Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 599: On the Road

?The place where Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky bathed was a high-end private clubhouse in Khabarovsk that had just entered the trial operation stage. The sponsor of the clubhouse was a North Korean named Jin Chengji. I entered Khabarovsk two months ago, and directly through Li Shengyan's relationship, I bought two connected buildings in the prosperous area of ​​the city, and based on this, I opened this private bathroom, hotel and restaurant. Hall. /w\\

On weekdays, this private club called "Jin Dalai" only accepts North Korean businessmen and politicians who enter the Far East from North Korea to engage in commercial trade and diplomatic visits. As for ordinary people, they are not allowed to enter, but as the head of the Far East. People, Guo Shouyun is naturally not within the scope of exclusion, so he often brings people here to experience some unique Korean-style bathing services during this time.

Maybe it was because of his influence. After Khodorkovsky came here a few times, he also fell in love with this place. In his eyes, the so-called "barrel bath" unique here is very romantic and comfortable. For the cold winter in the Far East and Siberia, if you have the opportunity to sit in a big bamboo bucket full of hot water and take a bath with spring flowers for an hour, it is indeed a very good enjoyment. Of course, the biggest feature of this kind of bucket bath is the girls who accompany the bath. Imagine sitting in a half-person-height, water-covered clear water, accompanied by two plain white "Ze Gaoli" clips, A long pleated skirt, a little girl with boat shoes under her feet, giving herself a gentle bath and massage, what a pleasant enjoyment. Because of this, Khodorkovsky has been planning to cooperate with that Jin Chengji all this time, and build several similar large "bathhouses" in his control area in Siberia.

However, his whimsical idea was swept away by Guo Shouyun. According to the big boss Guo, the background of this Kim Chengji is not simple. He has a background in the North Korean military. Dalai" private clubhouse. It is not that simple. This place is estimated to be a main office of Pyongyang in Khabarovsk. Similar to this kind of place, whether it is the Far East or Siberia, it is better to have two less.

"When are you going to Nordwijk?" Refreshingly took a hot bath. After another relaxing massage, Guo Shouyun asked Khodorkovsky, who was half a step in front of him, as he stepped out of the "Jindalai" private clubhouse.

Nordvik, a port city on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, has been Khodorkovsky's hiding place for a long time. The power struggle in Moscow is accompanied by the confrontation of military forces behind him. He can feel the inconvenience there. Safety, so this kid also learned Vinogradov, saying that he would not go back to Moscow. As for the reason why he chose Nordwick. It is because it is a major military port of the Northern Fleet, and at the same time, it is also an air base in the Transbaikal Military District. Staying in this place, he had a real sense of security in his heart, "Let's go in two days." The head just dried was still a little damp, and the cold wind outside the city made him feel very uncomfortable. Khodorkovsky twitched the round mink hat on his hands, put it on his head, rubbed his neck, and said, "It's been snowing heavily over there these two days. I hate that kind of weather. Well, two days later. God, I plan to go to Frankfurt first, I just bought some properties there recently, I have to go to receive it first, and then go back."

"Well, it's better to go back early," Guo Shouyun nodded and walked to the car door, "I've been feeling a little uneasy lately. It felt like something big was going to happen. I thought about it, there might be a problem. on the Kremlin."

"Oh?" Khodorkovsky got into the car, leaned on the soft ground seat, turned his head and said, "What did you think of?"

"If I think of something, am I still waiting here?" Guo Shouyun sat beside him, playing with the small charcoal stove that the bodyguard handed over, and said in a sullen mood. "The problem now is that I don't know what the problem is. I just feel something is wrong, you tell me. What can I say?"

"It's unfounded," Khodorkovsky shook his head when he heard the words, he said disapprovingly, "Don't say that Moscow has no time to take care of us now, even if they have the heart to turn their heads, I'm afraid they don't have that much energy to pry. The Far East, as for Siberia, although my power started late, it is not so easy to put it out. If the Kremlin was wise, they would not have chosen this time to get in trouble."

"Man, there is no harm in being more cautious." He reached out and patted his old friend's shoulder lightly, Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "You, it's just too impetuous in your heart, and if it sounds ugly, you're just eager for quick success, don't know what Be careful, this kind of mentality will make you suffer a lot sooner or later."

