Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 66: sensational

"Oh?" A hint of surprise flashed on Hornikova's face, and she asked enthusiastically, "Honey, tell me, what did you see?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Guo Shouyun said, putting on a serious expression, "Are you planning to use some crooked brains again?"

"Why," the woman scolded him and punched him in the chest, and said coquettishly, "People are now in Moscow, and the people who deal with them all day are also powerful in all aspects, you think, in this case , people naturally need to know more, otherwise, how to choose a direction. /qβ5, /”

"Well, reluctance can be regarded as a reason," Guo Shouyun said with a slight smile on the woman's nose, "Well, I will teach you a good lesson today, so that you know your own shortcomings. ."

"I'm all ears," said Hornikova, who got up from the man's arms and sat upright with a very serious expression on her face.

There is no doubt that Hornikova is happy. In the current Russia, if anyone has the most complete grasp of the political situation, Guo Shouyun is definitely one of them. One question is surprisingly difficult. As a woman, she has the opportunity to listen to Guo Shouyun talking about politics, which is a rare opportunity in itself.

During this period of time, Guo Shouyun was very concerned about the situation in Moscow. In order to be able to keep abreast of the situation there, he restarted the past methods of collecting information from both the open and the dark. For this reason, Polaninov No less busy work with Nikita.

Last night, Polaninov called him at 2 o'clock in the middle of the night and reported to him a surprising news that a post of the Federal Border Guard in the border area of ​​Afghanistan and Tajikistan was suddenly attacked by the Afghan Taliban. , Twelve border guard soldiers were killed and nearly 30 soldiers were wounded. After getting this news, Guo Shouyun almost didn't sleep, of course. He didn't feel sorry for those lost lives, so he couldn't sleep in melancholy, he thought of the serious consequences of this incident.

For Russians, Afghanistan is a wound that can never be healed, just as the Vietnam War affected Americans. And since the end of the war in Afghanistan in 1988, including the former Soviet Union. The Russian military rarely mentions the issue of Afghanistan, and its purpose is to avoid this scar and not give the Chinese people an excuse to criticize it.

But now, in the face of the upcoming political storm in Moscow, the extreme military forces in Afghanistan have suddenly attacked the Russian border posts, and also caused heavy casualties to the Russian border guards. Just imagine, if this incident was exposed. . What are the immediate consequences? There is no doubt that for someone in the military to stand up and take responsibility for this, they must take the blame and resign. Quit the military forever.

From another perspective, what is the reason for the Taliban, which is entrenched in Afghanistan and started as a guerrilla group, to attack Russia's border posts? You must know that Afghanistan is still fighting a civil war, the Taliban has not yet captured Kabul, and the Afghan government that came to power under the support of the former Soviet Union has not completely collapsed. Under such circumstances, is the Taliban dizzy? Running here to provoke a powerful enemy?

Almost in an instant. A lot of questions popped up in Guo Shouyun's mind: Was the attack on the outpost really the work of the Taliban? Why do they do this? behind the scenes of the event. Is someone instigating the push? If there is. Who is this guy. From which side? these questions. Guo Shouyun thought he needed to know the answer. Because they are directly related to the major adjustments that the Russian military may come at any time.

After some careful deliberation. Guo Shouyun listed two possibilities. Two more possibilities. Introduced the most direct and most probable answer.

As in what is now the Russian Federation. The Border Guard is under the jurisdiction of the Security Bureau. That is to say. If in order to strike Barannikov, get rid of an arm of the Kremlin. Hasbulatov's faction. It is possible that this event will be pushed behind the scenes. At the same time. Because the border guards also belong to the military system. The Kremlin is trying to restructure the military. Grasp greater military power. It is also possible that such a conspiracy might be planned. Thus, the spearhead is aimed directly at the military.

In some ways. Both possibilities exist simultaneously. The odds are between five and five. But thinking further. Get in touch with the current local environment. An eerie answer emerged—there was something wrong with Barannikov himself. under these circumstances. Is it possible that the Kremlin intends to use "waste". Take advantage of the opportunity before he is completely finished. What about the director's unexpectedly good play?

