. Everything is about seeking truth from facts. Go with the times. This is the quality that a decision should have. Now Guo Shouyun. This quality is becoming more and more prominent.

At the same time Guo Shouyun and Ye Liena walked into the Guo Group headquarters building with a smile. Thousands of miles away in Beijing. Sun Hongyu in a white trench coat. Just waiting for the stairs. Enter the lobby of the Beijing Hotel.

This year is calculated according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It is leap March. therefore. Although it is mid to late March. But the weather in Beijing is still as dry and cold as the severe winter. but. For Sun Hongyu at this moment. Her heart was warm. Live for the past two months. She almost lost all confidence. And this time. Beijing reassigned her from Yunnan to Harbin. Put her back on the position of president of Beiyuan Group. This shows that an opportunity has come again. She didn't lose all her chances.

two hours ago. She just attended a meeting in Zhongnanhai hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and attended by leaders of several relevant departments. This is a real internal meeting. Eligible to attend the meeting place. Except for her who had just regained her status as president of Beiyuan Group. Only a few internal reference agencies are left to report.

at this meeting. Several experts have been leading the research on Sino-US relations. It presents a comprehensive analysis of several recent Washington decisions. Subsequently. Another researcher from Vietnam National Policy Observatory made additional remarks. from these words. Sun Hongyun keenly grasped a piece of information. That is Washington's tough stance on Beijing. It has already begun to show.

Just a month ago, Clinton, who had just entered the White House, issued a so-called "comprehensive engagement" policy toward China, declaring that "a strong, stable, modernizing and prosperous China is in the long-term interests of the United States" and demanded "Remove differences between the two sides in a broader strategic context." In the face of this statement from Washington, the China-US Strategic Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences quickly submitted a report, which comprehensively and profoundly expounded the meaning behind this "comprehensive policy" from various perspectives--- - That is, Washington's diplomatic thinking has changed, and their eyes have turned to East Asia in an all-round way. The so-called "comprehensive engagement" actually means "comprehensive intervention", which means that Washington has to point fingers at Beijing, and the Americans have to tell What should the Chinese do, what should not be done, what is wrong, and what should be done right away...

There is no doubt that this is a bad sign, a harbinger of a period of diplomatic crisis.

And just a few days ago, news from Vietnam also confirmed the accuracy of this speculation. With the change in Washington's policy, Vietnam's Nguyen Van Linh also felt the pressure. Those "pro-Soviet **" factions in his party who had been attacked in the previous stage had the signs of flirting with the Americans, and a verdict was overturned in the 1988 naval battle. The rhetoric began to spread in Hanoi.

The changes in the international diplomatic environment require urgent changes in domestic and foreign foreign policies. In the face of a series of international events in the past two years, Beijing feels that the steps taken in the previous stage may be too big. In general, despite more than ten years of reform and opening up, China's economy is developing rapidly, but in general, the gap with Western countries is still very large. There is nothing wrong with emancipating the mind, but while emancipating the mind, we must not forget the truth of seeking truth from facts and being beaten for falling behind, and it will not change at any time. The policy of keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile still needs to be maintained.

"Seeking the status of a political power must be matched with the foundation of an economic power and a military power. A political power, in the final analysis, is to have the right to speak, to have the power to speak, and to do this, you must have money and Guns, otherwise, everything is empty talk and has no meaning. Judging from the results of the diplomatic efforts of the past two years, this truth is being manifested, our political position in the world has not been expanded, on the contrary, it is being gradually replaced by the Americans cannibalization, which is a red flag and the biggest driver of our strategy to change.”

We must take economic cooperation as the forerunner, widen the room for maneuver in the diplomatic field, strengthen bilateral relations, and establish external trust. Only then can political issues keep up. With economic bait and strengthened economic ties, any political issue is fine. This is the best way to seek diplomatic space.

At the meeting, the leaders of several ministries and commissions who presided over the meeting made self-critical reflections on the issue of Russia. In their words, since the establishment of Beiyuan Group, there has been a long period of time, represented by Sun Hongyu and others. The Group's leadership has made remarkable achievements in broadening ties with Russia. The trip to Beijing of the three Russian giants and the successful convening of the Sino-Russian Entrepreneurs' Symposium are the best examples. However, in the previous stage, the consolidation of this achievement was hindered by Beijing's overstepping, which eventually led to the loss of diplomatic positions.

At present, with the interruption of bilateral cooperation between Guo's Group and Beiyuan Group, and the withdrawal of Huo's and Victorinox in several investment projects, the interaction space between Beijing and Moscow has been completely compressed, and their influence has been reduced to a minimum. Point, this is a very dangerous signal.

A few months ago, the Far East Pacific Fleet invited some high-level generals of the U.S. military stationed in Yokosuka, Japan, to enter and visit several major Far East military ports, including Vladivostok. Faced with this situation, Beijing believes that effective salvage measures must be taken to prevent the situation from developing in a worse direction.

At the end of the meeting, Sun Hongyu, as the main person in charge of the future work on the Far East, had a rare opportunity to speak. For the first time, she mustered up the courage and told a question with a realistic attitude. In the cooperation of the giants, the domestic problem is not that the pace is too big, but that "too much is required and too little to be given". If this problem cannot be completely solved, then Beiyuan's work in the future will still be face many difficulties. In the words of Sun Hongyu, the three Russian giants now face two choices: to cooperate with the Americans, they ask less and give more. Cooperation with Beijing requires more and less. But as an individual, it is estimated that it is easy to choose between the two. Therefore, in order to salvage this cooperative relationship, Beijing must make a major adjustment in policy. Either demand more and give more, or demand less and give less. Under such conditions, the Far East, based on geographical factors, Maybe choose another direction to move closer.

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