"Moderate caution is called caution. Excessive caution is cowardice. Haven't you seen the precedent of Smolensky? He is overly cautious." Khodorkovsky waved his hand. said nonchalantly. "In my opinion. In the future, even if I am downcast because of my daring. I don't want to be bullied because of my cowardice like he did."

Guo Shouyun didn't say anything more. He knew Khodorkovsky's temperament. This guy is one of those thorns. Unwilling to give in to anyone. in his eyes. There are not many people worth looking at in this world. therefore. He seldom had that kind of indecision and indecision. perhaps. That's what he was able to do at such a young age. The reason for the rapid rise. At the same time. This is also the main reason for his bleak ending in the end.

"Actually, according to me. During this time, you should pay attention to the gang of Shana Riva." Khodorkovsky was silent for a while. Reach out and pat his knees. said. "The Kremlin's alliance with Zhirinovsky. It is estimated that it will have a great impact on the alliance of the lower-level Mafia in the federation. These people are desperadoes. They do things without any scruples. You have to beware of their means."

Guo Shouyun nodded. He understands that Khodorkovsky's remarks are not without possibility. As the darkest side of a national system. The mafia is not like politicians who are in public all day long. The way these guys do things is straightforward. Also very spicy. They don't consider any public impact. Not to mention political issues. Move the knife when it's time to move. Fire when it's time to fire. Never have to negotiate. to this end. deal with these guys. Just have to be careful.

"Also. Please contact Washington again during this time. Find out what they say. It is best to find out what they are treating Hasbulatov. Especially with regard to Smolensky's attitude. "Thinking for a moment. Khodorkovsky said again. "Since we have now chosen to temporarily cooperate with the Americans. That is in many things. We can't simply choose to be against them. When necessary, we have to look at their faces."

"You don't need to say this. I'm very clear." Guo Shouyun nodded and said. "But according to my calculations. The woman Joni didn't come during this time. Siquina didn't come either. This shows that Washington is still relatively satisfied with our approach. Well. Again. Clinton just took office. He still needs to take time. Unify the power of the White House and the Pentagon. By the way. We also need to pacify the potential threats in the United States. I have received news. The White House has already started to attack the Morgan family. The Pacific Fleet has received military orders and funding sources this year. The Rockefeller family has been absorbed. Morgan's influence has been challenged. In addition to domestic, Washington's main task now is to adjust its diplomacy. It's not that they have to think about key issues first."

"That can't be neglected," Khodorkovsky said. "You know, we have completely cut off contact with Beijing now. Not only you, but even a few of my investments there are withdrawing. Now, the Japanese are also smelling the smell, and their people are negotiating with me about two cooperation intentions that were negotiated with Beijing Metropolis Steel Company, and I have not yet made a final answer."

"Don't answer if you don't answer," Guo Shouyun said casually, "For us, any attitude from Japan is tasteless, Moscow will never look down on them, and Beijing is even less likely to act in their eyes. As for Washington, hehe, we have no contact with Tokyo, maybe it is what the Americans expect, on the contrary, if we get too close to Tokyo, the Americans will be afraid. So ah, my attitude has always been , that is, try not to talk about cooperation with the Japanese. An economic powerhouse, a political dwarf, we can't use them, ignore them, and leave them on the beach."

"Hehe, it seems that our ideas coincide again," Khodorkovsky clapped his hands and smiled, "but I'm still talking with them now, not for anything else, just to create some pressure on Beijing. , forcing them to sit at the negotiating table again, for us, it is still not enough to leave Beijing.”

Nodding in agreement, Guo Shouyun did not speak.

The convoy drove slowly on the road and finally entered the compound of the Guo Group headquarters.

"That's right, there's one more thing," Khodorkovsky seemed to think of something when he was about to get out of the car. He grabbed Guo Shouyun's sleeve and said, "Go back and prepare something for me, this time. I'll take it with me to Frankfurt."

"What?" Guo Shouyun asked in surprise.

"That's all," Khodorkovsky said, touching his pockets and pulling a list from the lining of his jacket. "It's trivial to you."

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