It is possible. And it's quite possible. Guo Shouyun finally came to such a conclusion. He pondered. If you are the owner of the Kremlin. In the face of the current situation where Barannikov cannot be kept and the security situation cannot be kept. It is estimated that he will also take this kind of bottom-up plan. Isn't the opponent planning to take the Security Bureau? Isn't it intended to take away a military force in the hands of the Kremlin? Well. Since he can't keep them. Then just throw it out. Overwhelm the small. Come back with a larger stack of chips.

The Kremlin intends to be. They should make the Barannikov problem bigger. Since you can't keep him. It might as well add more charges to him. to click on the face. trigger a chain reaction. Leverage the power of the entire Russian military.

After thinking of this possibility, Guo Shouyun began to think again, if he was the owner of the Kremlin, what would he do after the attack on the outpost? This question is not difficult for him to think about: first, get rid of Barannikov, and after charging him with a charge of accepting bribes, then press the last charge of ineffective intelligence search and lax military governance; secondly, With lightning speed, the public released the half-truth investigation results of the "post attack incident", and took the management loopholes of the border guards as a rocker to set off a series of backup plans for the army; finally, to adjust the military deployment, On the grounds of strengthening military training, the defense of the border guards and some local garrisoned troops was mobilized, and the troops that tended to Achalov in the Moscow Garrison Military District and the suburbs of Moscow were transferred away to take away their military influence in the Moscow region.

Obviously, when this series of issues are resolved, the situation in the Kremlin will improve. They will have an absolute military advantage in the Moscow region. During this period, coupled with the cover of a presidential identity, Ye will be able to control the situation. With all the initiative, he can even use military means at a critical moment to forcibly disperse the opposition in order to maintain his dominance.

But this morning, news from Moscow confirmed that Guo Shouyun’s guess had some deviations. The Kremlin did not directly operate on Barannikov, but started a negotiation with Hasbulatov. At nine o'clock in the morning, Mr. Ye called Hasbulatov, Lutskoy, Heydar and others to discuss behind closed doors in the "Green Room" of the Grand Kremlin. Perhaps because no compromise was reached in this consultation, the Kremlin immediately announced the details of the attack on the outpost, and issued a presidential decree to dismiss the commander-in-chief of the Border Guard Shliakhtin, and let him go straight to the end. Retirement has passed.

In response to this slight deviation in the speculation, Guo Shouyun considered two issues: First, he guessed that the current situation in Moscow is more tense than what he had learned before. The secret war between the Kremlin and the Congress must have already It was cut off when it entered the white heat, and it could even be said that Hasbulatov and others might have joined forces to force Ye's palace. Second, in the face of increasing pressure, on the one hand, we are prepared to gamble, and on the other hand, we hope to delay the time. Therefore, the "Green Room Consultation" event came to life.

Now, the Green Room negotiation has failed, and the Kremlin has begun to take action against the military. In the future, the Congress will either unite with the military in a coup d'etat, or **** the current leadership of the Kremlin, or else, we will have to wait. It was cleaned by Ye's iron blood.

"Honey, how likely do you think this is?" After listening to Guo Shouyun's speculation, Hornikova's small mouth was wide open, and it was not closed for a long time. To her, the speculation that the Kremlin supported the instigation of the outpost attack was so sensational that she would not have believed it 100 percent of the time.

"Hehe, you didn't listen to me, this is just speculation. As for how likely it is, only the person involved can give an accurate answer," Guo Shouyun smiled slightly, stood up and said, "However, in my eyes, any incident in this world has a problem of attribution of interests. As a serious military incident, the attack on the outpost will definitely bring benefits to some people, and will also It hurts the interests of another part of the people, as for who is behind this incident, let’s see who wins and who loses, hehe, you can also guess.”

"then me"

Hornikova obviously planned to ask some more questions, but just as she spoke, Polaninov's voice floated over the open snow field.

"Sir," trotting all the way to Guo Shouyun's side, Polaninov said hurriedly before he could catch his breath, "Khodorkovsky called from Khabarovsk, and he asked You go back now."

"Oh? Didn't this guy return to the nest, why did he come back so quickly?" Guo Shouyun asked in surprise.

"Here comes Korzakov," said Polaninov. "Mr. Khodorkovsky came with him."

"It seems that my speculation is not too far off." After a moment of silence, Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled.

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