Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 67: Borrowing soldiers

?In the Kremlin, who does Old Man Ye trust most? Baranikov? Not also. That Skokov who first said after meeting with old man Ye: "Boris Nikolaevich, there are enemies all around you, and I am the only one loyal to you"? The answer is also yes and no. In the Kremlin, Ye's most trusted guard is Korzakov, a guard with a military background who has followed him into the Kremlin from Sverdlovsk.

On the surface, Korzakov is the Kremlin's security officer, and his duties and powers are equivalent to Polaninov beside Guo Shouyun, but behind the scenes, this security officer is the president's cronie. The real second-in-command of the Kremlin. For some things that are not easy to solve, or even difficult to say, Ye Shi will arrange this person to handle them, and he is full of trust in him as always.

Guo Shouyun had several contacts with this person before, and at the same time, in his previous life, he also read a book of this person----"Yeltsin Before Entering the Kremlin", it is in this book, He learned a lot about Ye's personal situation. But at that time, Mr. Ye was already lying in the grave, and today, the old man is still alive and even energetic, but the so-called "Shadow President" Korzakov has already sat in Guo Shouyun's reception room.

Logically speaking, in Guo Shouyun's house, in his private reception room, the main seat behind the desk can only be seated by Mr. Guo Da himself, but today's situation is obviously a bit special, Korzakov This "Crossing the River Dragon" who came from a long way was invited to that position in a grand manner. As for Guo Shouyun, a local snake, he was the last seat and sat on the right hand side of Khodorkovsky.

They are the special envoys of the President, two small businessmen covered in copper smell, naturally they have to ask them to sit on the table, otherwise, it would be a loss of dignity.

Guo Shouyun's chair behind the desk. It is a leather soft chair imported from Italy. It cost 17,000 US dollars for a broken chair with a relatively abstract shape. How comfortable is it for the guy to sit on it, and it has a refreshing feeling of sitting on a pile of money. ,so. Korzakov sat firmly on the ground and was very happy. But having said that, comfort is comfort, pleasure is pleasure, facing the two giants, he really dare not show the slightest arrogance, don't forget, this is the Far East, in this place, whoever annoys Guo Daguan is not good Fruit to eat. Even his presidential envoy is no exception.

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Khodorkovsky," quietly moved the **. Korzakov made his sitting position appear more comfortable, and immediately took another sip of the top red wine from Bordeaux that the Kremlin could not drink before clearing his throat and saying, "I think, the two of you must be very fond of me. There are many doubts about the purpose of this visit to the Far East. Actually, you don't have to have any guesses, let alone any concerns. Just as Mr. President said before my departure, the two are our friends and the most trustworthy. , and the friend you can rely on most."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes. Mr. Korzakov is right," Guo Shouyun said with a grin and a dry smile. In his heart, he was full of disdain for the other party's words. "Worry?" "Guess?" How do you say it, do you really think Korzakov has turned yourself into a beast, and it's worth worrying about...guessing?

"Hehe, that's right," Khodorkovsky followed closely, "but since we're friends, you might as well say it directly. There's no need for everyone to gossip, just go straight. It's refreshing. talk about problems and make transactions easily.”

Guo Shouyun is a Chinese after all, and the natural moderation in his temperament cannot be changed at any time. Therefore, he is not as casual as Khodorkovsky when it comes to dealing with people and things, and what he wants to say.

"Hey, it can be seen that Mr. Khodorkovsky's temperament is still as straightforward as before, and it has not changed at all from when he was in Moscow." Korzakov smiled without mind, "Okay, then If I have something to say, I will say it directly. I think the current situation in Moscow, the two gentlemen should know the back of the hand. "

"Let's know a little bit. It's not satisfactory." He secretly twisted Khodorkovsky behind his back. Guo Shouyun hurriedly smiled.

"Does Mr. Guo know? Now someone in Moscow is preparing for a coup d'état. They plan to smash the current leadership of the Kremlin. To usurp the democratic regime that we have just established. And restore the state system in the former Soviet Union." Face. Korzakov said solemnly and earnestly.

"How is this possible?" Guo Shouyun made a surprised expression. said sternly. "Something like this. Who is behind it? Does Mr. Korzakov have concrete evidence?"

