Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 68: Airborne Division's Travel Plan

?" Thirty-five kilometers east of Kishkino, on the north bank of the Moscow River, one hundred and forty-five kilometers from the city of Moscow, and to the north, sixty-seven kilometers, is the 54th Guard Missile of Teykovo The first regiment of the division is stationed. The regiment was replaced with ss-25 vehicle-mounted strategic missiles five years ago. It has nine missile battalions and is fully equipped, but there is no threat to our scheduled station. /. , Sijakhov held a bright silver whip, pointed to the enlarged topographical map of the suburbs of Moscow behind him, and explained it eloquently, "Fifty-three kilometers to the south, this is the location where the Kremlin predicts Given the garrison of the 23rd Mountain Infantry Division of the Trans-Baikal Military Region, from the current situation, they also pose no threat to our garrison. However, from our scheduled garrison to the east, northeast and southeast, the It belongs to the defense area of ​​the second and sixth mechanized infantry divisions of the Moscow Garrison Military Region. Once something happens, they may advance to the front of our defense area within an hour, thus posing the most direct threat to us. "

"One of the most important problems now is that we are too far away from the defense zone. Even if we leave from the Jovosh Air Force Base in Yakutia, the entire support radius is more than 6,800 kilometers. Any transport aircraft must be in the Ural Military Region. Transfer station, the one-way sailing time will be more than 16 hours, and it is impossible to provide any effective support for front-line operations. **** Besides, this way, we have to pass through the large-scale prevention and control area of ​​the Moscow Garrison Military Region. You are welcome. To put it bluntly, we can't even find a landing spot." General Tyomenko sat at the oval conference table, resting his cheeks with one hand, frowning and said, "In other words, the airborne division we dispatched is a A target, a beautiful but impractical decoration. It’s okay to put it there to scare people. If something really happened, I’m afraid it won’t last for two days.”

The two generals' remarks aroused many discussions among the commanders of the second-level troops and the combat staff of the military region. Obviously, everyone agreed with the views of the two generals.

Guo Shouyun's position is still set at the door of the conference room today, because he entered at the beginning of the meeting, so he was equivalent to attending the entire meeting, before and after. He listened clearly to the questions these generals said.

According to the previous agreement between Guo Shouyun, Korzakov and Khodorkovsky, the troops that the Far East Military Region will send to Moscow this time are the 34th Airborne Division under the Military Region, which is currently stationed there. In Yakutia, two days ago, after the military region's deployment order, this unit has entered the preparation period before the departure. Their itinerary is. First move to the Jovosh Air Force Base in Yakutia. It then lifted off there, headed to the Ural Military District, and finally headed to a predetermined assembly area on the outskirts of Moscow.

To be honest, being able to go to Moscow is for every soldier and officer in the Far Eastern Military Region. It's all a bad thing, in the past. Moscow and the Far East seem to have the difference between heaven and hell, but now, there are not many people who really want to go there. In addition, the situation is special this time, and the task is very dangerous, so everyone hopes this The unfortunate errand falls on his own head.

Compared with the attitude of the military region, Guo Shouyun himself felt that this operation was not very dangerous. He even felt that the military region held this series of combat staff meetings was superfluous-is it necessary? Now it's just to send some people over to support the scene. To put it more plainly, it is to support the Kremlin. \\Is it really going to be a war? What a joke. That was Moscow, the capital of the Federation. Seven or eight divisions on both sides are crowded into that place to fight a bad battle. Does this country still want it? Who can bear such a great responsibility?

Soldiers think differently than politicians. It can be expected that the Kremlin did not want to fight a war by making such a big move this time. What they really need is a deterrent force to make the Moscow Garrison realize that the political situation in Moscow is not dependent on them sending some small soldiers. What can be done, whoever intends to use violence to solve the problem, may lead to a large-scale war. With such a threat placed there, the heads of the Moscow Garrison Military District did not dare to act rashly, and they also had to consider the question of how to shoulder the responsibility. As for the generals of the Far East Military Region, they did not think so. When they heard that an airborne division would be mobilized into the suburbs of Moscow, they first thought that the land was war. Responsible for the formulation of strategies and tactics, the two groups studied together for two days, with the aim of formulating a set of strategies and tactics to deal with the sudden war situation. Looking at their nervous posture, Guo Shouyun felt a little funny, as if the war was going to explode tomorrow. *****

Recalling what Tieliamenko and Sijakhov said to him two days ago, Guo Shouyun felt a little uneasy about this action. As the two generals said, Moscow is different from other places. In the former Soviet Union, any troop movement required three orders from the Central Committee, the Ministry of National Defense, and the General Staff Headquarters. Without one of the three, the troops could not move. . As for those orders to enter the suburbs of Moscow, not only the three warrants, but also the express approval of the Union and the National House of Representatives, otherwise, such an action would be a rebellion. , will be shot, no other words. Now, the control in this area is obviously not so strict, but there are still big problems in the area near Moscow.

Take the firing of a gun, for example, in the Far East, the soldiers of the subordinate units lacked a sense of discipline. Usually, those soldiers were idle and had nothing to do with rifles and birds, and no one cared. Everyone listened. But in Moscow, this must never happen, and even a mishap, the parties involved will be severely punished. In addition, the political situation in Moscow is now unpredictable, and various demonstrations are happening from time to time. If a soldier fires a gun, that's a big deal. Is such a thing possible? Guo Shouyun believes that the possibility is very high. The soldiers in the Far East are nothing but one word - "ruffian", and they are very ruffians, free-spirited and sturdy. If they are allowed to enter Moscow, they will encounter several other Far East soldiers. If there are no demonstrations in 2010, anything can happen.

In order to prevent this from happening, Guo Shouyun once planned to take a preventive measure, that is, to the soldiers of the Airborne Division, to take the practice of wearing guns without ammunition, in order to eliminate the possibility of this situation happening. However, this proposal of his was opposed by the entire Far Eastern Military Region commander system, so it was finally stranded.

"Okay, generals," Guo Shouyun couldn't sit still as the day was running out again, he patted his knees, stood up from his chair, and said casually, "Stop worrying about these indifferent issues. It's too entangled. As I said before, although the situation in Moscow is tense and complicated, it is still far from the outbreak of a military conflict. There is absolutely no need for you to worry too much. Some people say that the garrison mission this time is actually A trip, although a similar statement is somewhat irresponsible, it is not far from the truth. What you need to do now is to transport the troops to the designated location within the designated time, as for the other, like what kind of combat deployment There is absolutely no need to prepare. I only have one principle now, the 34th Airborne Division can move over, it can wave the flag for the Kremlin, and it can also stand in line at certain specific times, but it must not directly participate in the parties in Moscow. In the struggle of forces. The heads of the 34th Airborne Division need to pay special attention to this point. I don’t care what reason you have or how much pressure you are under. Contact with any party in Moscow. Even in special circumstances, you must report to the military region first, and then take action after receiving approval.”

"Then what if I encounter a provocation from the enemy troops?" Someone at the conference table expressed dissent.

"How can there be any enemy troops," Guo Shouyun said in an unpleasant tone, "The troops stationed there are all troops from the Federal Garrison Military Region. Are they also enemies?"

In fact, the fundamental reason why some people raise such a question is that a Far East independence idea is at work. In the eyes of these officers who single-handedly promote the Far East independence, the federal troops outside the Far East are no longer "friendly forces", but can be at any time. Against opponents on the battlefield. Perhaps, perhaps this time the military region spent two days studying the operational deployment, which is also based on this consideration.

"Even if someone provokes you, you can't respond," Guo Shouyun continued after a pause, "The disputes in Moscow belong to the Muscovites, and have nothing to do with us. I want you to come over, just for appearance, not for the sake of For those who are actually fighting, take 10,000 steps back and say, even if there is a real military operation, I don't need you to participate. Even if it is the last point to add, once the situation gets out of control, you will bring the troops to me in the shortest possible time. Come back... so, you should all understand, right?"

"The disputes in Moscow belong to the Muscovites." This made the generals present very pleasant to hear. It is not that the boss is not aware of the demands of the military region. At the same time, he really wants to reorganize a large army this time. Public-funded travel ---- cheering when the situation is favorable, and running away if the situation is not good, this is indeed an easy and beautiful business.

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