"Is there any more evidence for this?" Khodorkovsky whispered. "As far as I know. Moscow is planning a coup. It has never disappeared in two years. As for who is behind it. It is not easy to answer. Maybe. It is more appropriate to ask who is not. After all, there is no need to list There's a long list of places."

The **** curled together. Guo Shouyun pinched the restless boy again. At the same time, he gave him a stern look. Signal him to shut up.

"There are some problems with this. It's not easy to say it directly." Khodorkovsky's nonsense was filtered directly. Korzakov continued. "I just conveyed what Mr. President meant. Well. Last night. The two gentlemen of the attack on the Ata border post must have also known about it. Affected by this incident, Mr. President has decided to launch a full-scale deployment of the undisciplined federal military. Reorganization. Specifically, it includes two aspects: First, there is a problem in removing part of the army. Or it may be an older army general. Second, the military discipline of the army is rectified. The first step in the content. Earlier today, Barannikov has submitted his resignation to the Presidential Office. At the same time, the commander-in-chief of the Border Guard Shlyakhtin has also been relieved of his post.”

"Well, Mr. President's decision is quite necessary," Guo Shouyun said without hesitation, widening his eyes, "Actually, as a businessman living in the Far East, I have long felt the problems within the army, and the Far East As far as the military is concerned, you..."

"Hehe, Mr. Guo must have misunderstood." Before Guo Shouyun could finish speaking, Korzakov said with a hahaha, "Actually, the rectification of the military this time is limited to the border defense system and the defense system near Moscow. As for the comprehensive purge of the garrison, um, due to the limited energy of the Kremlin, it may be difficult to achieve in the near future."

"Oh? That's a pity," shrugging his shoulders, Guo Shouyun said disappointedly.

"It's not that we don't pay attention to Mr.'s interests," Korzakov said with a sigh, "We have heard more or less of the problems in the Far East Military Region. However, under the current circumstances, The Kremlin has not been able to take into account the complex issues here for the time being. Furthermore, the rectification of the military is not as simple as the rectification of ZF officials. Just like this time, Mr. President just dismissed a problem that had serious problems in itself. The derelict Shlyakhtin has already seen unstable emotions within the military. Among them, the most serious problem is the Moscow Garrison Military District. We have received accurate information that General Acharov is currently in contact with some restless people. General officer, the purpose is to instigate a military coup that will lead the entire Federation to the abyss of disaster."

"As expected," Guo Shouyun sighed in his heart. If he had doubts about his guesses before, now, he can be 100% sure----Kremlin, so poisonous.

"Now that you are aware of the danger, you should deal with it," Khodorkovsky said, unable to control his mouth. "At this juncture, can you solve the problem by coming to the Far East? Are you planning to let We send a sum of money to the Moscow Garrison, and let the soldiers pick up the money and put down their guns?"

"Of course it's impossible," Korzakov laughed. "Mr. President means that he intends to replace a group of generals in the Moscow Garrison Military District in the near future to avoid the danger of a coup d'etat."

"Well, it's a good strategy to draw wages from the bottom of the pot." Guo Shouyun clapped his hands and complimented him hypocritically.

"However, no matter how good the strategy is, the help of the two cannot be lacking," Korzakov said. "You must know that there seems to be an unstable situation in the garrison. If we suddenly order the replacement of the generals, it is difficult to predict. Will it cause major problems? Therefore, in order to prevent this situation from happening, Mr. President hopes to dispatch a force from each of the four military regions of Trans-Baikal, the Far East, along the Volga River, and the Urals, and secretly station them in the eastern suburbs of Moscow. Suppressing the garrison military area." Huh? "Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky said in unison.

"Two gentlemen," said Korzakov, "it is now a critical moment when the state power is on the verge of collapse, and you must believe that once the coup d'etat occurs and the Kremlin's political system is destroyed, then the two Your interests will also lose the greatest guarantee. Those stubborn Bolsheviks will never let you exist in the federation. Therefore, in the next two weeks, no matter what method you use, you must let the troops enter the designated assembly. region, and the top secrecy of the operation must be guaranteed. Otherwise, the consequences may be unimaginable.”

As he said so, he took out a map from his arms, unfolded it, and placed it on the desk in front of him.

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